Website Updates Squat the Planet will be shutting down at the end of 2023

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Stateless Wanderer
Feb 15, 2023
Reaction score
Well, that sucks to hear about the site. But, I get it. When you finally make it out that way, good luck in Europe.

I've been coming back to the site on and off for years. It's a fountain of knowledge that definitely helped me out earlier in my travels.

Thanks for doing this thing, Matt.
  • Thank you
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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2008
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Lincoln ne
All good things come to an end. Thanks Matt, for all your hard work throughout the years this site has been up. I came here way back in 08, after that old digihitch site went down. I learned a lot from the people Here, and was lucky enough to make a great friend. Good luck to you, matt, Hope Europe lives up to your expectations.


Active member
May 5, 2022
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Hey Matt, just for the record, your link to the brainstorming thread is dead. At least on my end.

Also, out of curiosity, you mentioned the community and the website didn't live up to what you were going for. Can you elaborate what you were hoping for?
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Damn iv been visiting this website everyday since i was probably 15. This sucks.

yeah, sorry to disappoint, i know it's a bummer. I didn't make the decision lightly, just so you know :cry:

buuuut, maybe folks can work out some kind of successor or alternative? there's a thread about it here:

Hey Matt, just for the record, your link to the brainstorming thread is dead. At least on my end.

I corrected the link (same one as above) thanks for pointing that out!

Also, out of curiosity, you mentioned the community and the website didn't live up to what you were going for. Can you elaborate what you were hoping for?

Boy, good question. Before I start, I wanna say that what I write below might come off as ragging pretty hard on the punk/anarcho/train hopping community, but really, overall, people have been amazing and StP has enriched my life in countless ways just as much as it's helped anyone else, and I'm thankful for my time here and I don't regret the two decades I've put into this project.

But, I am really, really tired. Not just physically, but emotionally, and mentally. I was looking into a way to port the website over to a new system and I just kept encountering highly technical hurdles at every turn, and it just kind of hit me; that I just don't want to do website administration anymore. There's SO MUCH involved behind the scenes that no one knows about. It's all incredibly technical and I don't want to bore you with it, but it's a lot of work. The thought of running the 100th import test to a new system that gets borked, and fixing dmarc spf email settings for the billionth time, and a million other small things that need to be fixed just live rent free in my head. Even if it's not super important, it's always there, waiting for me to address and/or fix it. The thought of continuing to do it just made me want to cry.

The second thing is that we just get SO MANY newbies here. There's a constant flux of about 80% newbies and 20% people that regularly hang out in this community. I've known this was the case since the beginning, and I've always just accepted it as a part of running a website trying to help people find life alternatives. I've always thought of it as a river. Basically, most of the water is flowing into a pool in that river, and most of it flows out (the newbies) but there's a small portion (the regulars) that stick around in the lower whirlpools of water.

After 23 years of fielding newbie questions, I've just had my fill. I lasted WAY longer than I think ANY rational human being would (we have a list of ex-moderators as evidence to this). I'm just tired of people not using the search, asking the same questions over and over, and just begging (and sometimes demanding) to be given train hopping information.

Another thing, is the train hopping section. Who-boy, am I tired of that shit. I literally haven't train hopped since 2012, and that section continues to be my main pain point with StP and the underground traveler community in general. If it was up to me, I would have nuked it years ago (as i did once back in 2010) and never let it return, except for the fact that it does actually seem to help some people on occasion.

But, that said, it has been a constant source of bullshit drama, to the point people have felt the need to attack me personally (literally going on smear campaigns, telling people I'm a pedophile, or a rapist, and/or grooming women) and throwing pitiful death threats my way online.

Usually this was because someone was being racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic and got banned from this site (an incredibly common toxicity found in the train hopping "community"), and that bruised their fragile ego, so they set out to 'destroy my reputation' (yes, they literally told me this was their goal). All over some petty, pathetic, disagreement online. Some of these campaigns when on for years.

All that BS just straight up murdered any passion I used to have for the world of train hopping, something I did frequently for over eight years of my life (2000-2008) and used to enjoy quite a bit.

And, of course, then there's StP being known to everyone as the 'train hopping website' despite all my attempts to downplay that culture (including adding likes/posts requirements, blocking it from google indexing, requiring an account to view that area, etc). This stigma has never left the StP name, despite train hopping being 10% or less of all the available methods for underground travel.

