U.K. Travel

Ash Ludd

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2012
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Piscataway, United States
Hey there, I'm based in the UK and planning to go off travelling around the country, busking from town to town in about a months time. There doesn't seem to be as many places online about travelling in the UK as there are for the US, seems like it's more popular there.
This is my first time doing anything like this and I was wondering if anyone has any advice and/or useful info on travelling around the UK. Any advice that is good for a first-time traveler to know regardless of country is also appreciated!
I'll probably be doing a mixture of guerrilla camping, couchsurfing and occasional B&B if I have the money. And for transport I'll be hitching, getting the train or megabus.



Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?
come to dublinn! come check out seomra spraoi (the sweet social space with happenings --vegan dinners every wednesday night/bike workshop)
and if you need a place to stay, we might have space at the squat here :D
also, theres lotsa stuff in london i could tell you about but if youre around that area, you probably know of most of it.
happy trails!
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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fuck dude i follow u on tumblr. Im pleasantly surprised to see you saying this. I actually had the same plan as you, to bum around the UK this year. And I was down and out in the USA for 4 years on and off travelling, doing the hobo thing. Its a LOT harder here in the UK (Well in England at least). For a start, you can't really hop trains because nobody knows where the fuck they're going. The networks are so crammed and ancient that the whole country is like one giant yard, the train only goes 30 mins before it's reached its next stop. Hitching is terrible here too, because there are so many fucked up sociopaths and smugglers/East European gangsters etc. That and also English people are very introverted and scared of hitching. However I hitched from London to Secret Garden Party last Summer (I volunteered, didn't pay for that shit), anyway, this older lady at the train station saw me sewing a patch in my jeans and she said "Wow I haven't seen a young man of your age sewing, in years" so we got talking and I said how I was trying to get to secret garden and she was like "well.... if you promise not to murder me you can tag along with me" cuz she was going my direction, then after walking down a country lane for about 20 mins a yuppie art student who was really chill stopped and offered me a ride, but i could see in his eyes he was nearly shitting himself lol, so to break the ice i shared some of my food with him. Anyway.... if you want someone to team up with/show you the ropes, we should talk.
damn that was long.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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fuck dude i follow u on tumblr. Im pleasantly surprised to see you saying this. I actually had the same plan as you, to bum around the UK this year. And I was down and out in the USA for 4 years on and off travelling, doing the hobo thing. Its a LOT harder here in the UK (Well in England at least). For a start, you can't really hop trains because nobody knows where the fuck they're going. The networks are so crammed and ancient that the whole country is like one giant yard, the train only goes 30 mins before it's reached its next stop. Not to mention the BTP (UK bulls) are complete fucking murderous psychopaths. Oh and also I've been told the UK's nuclear waste is transported on the rails, and it's not posted on the side of the car either. SO there is a potential for radiation poisoning Hitching is terrible here too, because there are so many fucked up sociopaths and smugglers/East European gangsters etc. That and also English people are very introverted and scared of hitching. However I hitched from London to Secret Garden Party last Summer (I volunteered, didn't pay for that shit), anyway, this older lady at the train station saw me sewing a patch in my jeans and she said "Wow I haven't seen a young man of your age sewing, in years" so we got talking and I said how I was trying to get to secret garden and she was like "well.... if you promise not to murder me you can tag along with me" cuz she was going my direction, then after walking down a country lane for about 20 mins a yuppie art student who was really chill stopped and offered me a ride, but i could see in his eyes he was nearly shitting himself lol, so to break the ice i shared some of my food with him. Anyway, travelling is a human right, and fuck paying money to do it..... if you want someone to team up with/show you the ropes, we should talk.
damn that was long.


