The oldest fairy tale known to date

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22934
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Deleted member 20240

Settle down, you're not a victim. Nobody is singling you out. You said something I felt wasn't really too cool to BirdDaddy. If you think I'm the only one who feels that way I encourage you to look at the 4 "agree" ratings on my original comment to you. I think we can agree that at least up till there you were coming off kinda douchee right?

Ok so I was cool just ending it there but you come back with some fuck you-nicorn image so I'm like okay I guess we're doing this? I notice you're awfully educated on exactly what god is about so I hit you up with a question. For this I'm an almighty moderator singling you out with a ration of shit... okay.. I'm so sorry you feel attacked. I'll be sure to go easier on you than everyone else, you seem overly defensive/sensitive/fussy.

I don't want to argue with you. I'm sorry you don't like me or what I do or whatever. I come off as a douche. Okay. Whatever. You can have the last insult. Congratulations your awesome.

Deleted member 21367

@noothgrush im not sure entirely but i think it was valis, when he really started loosing his mind. That book was so out there and paranoid it made me uncomfortable just reading it.


Jan 16, 2019
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Phoenix, AZ
the one thing i take from Christianity say <I am Christian> should be more an adjective than a many i think just say 'oh im a Christian because i go to church" but how many of them really act like Christ? which as far as i know, although that is very little, is about sacrificing yourself..resources time etc whatever...for the good of others

@jimmyf do you have any thoughts on this?

Well I'm not Christian, but I believe in the Bible for sure. I believe in the God of the Old Testament and terms of the Old Covenant over the New Covenant. When I read the Bible, I personally didn't think Jesus was perfect. In fact, he was more arrogant than any of the prophets who performed the same miracles on a smaller scale before him. Aside from casting out demons from people, there was someone else who did everything else as well. Also, could you imagine walking into a church and flipping over some tables? Would anyone find it ok to walk into a gay wedding and harass the people celebrating? That's probably the best way I could put that event in today's times.

Jesus was a little disrespectful towards his mother when he turned water to wine. He spit on mud when healing the blind. He acted like people were stupid for not knowing God was going to multiply their food to feed the masses. Now don't get me wrong, I thought Jesus was cool and definitely sent down by God. I even thought he was kinda funny to be honest. However, just because he could do no wrong in his followers' eyes, it appeared as though he could still do wrong in his Father's Eyes judging by the way he died. I definitely did not think he was God by the way he talked about God in the Gospels.

My thoughts on Christianity is that Christians have terrorized this world and sadly, it seems there are many who practice hypocrisy. We call the Germans evil for doing to the Jews what we did to the Native Americans. No one talks about that while celebrating Thanksgiving though, and no one talks about what we did to the Japanese during WWII. No one cares about the Muslims in China, yet they care about one journalist who's killed by one of Trump's allies.

I think trying to follow Christ-like behavior could be considered idolizing just as calling Jesus God could be considered creating a false god. Christianity was started by Greeks and Romans who were previously polytheists who mocked their gods, and it seems as though it carried into Christianity as well. It's prophesied that God would write His Commandments unto the hearts of a group who's never known Him creating a messianic era as the Jews say, but I believe it ended personally. The Jews believe it still hasn't started though. I don't have all the answers, but I've read the Bible twice, and I'm in no rush to finish it a third time.

There's only one thing I claim to know about God without a doubt, and that is that He is very confusing. Did you know there have been suicide cults from people who try to come up with their own interpretation of the Bible? To be honest, I'm scared of thinking I have it all figured out.

Deleted member 23509

The Bible!!!

Since theres no religion section... Which Im totally fine with by the way.... A world without religion, is what I would call, a big step in the right direction.... Ill just leave this here.

You have to wonder if people feel stupid after someone they knew dissapears. Them, their friends and their whole family get on tv begging and pleading for people to pray about it. Pray that their loved one be returned safely. And eventually the whole world gets to see how much good it did them to pray, when they find the person brutally murdered and tossed along side the highway.. Do they feel stupid for going on public television, asking random people to pray to an invisible man that doesnt exist... Thinking that somehow it would change a real life situation.

This is 2019 for fucks sake! We live in the modern world... Havent we evolved past that yet? God damn, havent we grown past the day of ancient fairy tales? Why do people put up with this shit?