I think my biggest disappointment in this community was simply the fact that so few people were willing to help me run it. I've pretty much begged users for countless years to help me with anything from moderation to server management to finances. Now, to be clear, there is a very special list of people who are exempt from that above gripe. The few mods we HAVE had, and the folks that donated money to the site (some of which on occasion gave as much as $500) are fucking GODS in my book, and I can't put into words how much I appreciate their help.

But, the reality of pretty much anything related to StP was that, if I wanted to see something become a reality, it was up to me to do it. This includes things like the Dirty Scouts Jamboree and just about any other project I've ever tried to get going through StP. I'm tired of taking the lead on every thought/idea that I think people would benefit from. Again, I'm just exhausted in that regard. I want to team up with other folks on their projects and not be the leader anymore.

But anyway, this has been a bit of a ramble. @borek921, you asked me what I was hoping for.

I guess I was hoping for some semblance of the anarchist community I experienced between 2000 and 2010. That was a pretty great time for anarchists, punks, travelers, etc in general. There was SO MUCH going on. Gatherings, festivals, book fairs, shows, you name it. There was always a reason to travel to some amazing event like Slaughterama, Best Friend's Day, Death Fest, The West Coast Hobo Gathering, Rainbow Gatherings (back when they weren't shitty) or an anarchist conference somewhere.

What I was hoping for was to bring some of that back and create a better sense of unity in the traveler/anarcho/punk community. Swapping useful information and having people that would come back to StP to add to the trove of useful information here, instead of just taking from it. Where people would come back and post detailed stories of their travels with awesome photos to inspire others to do the same. Where we are all helping each other out and actually living what we preach, creating alternatives, and just generally making the world a better fucking place. I miss that.

I'm not sure exactly what happened. I mean, maybe the green scare killed off what was left of the anarchist spirit. Maybe it was social media just turning everyone into shitheads and generating this 'fuck you pay me'/'me first' mentality. Either way, it just feels like most people are trying to take care of themselves, without a lot of consideration for anyone else. I just don't feel the sense of community in any subcultural movement the way I did back then. I definitely feel we've all fallen farther apart rather than come closer together.

I can go on and on, but hopefully, you get the idea. The only thing I feel like I can do in this situation is walk away from it and hope someone else picks up the torch in some other form. If not, well, it's not my job to carry everyone anymore (I have other goals in life I want to pursue) and everyone's just going to have to either go without or step up and create something new.

I sincerely hope that doesn't come off as me being nasty, that's not my intention. I just need to move on for my own mental health. I would love to participate in or help someone build something else like StP in the future, but I cannot be the only person/leader of whatever that project might be. I'm just tapped out in that regard.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Reaction score
yeah, sorry to disappoint, i know it's a bummer. I didn't make the decision lightly, just so you know :cry:

buuuut, maybe folks can work out some kind of successor or alternative? there's a thread about it here:

I corrected the link (same one as above) thanks for pointing that out!

Boy, good question. Before I start, I wanna say that what I write below might come off as ragging pretty hard on the punk/anarcho/train hopping community, but really, overall, people have been amazing and StP has enriched my life in countless ways just as much as it's helped anyone else, and I'm thankful for my time here and I don't regret the two decades I've put into this project.

But, I am really, really tired. Not just physically, but emotionally, and mentally. I was looking into a way to port the website over to a new system and I just kept encountering highly technical hurdles at every turn, and it just kind of hit me; that I just don't want to do website administration anymore. There's SO MUCH involved behind the scenes that no one knows about. It's all incredibly technical and I don't want to bore you with it, but it's a lot of work. The thought of running the 100th import test to a new system that gets borked, and fixing dmarc spf email settings for the billionth time, and a million other small things that need to be fixed just live rent free in my head. Even if it's not super important, it's always there, waiting for me to address and/or fix it. The thought of continuing to do it just made me want to cry.

The second thing is that we just get SO MANY newbies here. There's a constant flux of about 80% newbies and 20% people that regularly hang out in this community. I've known this was the case since the beginning, and I've always just accepted it as a part of running a website trying to help people find life alternatives. I've always thought of it as a river. Basically, most of the water is flowing into a pool in that river, and most of it flows out (the newbies) but there's a small portion (the regulars) that stick around in the lower whirlpools of water.

After 23 years of fielding newbie questions, I've just had my fill. I lasted WAY longer than I think ANY rational human being would (we have a list of ex-moderators as evidence to this). I'm just tired of people not using the search, asking the same questions over and over, and just begging (and sometimes demanding) to be given train hopping information.

