yeah, sailing to the americas. it seems that almost every boat that goes from africa or Europe, stops over in the azores, many in the canaries. so the route would be morocco, canaries, azores, then on to somewhere in south america. (this final destination could be anywhere, personally, I would head for somewhere poor with little control over their ports).
Dont really want to get that much more into it on public forums, but if you want more info you can email me:
also by email, if you are interested, there is a rainbow gathering that started about a week ago in morocco. Im not normally the rainbow type myself, but the people I have met in Europe that are going to these things are not all just the peace and love hippies you find in the US, they actualy seem to be pretty cool.
I hvave directions,that you should not be able to find publicly, and will send them along to you if you want.
other than that, I have never been to morrocco, and would just assume then standards of keeping you valuables close, and being respectful to the people around, remember its a muslim country, and most people speak no english, and very little french.
I know a lot of people from there, and people who have travelled, and have heard that as long as you arent in the cities that the people are very open and friendly, its not uncommon to hitch hikie camels, and music is universal, dont know if you travel with instruments, but thiscan get you into a lot of places that you wont without.
good luck, keep in touch if you head that way, as I am almost certainly going to be there in about a month.