I watch a lot of documentaries and everytime someone is raped, strangled, thrown in a river, or burried in a shallow grave, theres no shortage of people, like fuckin nimrods, to get on tv and talk about "well she must be in heaven" or "pray god will bring her home"... Keep telling yourself that morons. Yeah god sure held up his end of the bargain. Get real! WTF?

And how come nobody ever gets on TV and says "He/she was abducted by aliens. The alliens took her to outer space! I guess someday we'll meet again on mars... Why dont you ever hear that? It pisses me off! All the sudden people think they're dillusional...

Why is it that people freely and openly t tra
The Bible!!!

Since theres no religion section... Which Im totally fine with by the way.... A world without religion, is what I would call, a big step in the right direction.... Ill just leave this here.

You have to wonder if people feel stupid after someone they knew dissapears. Them, their friends and their whole family get on tv begging and pleading for people to pray about it. Pray that their loved one be returned safely. And eventually the whole world gets to see how much good it did them to pray, when they find the person brutally murdered and tossed along side the highway.. Do they feel stupid for going on public television, asking random people to pray to an invisible man that doesnt exist... Thinking that somehow it would change a real life situation.

This is 2019 for fucks sake! We live in the modern world... Havent we evolved past that yet? God damn, havent we grown past the day of ancient fairy tales? Why do people put up with this shit?

I watch a lot of documentaries and everytime someone is raped, strangled, thrown in a river, or burried in a shallow grave, theres no shortage of people, like fuckin nimrods, to get on tv and talk about "well she must be in heaven" or "pray god will bring her home"... Keep telling yourself that morons. Yeah god sure held up his end of the bargain. Get real! WTF?

And how come nobody ever gets on TV and says "He/she was abducted by aliens. The alliens took her to outer space! I guess someday we'll meet again on mars... Why dont you ever hear that? It pisses me off! All the sudden people think they're dillusional...

Why is it that people freely and openly talk about god and heaven and life after death... And nobody tells them how stupid and dillusional they sound.... But some stupid fuck starts talking about alliens and all the sudden, he's the joke of the week.... Neither story is more rediculous than the other, but they're treated differently. Its an injustice within society. Religion should be outlawed and frowned upon.
And suddenly we turn into what we thinks whatever was said... .
i hear you on this - we agree there is some valuable content in the literature, in the stories - but when people act as if things can be solved through prayer or simply petition for everyone to 'pray', yeah it is pretty fuckin ridiculous because it's hard to believe it *does* anything and even more importantly- does hardly anyone actually do it?

you know something there was a tornado in Oklahoma, real serious one a whole town all but got put in a bodybag and - i hate to bring this up especially here - but i read one quick news article on it and they got the celebrity twitter shit happening...'prayers for the citizens of this town' and later some guy. not as much a celebrity but still mainstream famous says some shit like 'just want to thank @beyonce and At fuckin so and so for their prayers. All i could send to <town people suffering extra hard> was money' And i thought Talk that shit bro....enough said....

so i don't actually know the bible, aside from a few smidgens right..."forgive those who know not what they do"...."get stoned whilst ye lay with another man"...."why have you forsaken me". I so far in life really don't give a fuck to read the bible, mainly because I can hear the stories from other people and hopefully establish friendship with them and satisfy their need for chat, easy.

i have never prayed because i think it's just plain ridiculous....but I admit to have some spiritual beliefs, you could say it's akin to the belief in extraterrestrials - I'm chill about my beliefs - it's just like a little bonus in life to me. I'm not raving about it. pressing people on it.

other people definitely blow out of proportion the value of *it all* - but why? Heed these words - the reason is it is a weak and pathetic world.

people not only....rape and murder each other.....but then there are the loved ones and company who have to deal with the reality of it....people are afraid on so many levels, you know what I'm saying? So they cling to something that makes it all better to escape from their inability to live their lives well and as well cope with the evil bullshit other people do. our society is ass. religion is still a thing because we are still so low grade

it's kinda like self perpetuating viscious cycle, people need religion because we're collectively dense and unwilling to just 'be'- let alone 'be' the best one can be - and it reinforces our/their own technically pathetic way of being. and it's so much worse than that - look at the state of the world, we've got people starving and freezing and cheating each other and wasting their own good fortune - and you wonder why some people want to just shout Christ saves!! and get all caught up in it til there's drool coming off of their lips ?
Action to become the words maybe...i dont know but and i still dont know


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May 4, 2008
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Northern California
I’m just gonna say if you read the Bible from front to back, then your opinion would change. Doesn’t mean you’ll agree with Christianity, but the Bible predicts a lot of the negative stuff going on in our society today. Some is directly stated, some is through symbolism.

