STP treehouse commune?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2009
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i think it should mostly take place on the ground but have upper levels that the trees will only help support all of it, so were just not relying on the trees, you know?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2009
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im saving up for a school bus, which would be perfect for this project. help carry supplies and people, and then of coarse food, and water. it'll be a good place to stay inside of when this goes down!


New member
May 7, 2010
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im touring the country right now but by the end of the summer we should be in cali. if you guys get this started up keep it posted on here id like to drop by for a few months or somethin.


Aug 11, 2010
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once again the washington woods are best for this
there is already a small faction of just such folks - you will never see tem, they are like fucking ewoks!
the tree canopys in the national forrests are so crazy interlaced it would be impossible to be spotted if it is done right.
never nail shit into a tree; use rope
never use any type of wood as it will brittle over time
burry or burn your feces and what trash you producethe less you touch the forrest floor the better
my plan for one long time in my head is similar to what i seen in alaska - a whole private land with a centraly located three story cabbin and satalite tree houses then off in the distance of hte property they took a bunch of unused fishing net and strung it all up in the trees about 90 to 150 feet up deep, deep inthe canopy of hte dougfirs and other evergreens we would sit up there and smoke our selves stupid and the occasional hanky panky off in the corners of hte net would be felt through the web
so this is what i say
hit up shit loads of fishing towns and amass 100's of square feet of unused, nwanted and stolen net and hike it all in to an at least 100 square mile section of national forrest either in the olympics or the cascades and sac full by sac full and get it up in the trees set up a massive town if you will and then find material closely matching hte color of the evergreens foliage and carpet your floors with it then lots and lots of the good quality double sided camoflauged tarps and make your roof though if you blot out enough forrest floor depriving it of much needed rain it will eventualy make it die and go bald amking your area a dead giveaway to any strays that wander too near your town
you can even hae fires if you use a bunch of bailing wire to use as mesh below where you would then put a concave steel basin (split and hammer out an old steel 55 gallon drum for this)
burn all your fires to the point of being total ash and toss it to the wind so as to not have huge piles of it around your town
make zip lines from tree to tree like the tree sitters so you can traverse great distances with out ever touching hte ground - rembere leave no trace of your presence and your not there even straight to the edge of hte forrest where you rapel down adn walk into town for Cigs, batterys and yeast
if you want to have electronics (computers, camcorders, cellphones ect,. DC! DC! DC! wind and sun solar panels are expensive but you can go to a pull your own part styule junk yard and pick up a alternator for under 30 bux and hook that muther fucker to one of those in window style box fan blades and raise it on a pole above the tree canopy - believe it or nt there is some good winds over the trees -
ugh im tired of typing
must sleep now


New member
Apr 20, 2009
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mt. shasta the town will not bother you it's mostly rich hippie and make good money playing music in town and farms around that let you work for food and there alot pot farmer that give you trim jobs.


Active member
Jul 18, 2010
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I worked at the hostel in the forest last winter and honestly the treehouses aren't really treehouses, they're rooms on big stilts. It's because it's hard to build anything in trees meant to be long term because trees grow....just sayin.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Aug 22, 2009
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the roads of america
I live in wichita, KS, and whiles its not washington or northern california, we do have a small community of tree lovers living in one of the parks here. Theres 2 "camps", both hidden in the trees. Theyre about 50 ft from each other. about a quarter a mile away to the north is another "camp", and theres various other "camps/treefort attempts" strung through the rest of the area.

The park is on the very edge of town basically, and while it IS a public park, very few people come into the area the camps are located in. A 10 minute walk will get you to the closest gas station, and a 30 min walk will get you to a grocery store or whever the fuck else you wanna go. I "live" off and on at one of the camps, and at th every least visit it everyday to make sure no ones left it trashed.

The camps are both on the ground, and hidden deep within trees, and theyre virtually impossible to see, unless someone told you where they were at, so privacy and security isnt that big of a deal. The smaller camp has like some logs and shit to sit on, a small tarp covering it, a table....and some other miscellaneous crap. The bigger camp has 2 wooden chairs, a firepit, no roof but plenty of shade, and regular squatters.

To the best of my knowledge weve had no more than 9 people living together at once. The smaller camp is comfortable for 2- 3 people, while the bigger one is comfortable for around 5 to 10 people.

eitherway if anyone ever gets the camps goin in the west coast, id hella come out and join and help out.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
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whatever happened with this whole thing. ????? Im trying to get out to norcal if anyone is really serious about doing this. Rome wasnt built in a day but it had to start somewhere.. Lets get this thing moving!!!!!!


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 21, 2009
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Everywhere, No where
Really all you need to do this... Is a few people that live near each other, go camping together, and start a building! Then those people can come back to it, and work anytime.

Then there shall be MULTI STP Stree Houses.... this could go for anytype of squat, or sweet ass camp site.... Find someone close hold hands and whistle while you work....:hf:


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
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Currently NC, hopefully not long
ok i am definitely down for this, who should i message for what?

the cali idea sounds dope and i think is probably the best bet. The weather conditions are probably the most suitable for living rather comfortably and the weather contributes to good growing conditions for pretty much anything.

I think the ground living conditions sounds better because it would just be an easier/cheaper to build and maintain. We could have huts or some personal structure that was connected to a central house or something haha the possibilities are endless.

Can who ever is in charge of this contact me with the details on it ect?

PineTar Kush

New member
Sep 3, 2010
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Portland, Maine
holy shit guys. if this actually goes through, i'd be down. i actually have alot of knowledge about growing vegetables and cannabis, i'm a medical patient here in Maine. If someone could contact me about this whole deal. that would be sweettt.

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