Another thing, is the train hopping section. Who-boy, am I tired of that shit. I literally haven't train hopped since 2012, and that section continues to be my main pain point with StP and the underground traveler community in general. If it was up to me, I would have nuked it years ago (as i did once back in 2010) and never let it return, except for the fact that it does actually seem to help some people on occasion.

But, that said, it has been a constant source of bullshit drama, to the point people have felt the need to attack me personally (literally going on smear campaigns, telling people I'm a pedophile and/or grooming women) and throwing pitiful death threats my way online. Usually, because someone was being racists/sexist/homophobic/transphobic and got banned from this site (incredibly common toxicity found in the train hopping "community"), and that bruised their fragile ego, so they set out to 'destroy my reputation' (yes, they literally told me this was their goal). All over some petty, pathetic, disagreement online.

All that BS just straight up murdered any passion I used to have for the world of train hopping, something I did frequently for over eight years of my life (2000-2008) and used to enjoy quite a bit.

And, of course, then there's StP being known to everyone as the 'train hopping website' despite all my attempts to downplay that culture (including adding likes/posts requirements, blocking it from google indexing, requiring an account to view that area, etc). This stigma has never left the StP name, despite train hopping being 10% or less of all the available methods for underground travel.

I think my biggest disappointment in this community was simply the fact that so few people were willing to help me run it. I've pretty much begged users for countless years to help me with anything from moderation to server management to finances. Now, to be clear, there is a very special list of people who are exempt from that above gripe. The few mods we HAVE had, and the folks that donated money to the site (some of which gave significant sums of money) are fucking GODS in my book, and I can't put into words how much I appreciate their help.

But, the reality of pretty much anything related to StP was that, if I wanted to see something become a reality, it was up to me to do it. This includes things like the Dirty Scouts Jamboree and just about any other project I've ever tried to get going through StP. I'm tired of taking the lead on every thought/idea that I think people would benefit from. Again, I'm just exhausted in that regard. I want to team up with other folks on their projects and not be the leader anymore.

But anyway, this has been a bit of a ramble. @borek921, you asked me what I was hoping for.

I guess I was hoping for some semblance of the anarchist community I experienced between 2000 and 2010. That was a pretty great time for anarchists, punks, travelers, etc in general. There was SO MUCH going on. Gatherings, festivals, book fairs, shows, you name it. There was always a reason to travel to some amazing event like Slaughterama, Best Friend's Day, Death Fest, The West Coast Hobo Gathering, Rainbow Gatherings (back when they weren't shitty) or an anarchist conference somewhere.

What I was hoping for was to bring some of that back and create a better sense of unity in the traveler/anarcho/punk community. Swapping useful information and having people that would come back to StP to add to the trove of useful information here, instead of just taking from it. Where people would come back and post detailed stories of their travels with awesome photos to inspire others to do the same. Where we are all helping each other out and actually living what we preach, creating alternatives, and just generally making the world a better fucking place. I miss that.

I'm not sure exactly what happened. I mean, maybe the green scare killed off what was left of the anarchist spirit. Maybe it was social media just turning everyone into shitheads and generating this 'fuck you pay me'/'me first' mentality. Either way, it just feels like most people are trying to take care of themselves, without a lot of consideration for anyone else. I just don't feel the sense of community in any subcultural movement the way I did back then. I definitely feel we've all fallen farther apart rather than come closer together.

I can go on and on, but hopefully, you get the idea. The only thing I feel like I can do in this situation is walk away from it and hope someone else picks up the torch in some other form. If not, well, it's not my job to carry everyone else any more (I have other goals in life I want to pursue) and everyone's just going to have to either go without or step up and create something new.

I sincerely hope that doesn't come off as me being nasty, that's not my intention. I just need to move on for my own mental health. I would love to participate in or help someone build something else like StP in the future, but I cannot be the only person/leader of whatever that project might be. I'm just tapped out in that regard.

I empathize with ya Matt, this all does sound like a lot to deal with for all the years that you’ve put into this site and community. I can especially relate to this:

“But, the reality of pretty much anything related to StP was that, if I wanted to see something become a reality, it was up to me to do it. This includes things like the Dirty Scouts Jamboree and just about any other project I've ever tried to get going through StP. I'm tired of taking the lead on every thought/idea that I think people would benefit from. Again, I'm just exhausted in that regard. I want to team up with other folks on their projects and not be the leader anymore.”