We’re all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but at least educate yourself before trying to tear apart someone else’s... just sayin...
I've read the bible from front to back many, many times. Most of the "history" in the bible either isn't corroborated by other historical records, or directly contradicts other historical records. As far as the new testament goes, they don't even know who wrote most of the books of the New Testament, except that the earliest of them dates to 100 years after the death of Jesus, and they were written in Greek, a language none of the apostles would have been familiar with (even if they happened to be literate, which they probably weren't). The names of the authors, and the belief that they come from the apostles, is purely "tradition". All of the "miracles" Jesus performed mirror other standard miracles performed by other religious practitioners. For example, turning water to wine was standard for priests of Bacchus. Several of the books of the New Testament directly contradict each other. For example, Matthew says that Judas hanged himself after the death of Jesus, but Paul and Mark make it clear that he was supposedly there when Jesus appeared after his resurrection. Acts says Judas buys a field and then falls in a hole and his entrails explode out. That's one of MANY contradictions.

As far as the prophesies in the bible go, those prophesies are nice and vague, and people have thought that they applied to their generation pretty much since the birth of Christianity. If the bible was actually the holy words of an omniscient god, there's no reason he shouldn't be able to just say "world war 3 will start on April 3rd, 2023", except that specifics don't leave any room to claim you just didn't interpret the prophecy right.


Jan 16, 2019
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Phoenix, AZ
I've read the bible from front to back many, many times. Most of the "history" in the bible either isn't corroborated by other historical records, or directly contradicts other historical records. As far as the new testament goes, they don't even know who wrote most of the books of the New Testament, except that the earliest of them dates to 100 years after the death of Jesus, and they were written in Greek, a language none of the apostles would have been familiar with (even if they happened to be literate, which they probably weren't). The names of the authors, and the belief that they come from the apostles, is purely "tradition". All of the "miracles" Jesus performed mirror other standard miracles performed by other religious practitioners. For example, turning water to wine was standard for priests of Bacchus. Several of the books of the New Testament directly contradict each other. For example, Matthew says that Judas hanged himself after the death of Jesus, but Paul and Mark make it clear that he was supposedly there when Jesus appeared after his resurrection. Acts says Judas buys a field and then falls in a hole and his entrails explode out. That's one of MANY contradictions.

As far as the prophesies in the bible go, those prophesies are nice and vague, and people have thought that they applied to their generation pretty much since the birth of Christianity. If the bible was actually the holy words of an omniscient god, there's no reason he shouldn't be able to just say "world war 3 will start on April 3rd, 2023", except that specifics don't leave any room to claim you just didn't interpret the prophecy right.

Well yeah, that’s why I don’t agree with Christianity. Most of the historical records wouldn’t line up with the Bible, because contrary to what Sunday school taught me, the people of the Old Testament were a completely different group than the New Testament.

The Old Testament was about the Israelites, and the Jews a very small remnant(2 tribes, 10 are lost) of the Israelites. The Assyrian invasion around 500 BC whiped out the 10 lost tribes. The Babylonian invasion killed most of the Jews.

Then King Cyrus of Persia attacked and freed the Jews, and that lines up with the history of the Greeks, because they had an alliance. However, Greeks are barely mentioned in the Old Testament aside from that.

Then the New Testament picks up with the Romans ruling over the Jews. Greeks and Romans were the ones to start Christianity. I’m with you that Christianity was pretty much all lies.

Churches ask for 10%, but the reason the Bible says donate 10% is because the church used to be the government which is why Jews hates tax collectors. They were being taxed twice. Like I’m with you dude, but at the same time, I won’t discredit an entire book, because of the interpretation others have put on it.


