The weapon that makes you feel safe?

Shaggy Rogers

Well-known member
Jan 30, 2017
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Sparks/Reno, Nevada
The wife. Keep her on the belt 24/7


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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
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I refused to hit the road alone, until I had a dog.

Having my 60 lb beast made hitch-hiking with boobs, feel alot more comfortable.

Cons are: riding public transportation (at times), getting turned down from rides while hitchhiking (which I'd rather, actually), riding freight trains, less motels accept animals, less house-up opportunity.

Pros: Motion detector while sleeping, extra warmth during cold nights, deterrant from other animals fucking with you or your gear, company, constant entertainment, getting rides/donations from "dog-people", having a best friend that has your back at all times.

My dog has bitten people that have harmed/tried to harm me. Which has happened a few times on the road, I admit.
So, I would say she is definitely a useful weapon, as well as deterrent.

I also usually open-carry a 3-4 inch fixed blade on my hip. Have actually heard a man make a comment about specifically not fucking with me because I had said knife.

These two things have been useful.
But, I would definitely say that especially when sleeping at night, or at urban hop outs alone, having a dog around makes me feel the safest.

Deleted member 14481

There are groups of people where things are MORE likely to happen and LESS likely to happen. I say the people that diss people for having weapons are the people that people need weapons for. You're already on the path of victim blaming and gaslighting, that's for damn sure. And, some of you that ae on this "common sense" path are posting about how you ALSO have a weapon, so I don't get what the fuck you're on.

There's no such thing as common sense. Just social expectations, culture, "gut feelings", and experiences. This is suppose to be a place where a lot of us claim to fall outside of the social norms, just for our traveling lifestyles. For a lot of us, we have to take whatever looks like help where it comes and hope shit doesn't go left, but be prepared if it does. A lot of us are exposed in different types of ways. What common sense are you referring to when someone train hops, and draws the unlucky straw on getting into a car with someone who's dangerous?

Advice that I got early on was "get a weapon and you'll never have to use it. They'll see you have something and they won't bother you", and that advice turned out to be true for me. Most people aren't looking for a fight, so if they see you're willing to fight, they don't even start. But if they don't care, or they ARE looking to fight, it's better to know how to fight.
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Deleted member 13433

In light of something I came across here on the forums last night about an incident which took place in Key West, as far as weapons go, I personally would not carry or say/publish/send anything that could get me in super deep trouble with the law.

Yes, there are crazy people out there - but there are also some who wear a badge who will look for any excuse to make your life a living hell, or worse...

The two times I thought i was going to die - or be severely beaten, while in high school in Brooklyn NY during 1980/1981 ??.... and 1983.... I talked my way out of it, and in both cases which were semi gang related - the one in the early 80s I was innocent of anything malicious, the one in 1983 I was guilty of... I came clean, told the truth, and prepared for the end to be dished out upon me, with no resistance on my part [the 83 inccident included a 9mm being pointed at me, while the early 80s was a dozen youths on the subway...] and in both cases nothing happened.

Maybe they could not beat/kill me because I was accepting of my fate ??
Maybe they saw that I knew to not put up a fight made me the better human ??

I don't know - but I never forgot that, how my mind saved me those two times....

One thing I was told by an old friend who drove a taxi in NYC during the late 70s was "while you know nothing about the person in front of you [or in your back seat if you're driving a cab!!], they know nothing about you - and this is something that you need to take advantage of, and if done right works every time" which I wholeheartedly agree, especially if you can remain completely calm and at ease.

The thing about any kind of weapon is a] you better know how to use it b] you better be mentally prepared to use it and c] you better understand the laws of carrying such a weapon, especially if traveling across state lines.

Some folks make fun of slingshots, but if you are good with one - and have a legit one, not some cheap piece of crap... you can use it on small game, and take out a humans teeth or an eye if need be.

Ammo is plentiful if one uses small stones/rocks.

**At this point I stopped my comment here and decided to do some research on the legality of sling shots and was surprised by what I found.**

Here is some interesting food for thought: TACTICAL SLINGSHOTS ARE MORE THAN A MERE TOY - U.S. & Texas LawShield -

*apparently todays Sling shot is a lot more powerful than I thought.

I'm not on the road, so I have no idea what the primary threats one who is faces, but I do know that every time I have an officer of the law coming my way, I get scared and if you follow the news, rightly so.... because there are some bad dudes out there who unfortunately get off on wearing a badge.