No one person can realistically do all the work that no one else wants to do without getting burned out. In nearly every aspect of life, we all need to contribute and co-create the outcome we want, and not just sit back and put all the responsibility on someone else and expect them to do everything. Its not right, and its not going last long term.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
I guess I was hoping for some semblance of the anarchist community I experienced between 2000 and 2010. That was a pretty great time for anarchists, punks, travelers, etc in general. There was SO MUCH going on. Gatherings, festivals, book fairs, shows, you name it. There was always a reason to travel to some amazing event like Slaughterama, Best Friend's Day, Death Fest, The West Coast Hobo Gathering, Rainbow Gatherings (back when they weren't shitty) or an anarchist conference somewhere.

2010 really did seem to be a turning point. I mostly blame smartphones but at the end of the day that is a bit of a cop out. A few things I really think hurt the traveling community in big ways started around that time. #1 was the the fet obviously, but also

#2 Tons of kids started getting full time work in the weed industry around that time. Not only did lots more kids get trim jobs, but those jobs went from a couple weeks to months. Instead of going back to hitching, hopping whatever, lots of kids posted up since they got used to having $.

#3 Occupy, it really changed the streets in a lot of towns, and not really in the best way. The early days of it had promise, but ultimately I think it allowed rent gouging to just get worse. People leaving their leases to go live at occupy allowed landlords to jack rents, and cities got to experiment with corralling all the people who can't afford rent into tent cities. The protest is long over, but the tent cities remain.

#4 Youtube getting monetized. I know this has been a good thing for many creators and artists, but with train hopping it allowed some of the worse people to grow huge followings. People who would have been called out on this site for being reckless, instead made $ showing kids great ways to die. I still get recommendations for that stobe guy to this day and I think I watched 5 minutes on 1 of his videos like 10 yrs ago.

Just how I see it, I'm sure there's a few holes in my logic.
Thanks for all your hard work.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
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I am not sure if Occupy had a net positive or a net negative effect.

For me it happened after I had gone through a couple of really tough years as an immigrant supporting both myself and my partner with the limited money I had in my savings account, in and out of the psych ward, dodgy basement apartment, best friend committed suicide... Then I got my green card and found a good paying job, started making new friends... That's when Occupy kicked off.

I was a full-time worker and finally had my shit back together so didn't pay it much attention. I didn't feel the same immediate connection I had with Reclaim the Streets and eco protests from my youth. But I remember so fucking clearly when I decided my industry was rotten to the core, and it was a lunch break where my colleagues were talking about their trips to the cottage and going snowmobiling and this and that, then Occupy came up and the way these 6-figure salary earning, swivel chair warming, corner office having motherfuckers spoke about the laziness and entitlement of the kids who were just pointing out inequality in society. I was beside myself. They believed themselves to be the true hard working stiffs who were actually being screwed by the 1% and that they were the ones who deserved lower taxes, not the losers in the park.

I always thought the tech industry was pretty liberal, progressive, we all watched Star Trek growing up and believed in those values... But the wool fell from my eyes during Occupy. The tech industry is full of selfish snobs, libertarians and grifters.

I probably would've realized it sooner or later, and perhaps a part of me already knew, but Occupy was a catalyst in leading me to live a more consciously minimal life and not become a self-interested, profligate glutton like so many of my colleagues.

So maybe it didn't change society overall, but it kept people like me from possibly getting sucked into middle class obliviousness.

Anyway, not much to do with the traveling "scene" such as it is, or StP, but your post made me reflect so thanks.


New member
Aug 23, 2023
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I recently created and just read that the site is going to be shut, that means it's just going to disappear? Or we wouldn't be able to post? An archive of the site would be lit, and discord it's pretty easy to maintain, is it going to be shut too? Even if someone took the responsibilities? I know It's a lot of questions, I understand why you are doing this, and k wish you a good break, thank you for everything!


Active member
Feb 24, 2021
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We understand. I've only been here for a short while but the wisdom and life lessons I've learned are worth gold to me. I hope that where ever you go you are successful and happy. Best wishes to you and to all of the amazing people on here.


Active member
May 5, 2022
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But, the reality of pretty much anything related to StP was that, if I wanted to see something become a reality, it was up to me to do it. This includes things like the Dirty Scouts Jamboree and just about any other project I've ever tried to get going through StP. I'm tired of taking the lead on every thought/idea that I think people would benefit from. Again, I'm just exhausted in that regard. I want to team up with other folks on their projects and not be the leader anymore.

But anyway, this has been a bit of a ramble. @borek921, you asked me what I was hoping for.