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May 4, 2008
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Northern California
Like I’m with you dude, but at the same time, I won’t discredit an entire book, because of the interpretation others have put on it.
If somebody constantly tells you lies, eventually you stop listening to them, because you can't separate the truth from the fiction. This is why the bible is considered religious literature, not history. There's so many lies and inaccuracies that it's impossible to tell what in it is real. It's not an "interpretation", it just doesn't make any sense to take anything in a primarily fictional book as reality. Just because Harry Potter features real places doesn't mean that Hogwarts is real.

Joe Btfsplk

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Mar 16, 2009
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roughdraft typed:

"What if you saw what was a solid descriptipn of a ghost, though? would it just make you question things a bit?"

I have no idea. That has never happened, I doubt if it ever will. Fantasy is pretend. Reality is ruder.

jimmyf mentioned tithing, giving 10% of what you earn to the church weekly. That is like the Mafia going around to local stores and saying what a nice place the business was and how terrible if it burned down.

Give weekly to the church and be safe; allay the wrath of god.
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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
roughdraft typed:

"What if you saw what was a solid descriptipn of a ghost, though? would it just make you question things a bit?"

I have no idea. That has never happened, I doubt if it ever will. Fantasy is pretend. Reality is ruder.

so what is your personal take on people who say they've seen ghosts, and it made them question...whats the best way to say....the limits of their perception on reality? that, what they see is not fantasy?

I've never really read a strong scientific explanation on hallucinations of any sort but some things I have seen, especially when i was a child, resembled ghosts and other "entities" and appeared a lot more than a 'trick of the light' or what have you

tell me what ya really think and don't hold back


Born Wild
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Mar 22, 2017
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I have seen heard tasted smelt and felt ghost... I can't explain it. But many times throughout my life I have been exposed to what I feel to be what is called a ghost.
To define a ghost tho...? So difficult. Is it a meer Flux in time space quantum mechanics allowing energy through? Static energy from a time past? Witch is hard to believe if you believe in energy and quantum physics... I am also surprised this thread hasn't become more philisophical...
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Born Wild
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Mar 22, 2017
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Born Wild
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Mar 22, 2017
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Sucks you never learned how to spell DELUSIONAL correctly
Also sucks that the only thing you have to say is pointing out the faults of others...
Nothing with any substance thought or even any fucking relavenc to the conversation. Maybe try to adult a little, go back and read the agreement to stp maybe I fucking hate this personal demeaning off topic bs. Your comment is useless af man. Get a life and troll someplace els.
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
feel ya @BirdDaddy man half of this thread is arguing about history me a wingnut but impossible to prove....and hissyfits over ego stuff... the universe and reality holds a lot of mystery.... let's enjoy discussing it and not be forum oogles, eh?

fuck all this 2018 - 2019 / dillusional - delusional ass bullshit

So the two of us have seen and felt ghosts and surely we are not alone

is there a veritable way to learn more about these critters ?
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Deleted member 22934

If theres two thing I'll never be good at, its remembering dates, and knowing how to spell words. So if I never get better at those two things, that would be alright by me. Those are two of the least most important things in life.


Well-known member
May 4, 2008
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Northern California
feel ya @BirdDaddy man half of this thread is arguing about history me a wingnut but impossible to prove....and hissyfits over ego stuff... the universe and reality holds a lot of mystery.... let's enjoy discussing it and not be forum oogles, eh?

fuck all this 2018 - 2019 / dillusional - delusional ass bullshit

So the two of us have seen and felt ghosts and surely we are not alone

is there a veritable way to learn more about these critters ?
Yeah, fuck all that history stuff, it's impossible to prove except with corroboration, anthropology, and archaeology. Let's talk about ghosts. Makes sense. On topic because...I guess if there's ghosts, the bible is true? I'm not seeing the connection.
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Yeah, fuck all that history stuff, it's impossible to prove except with corroboration, anthropology, and archaeology. Let's talk about ghosts. Makes sense. On topic because...I guess if there's ghosts, the bible is true? I'm not seeing the connection.

yeah i know my personal ideas about history are very, very out there on the fringe and are quite unpopular. that's all fine and good, my opinions can maybe someday change, and until then I'm not forcing anyone to take them as valid.

and I guess I/we can take the ghost stuff to another thread. I think it came up from the debate about...what is legitimate in the Bible? and what is God and blah blah something something where is the line between reality and fantasy? with ghosts being an example and. to me. something in the grey area, since i have seen them. not everyone has seen them and of course everyone has opinions on what I really saw

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