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
I agree, hitch hiking in the UK is hard work. People are really suspicious. I guess we just don't have such a tradition of it over here. However, in my experience its always been worth the perseverance as i have met some amazing people and been helped out far more than just being given a lift. Places to stay, food, money, useful info, all sorts of good stuff. I have honestly never had a bad experience. Maybe I've just been lucky.
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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I agree, hitch hiking in the UK is hard work. People are really suspicious. I guess we just don't have such a tradition of it over here. However, in my experience its always been worth the perseverance as i have met some amazing people and been helped out far more than just being given a lift. Places to stay, food, money, useful info, all sorts of good stuff. I have honestly never had a bad experience. Maybe I've just been lucky.
Glad to hear it man, that's exactly my prediction. Difficult, but worth it. So I have an idea, how many times/how long you been hitching in the UK?

Another golden rule is to hitch strategically. If you're in the really remote countryside, it pays to dress like a young farmer as they think they can relate to you, or if you're in yuppie rest stops it's probably best to look like a young art student type. Ah just noticed your female. Well that certainly helps too.


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
I am nearly 30 so i guess i've hitched for about 15 years and picked hitch hikers up for about 12. I used to thumb a lift home from the town centre where I lived as a kid, even though it was only a 30 minute walk. Not through laziness more to see what would happen or who I would meet. I've done a few cross country efforts from the south east to south west. Found Wales really good/easy for hitching, I think its because a lot of it is quite isolated or rural. Not really done much up north hitching wise.

The worst thing I have had to endure is boring or vaguely offensive/inappropriate conversation. Nothing too hardcore just bullshit about religion or politics etc. I think being a woman probably does help. People tend to feel sorry for you and worried you'll get into trouble if they don't help you. I can't say I exploit this though, its a fine line between coming across as 'needy' for a lift and also giving off a 'don't fuck with me attitude'

If I'm trying to hitch at a service station or on a main road I will use a sign saying where i want to get to, but in a more rural setting I tend to just stick my thumb out as the distances people usually want to take you are much shorter and I then Have the option to turn the ride down if they look dodgy as I can just say that they're not going my way. Always be as clean and presentable as you can. Don't be drunk as people won't wanna give you a lift and its kind of dangerous for yourself, as you might not be so aware what's going on around you. Always be friendly and happy. This person is doing you a massive favour so pay them back with some witty repartee and good stories. Don't be shy, it makes the time go by faster if you chat and will make everyone more comfortable.

There aren't freight trains to hop on the UK. I just bunk passenger trains and take my chances that I don't get caught. Often though, if you say you just got on at the last stop they may fine you, but that fine can sometimes be way less than the actual ticket. I don't know I find bunking trains really hard work. You have to constantly have your wits about you. More stress than its worth.

uh anyways I'm probably preaching to the converted so yeah go out and try it. if you're worried go hitch in your local area to see how it works. You'll know where you are then and might feel safer.

Ash Ludd

Well-known member
Jan 11, 2012
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Piscataway, United States
Oh hey there RockerBilly, yeah we've messaged each other a few times haven't we?
I've got quite a few festivals and gigs I'm playing at about England this summer so gonna be busking in the towns between em as I go to each one.
This might be a long shot but I think I'm gonna attempt to hitch from Basingstoke or Alton on the 14th to Norwich where I have a gig on the 15th. If I don't make it I'll just get a train to Norwich from wherever I do get to.
When hitching a long way like that do you put closer towns on your sign and make multiple signs along the way rather than have one sign with your final destination on it?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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Personally I feel in a place like England where you're gonna be desperate for whatever you can get in terms of rides, its best to be as vague as possible, so I write directions like "east" or "north" etc. Depending on how remote you are, I would try and think about/analyze where most of the people are going and not just write the next town over, nor the final destination, but the nearest well known thing, like a fairly large town or a motorway. For example if I were going from Basingstoke to Norwich, I would write "London / M25 / East". Always remember the P's and Q's. Then once you're in the greater London area if you find yourself waiting again I'd write Cambridge. Theres a shitload of Londoners heading that way. Then if you get stuck in the Cambridge area, then I would write Norwich. Also whenever I'm hitching, I always write in very neat typeface and add a large "please" at the bottom and found it really pays off. But yeah just be scientific about it. I've not got a lot of experience hitching in England but you will learn quick. Also, dress for success. That is the number one tip in my opinion. Its all about first impressions. I always wear a nice suit, but not a tie cuz it looks a bit creepy on the side of a highway. Also comb my hair nice or wear a hat.

