Salton Sea area?
There are several itsy-bitsy communities on its shores, but being that it lies over 200 feet below sea-level makes it the third hottest place in North America and almost non-stop windy too! (Hard to keep your tarps anchored in this type climate)!
When/if you have ever ridden from Colton Yards east toward Yuma or Yuma to Colton, you pass on its shores as well. Quite by mistake the Salton Sea became what it is today being that the irrigation canal dikes that were built for watering crops long ago ruptured and flooded this area in, I believe like 1900 or 1910 and the Salton Sea was born!
It is very, very hot in the summer, very hot in the fall, very hot in the spring and very, very warm in the winter here, not to mention almost as dry as a raisin fart!
You could do it if you were wanting to badly enough I guess, but the wind, heat and loneliness would become a real issue here.
PS......The haze and smog are terrible here as well as no telling what types of pollution that eek their way into the water of this sea. Also remember with the constant wind blowing, salt particles are always going to be everywhere and on everything you own! (Makes your radio or IPod work really nice, haha)!
There are boaters/skiers along its shores too and most populated areas will be tourists. The water of the Salton Sea is saltier than normal ocean water, but not as salty as the Great Salt Lake in Utah. (I forgot exactly what its ratio of salt to water is/was, it really does not matter being that every year it gets saltier like by 1% I believe)!
Good luck if you plan a squat try-out here anyway!