I guess I was hoping for some semblance of the anarchist community I experienced between 2000 and 2010. That was a pretty great time for anarchists, punks, travelers, etc in general. There was SO MUCH going on. Gatherings, festivals, book fairs, shows, you name it. There was always a reason to travel to some amazing event like Slaughterama, Best Friend's Day, Death Fest, The West Coast Hobo Gathering, Rainbow Gatherings (back when they weren't shitty) or an anarchist conference somewhere.

What I was hoping for was to bring some of that back and create a better sense of unity in the traveler/anarcho/punk community. Swapping useful information and having people that would come back to StP to add to the trove of useful information here, instead of just taking from it. Where people would come back and post detailed stories of their travels with awesome photos to inspire others to do the same. Where we are all helping each other out and actually living what we preach, creating alternatives, and just generally making the world a better fucking place. I miss that.

I'm not sure exactly what happened. I mean, maybe the green scare killed off what was left of the anarchist spirit. Maybe it was social media just turning everyone into shitheads and generating this 'fuck you pay me'/'me first' mentality. Either way, it just feels like most people are trying to take care of themselves, without a lot of consideration for anyone else. I just don't feel the sense of community in any subcultural movement the way I did back then. I definitely feel we've all fallen farther apart rather than come closer together.

Thank you for an extensive answer, and sorry for taking so long to respond myself.

All in all, I totally get what you're saying here. I know it's easy to dismiss all this bitching of yours on the good ol' "back in my day" ramble but it truly feels like we've all been going downhill for like 10 years or so now.

Everybody's so selfish, man. It's so exhausting to me. I get burned again and again by trying to be decent and caring. And it's promoted too. You mentioned social media as one of the culprits, but I'd say it's the internet in general. We became so accustomed to having shit just handed to us. For example, people don't want to pay for apps, don't want to pay for anything really, even directly to creators. Because we got so used to having it for free thanks to the early days of the internet. Nothing to give, no collaboration, only taking, taking and more taking, like what you experienced with StP maintenance.

It's really heartbreaking. You'd think an alternative culture like the "punk travel" one would know and do better but this virus just spreads uncontrollably. You get fucked over every time you try to live by your ideals, because we're being groomed and conditioned to fend four ourselves more and more, and as a result we drift further and further apart, despite being more connected than ever before.

I really honestly do believe with all my heart that it was better before the internet and the anonymity that comes with it. Way less convenient for sure, but better overall.

I don't have all the answers either, it's just my feelings I'm sharing here.


Dec 8, 2019
Reaction score
Wow. Man this is rough to hear but I understand everything your saying. I mean.obviously I'm not a well seasoned member nor do I interact much. But ive lurked and later been a member of this site since I was probably about 13 going on 14. And god have I learned so much. Just yesterday my GF asked me why I always call my bandanna a "skank" and I never think about why I call it that anymore butt when she asked it made me remember I got that from here. As I'm typing this I have pat the bunny playing on my radio and I was recommend his music by someone on here. I'm terribly sad to see it go but ik it will be better for you. Ive seen the game stuff you've posted in the discord and it looks sick. I understand why its going away but I'll always remember this place. And I just want to thank you for how much this site has really affected me.
  • Thank you
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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2018
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Understandable. This was a pretty big project to carry for so many years. I remember it used to very active. I started traveling through communes and living out of a backpack between. I remember months I spent on this website prior to heading to the slabs the first time, where many of us met. Lots of falling out between people over the years. I feel pretty disconnected from folks and the dirty kid scene these days, but back then it brought many of us together. But off and on over the years this website played a part in my hitchhiking adventures, hiking the PCT, and cycling a few different routes across the country. I think in a lot of ways new people are finding each other more in facebook groups and other social media algorithms. Combined with people passing away or the various fallouts between friends, it seems activity on here dwindled to this point. It's an unfortunate loss, but I'd do the same at this point if I was you. I imagine the diminishing returns are worse at this point from an admin view.

I think a combination of keeping the discord and maybe a fediverse server would be cool.

I've been working and living in Oregon for a year, trying to save up to cycle around the world. It's sad to know when I'm back on the road in a bigger way in the next year or two, this won't be here to share or direct alternative travel type people I meet along the way to. Appreciate that you have held it down this long and were always cool to me. To be green again, showing up at a library in the desert with nothing but a marine ILBE on my back and a 12-pack. What a wild ride some of us have had!
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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2023
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One thing that occurs to me is that the file library and the train hopping section will be cut off from everyone when the site gets shuttered. This is due to those areas requiring an account to access. When the site closes, logins will be disabled, and those sections will no longer be able to be accessed.

