Alice pack medium with no frame
Alice clips
USGI pouches
20 degree sleeping bag
Tactikka RGB petzl headlamp
Leathermen mutitool
Two P-51's
Pocket stove
Two skanks of the color black
GI cook set
Sillcock key
I use cardboard instead of a bedroll
Plastic bags of various sizes
DIY bag with patches, pins, dental floss, needles. And other craft shit for jewelry i make to sell.
Dry bags
GI cook set
Five stuff sacks
100 feet worth of 550 paracord
One gallon jug of water with handle
Pocket atlas
A bottle of whiskey and vodka
A bag of bud
Rolling paper.
Food? I dont really carry any.. it's everywhere..unless i am going out far from society..but if i do its beans and rice, lentils, sweet potatos..spices
Hard boiled eggs.. oatmeal and electrolyte drink mix.
My medkit..some of the things in it include compression bandages, antiseptic, hemostat clamp for clamping blood vessels/arterys in case of the worst.. also a tourniquet, rubber gloves..epinephrine shots.. heavy gauze.. burn salve, skin closure kit..all that fits in a small pouch.. I have a few other things in my med bag.
As far as clothes.. lots of GI wool socks and nylon ankle socks.. cargo pants.. a pair of shorts .. cheap nylon shirts stay away from cotton. I free ball it so no undies..a belt or suspenders ..a nice pair of combat boots and my vest.. all of this is black in color and OD green ..
Toiletries Inculde
Tooth brush
Tooth paste
Nail clippers
It all fits in my pack with room to spare.. under 20 pounds.. when i stared out in 08 i had 65 pounds of useless shit in a large alice