Be safe friends, and try to stay out of trouble.

obey no one

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Dec 28, 2019
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on the move
folding knife is legal in most places, and i never go anywhere without one. maybe someone could try to take it from me, but they would get cut multiple times in the process. mace is not legal in nevada i think, or restricted which is where i will be going next.

i have pulled a knife multiple times and never had to use it, the person saw that i was not afraid and serious and decided to find someone else.

if you plan is to just be smart and that will work, then you've just been lucky. that shit will run up on you fast, and there is sometimes no opportunity to see it coming.

the only time i used my knife was on a dog, that was killing my dog. it was unpleasant, but very quick. i have been bitten by dogs multiple times, and those fuckers come up fast.

i have a collapsible baton that is my favorite, only used it to scare away dogs, but feel much better when i have it strapped on, which i only do if something doesn't feel right.

i recently bought a replica glock 17 air gun $100. it looks exactly like the real thing. and i shot myself with it, it hurts like a mother fucker. it's not gonna kill anyone though, and the person taking hits would probably think it was the real thing, until later.

also used to carry a real gun (legally) only once did i put my hand on it, and the guy coming at me with a pipe froze, and i backed away.

worst beating i've ever had in my life was when i was 16 walking home late at night in my own neighborhood, a car full of guys pulled over and came up on me, thought i had a weapon in my pocket my heart sank when i realized i left it at home. maybe i could have outrun them i didn't try, not sure what it was about really. but it was very bad. broke my nose, smashed up my face. took about a month to fully heal.

closest i came to getting stabbed was in chicago, walking home from the store, two guys came up on me one hiding something behind his back and trying to move behind me, while the other one distracted me. i kept moving backward and spinning so they could not easily get close enough to me to go through with it, but honestly i am lucky they gave up so easily. no idea what it was about, totally random.

99% of the time if you look unafraid, and keep arms length distance you will be okay. they don't really want to fight most of the time, they just want to try to take something from you. but any kind of weapon will help them decide you are not worth the risk. but yeah you have to be ready to really use it if you have to.

so far i have mostly been pretty luck

Deleted member 13433

*edit, I just took out most of what I had written as I felt [for a change...] that it was taking this discussion in the wrong direction....

Friend, I also agree with your sentiment on luck, but one thing time has taught me is it's best to avoid any kind of situation where I could get in serious trouble, especially since I am older now, and not in good shape for fighting anymore....

It bothers me to no end how the further away one gets from so called mainstream civilization, the more violent things seem to become.

It's like... isn't that the whole point of getting away from society ??
To be free - and safe from being harassed/etc ???

I left NYC back in March of 1987 because I was sick of all the violence and drugs there, and as luck would have it, where I moved to - in the lower Naugatuck Valley in CT, Ha Ha !! it's even more violent - way way way more violent - and it's like, drugs are even more rampant, and I ask myself now more often than not: "I left NYC for this ???"

40 years ago, Steve Ignorant said it best :
"Freedom ain't worth it if violence is the price you pay."

I know, that is completely dependent on one's own personal interpretation of freedom, being free... but I get it.

it just sucks to me how we even have to have discussions on weapons, but at the same time it is a very important/necessary topic to discuss and I for one appreciate all the different points of view here.

Big George + Loki the Dog....
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Boon Man

Mar 24, 2021
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Fresno, CA
Used to go on alot of night walks when I was 16/17 years old, kept 3 chain links tied to the end of a rope that id let dangle out of my pocket so I could use it like a flail if I needed. Made a clink sound and had a nice weight that kept me reassured I'd reach my destination.
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Dec 8, 2020
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My hands and brain. Be confident. Confidence comes from handling yourself well in difficult situations.

I never outwardly display a weapon. If i got one, the only way anybody finds out is if im using it on em. Im polite, treat everyone with the same decency and respect that i demand and expect.

Risk mitigation- i dont go places that there could be problems. Not out after 10pm, bypass cities/ the hood, etc. I dont drink, do drugs, go places theres people doing those things or where theres gatherings of more than the amount of people i can keep an eye on at the same time.

Situational awareness- this term gets tossed around alot. But youre not aware if you have earbuds in or are dicking with your phone in a public place. That ol internal monologue running rampant? Cant pay attention to whats around me.

Threat assesment- what is out of place where i am? Why is that same guy showing up at the same places ive been more than two times in a row? Theres no such thing as a coincidence. Why are these these people overly friendly? Does that match up culturally to where i am?

No one is coming to save me. People wont intervene on my behalf. Most of the time whoever you call your friends arent gonna step up for you. Cops ALWAYS make any situation worse. I am my first and last line of defense.

Im a big brawny dude an i generally walk around like ill fuck start your face if you start shit with me. Which doesnt keep me from being kind and gentle to those who need it. Violence is the absolute last option. Its still an option though, an when it comes down to it, being dedicated to your survival over the others is paramount. Survival is the point afterall.

I cant tell anybody else what to do, or how to do it, this is just what works for me. Carrying a fake gun, or pulling a weapon an not being willing to use it, is a terrible idea, an a good way to find that thing inserted into your body in an uncomfortable way.

Stay safe yall. (Note, im just a random internet dude weighing in, based off my experience, which probably doesnt amount to a whole lot for anybody elses given situation)
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