Which festivals u going to? I was gonna shoot for Rebellion, Boomtown, Shambala, and Wilderness


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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Man this band is fuckin rad, definitely gona see them at boomtown.

Landpirate, are you stewarding at boomtown? thats what im gonna do i guess.

btw guys i just discovered this fucking amazing gypsy/punk/ska/klezmer/whatever band called "gentle mystic". Definitely check them out at Boomtown

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
since there's so many uk'ers in this thread, i was wondering, how easy would it be to bike through the UK? ive biked from amsterdam to paris before, and it was super easy. is it hard to find legal or under the table work there? what about dumpster diving? all the festivals you're talking about sounds pretty cool, im just wondering if it would be worth coming out to bike around for a few months.


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
are you talking motorised bike or pedal bike? either way would be fine as the UK is pretty tiny compared to the USA. Seriously though, everything is so much closer together that biking around is totally doable, you can easily get to civilisation almost anywhere in a day of riding if civilisation is what you need or want. workwise, in the summer you'll have a good chance of cash in hand or as you put it under the table work if you're ok with picking fruit or hops or general manual farm work. I've done a lot of it and the pay is ok and the people are generally cool and often they've been sweet with me camping on their land or even on a few occasions they've put me up for a night or two. WWOOFing might be an option, I know you don't get paid but its a good way to get to know a place and meet some people and you get somewhere to stay. Bar work is also quite easy to come by if you can show them you've got experience or blag it. Oh yeah there is also work to be had at markets in cities mainly i've not done it myself but friends have packed boxes of fruit and packed fish. You normally start really early in the morning but are done by lunch time.

Yeah British music festival are awesome, but massively expensive for tickets. Try and blag a press pass though for Punk Nomad and you'll get in for nothing. Say you'll review it, might work out!?

But, yes come to the UK you'll have a blast.


campervan untilising nomadic traveller
Dec 18, 2011
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Brighton, United Kingdom
oh and yeah Rockerbilly, I'm not stewarding but I should be working as build crew for The Big Love Inflatable church. Basically they perform sham wedding ceremonies for Ketamine casualties, cider junkies and any other waifs and strays that want to marry their reflections or sisters. I worked with them last year and although it physically brutal it was a lot of fun.

I've not stewarded at Boomtown so I dunno what the sketch is like. I've litter picked there and its not so bad. Its a lot easier on the site they have now than when it was at the Forest of Dean. Hope you get yourself a stewarding spot though and save yourself some money.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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over where?
since there's so many uk'ers in this thread, i was wondering, how easy would it be to bike through the UK? ive biked from amsterdam to paris before, and it was super easy. is it hard to find legal or under the table work there? what about dumpster diving? all the festivals you're talking about sounds pretty cool, im just wondering if it would be worth coming out to bike around for a few months.

dumpster diving is caled skipping here. maybe to do with the fact tht their dumpster are so much smaller. usually just tons of bins, also calling em skips. skipping is grand here.
ive met a decent amount of ppl who have biked around ireland and some of scotland. cnt remember if they said anything about england specifically.... but you should come to seomra spraoi in dublin for the bike workshop where you can build a bike fo freeeee with beautiful people! if youre thinkin about doin it


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2011
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Yes Matt I'd say the UK and Ireland are great places to bike, there's thousands of miles worth of old footpaths and towpaths that stretch all over the country. Hardly anyone even knows they're there. In terms of getting work, yeah I'd say it's pretty easy to get work here especially in the Summer, and especially if you have a good attitude. And if you're the founder of this website then I'd guess you probably do. But yeah its also really easy to go to festivals for free if you sign up for stewarding or something.

Landpirate, thats fucking amazing I've heard a few friends tell me about this inflatable church but never seen it myself. Do let me know if you could use an extra pair of hands, I'm pretty useful!

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