I don't want to open them up to the public (even as a read-only archive) due to legal reasons and protecting certain kinds of train hopping information that might have been discussed in that area of the forums.

so, if you want to archive things on StP, you might want to start there first.

Is anyone moving on this? Sorry if I missed something in the comments. I'm a big fan of, and I posted the sequel to my Thoughts on Squatting in the San Francisco Bay Area there:

The second edition of Thoughts... should also go up there shortly after Little Black Cart stops printing, which will be the same time StP shuts down. It looks like this winter plans on being a bummer. Let's try to make it not one!

Other sites like may have been cooler, but they come and go like circa 2001/'02, and StP now. In fact, I've lost some materials when zinelibrary went down, and only have some because stored them! I've also lost some others when scribd put up a paywall and I no longer had access to my account because I'd switched e-mail addresses when my collective at the time fell apart.

All this adds to why I remain committed to print. Hope to see you all on the flipside!


Jan 6, 2023
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PNW, Occupied Land
All the best Matt. I haven't been here long, less than a year I think; but I appreciate the site you built, the community you attempted to foster and all the hours that must've taken you. I spent the summer mostly in France -- which I think I posted about here before I left. Anyway, I highly recommend Bordeaux if that all appeals to you. It was my favourite stop. There's punks there, there's energy there, beautiful old French alleyways for what felt like miles right by the waterfront. And it seems liveable as far as housing prices go, moreso than most other modern cites anyway.
  • Thank you
Reactions: Matt Derrick


Nov 27, 2018
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San Jose, CA
I still haven't ventured out to go anywhere but someday I will. When that day comes, I will put to use, all the things I learned from this website from everyone that posted their experiences, techniques, ideas, and comments about traveling.
Mr. Derrick, thank you for all the hard work you did in creating and running this website. I'm sorry I didn't contribute more. I wish I had met you. I suppose there won't be anymore Jamboree gatherings. I should have went to past ones. I wish you the best in your next creative project, whatever it may be. I know it will be great.

-Aaron H


Active member
Dec 14, 2012
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Kanagawa (神奈川), Japan
I haven't been on here in a while, life has a habit of getting in the way after all and after posting my most recent write up I find out the place is shutting its doors. Hits hard but, Matt I totally understand and I wish you the best of luck. You're a big part of the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing now with my life and I just want you to know even if it might not mean much coming from someone you never met, thank you. Thank you for being an inspiration and for doing this for us for all this time.
  • Thank you
Reactions: Matt Derrick
May 15, 2015
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It's not okay to delete this website because there are almost zero places online and also ways to find it, especially ones where people are talking together, rather then one guy ranting about a Xtian bible in the middle of every post etc. I'm the case of the majority of the topics, there is literally not any other place anywhere.

You don't need to "code" or "design" anything at all. This website has already finished being coded and designed a very, very, very, very long time ago.

You could delete certain useless topics, like all the ones about "I went to Kansas and I found this annoying guy who followed me and then someone gave me $300 and the I met a guy card Dickey and a guy called Waterfall, and then I injured my knee but since I left Kansas on a bus it healed itself before I got somewhere else." And there is no warning about dangerous people at all. That kind of thing or any other topics that doesn't have anything important or any information at all in the whole topic, you could delete those one by one after ensuring that zero people will ever need anything there for information, (including archive or interest, like "what the train guard schedule was in 2011, and also this one legendary asshole that died later", that is useful for some purposes even if no one needs it to avoid train guards). But that would take a ton of time and plus have to read every word since often all the info is in a reply when a topic came up unexpectedly that isn't expected to end up in a topic that was originally a different category, in the first post. And you just said you don't want to do that kind of work, which makes it easy, to not delete any topics, even though that does make it a lot harder to use the search function.
  • Stupid
Reactions: Matt Derrick

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
It's not okay to delete this website because there are almost zero places online and also ways to find it, especially ones where people are talking together, rather then one guy ranting about a Xtian bible in the middle of every post etc. I'm the case of the majority of the topics, there is literally not any other place anywhere.

You don't need to "code" or "design" anything at all. This website has already finished being coded and designed a very, very, very, very long time ago.

You could delete certain useless topics, like all the ones about "I went to Kansas and I found this annoying guy who followed me and then someone gave me $300 and the I met a guy card Dickey and a guy called Waterfall, and then I injured my knee but since I left Kansas on a bus it healed itself before I got somewhere else." And there is no warning about dangerous people at all. That kind of thing or any other topics that doesn't have anything important or any information at all in the whole topic, you could delete those one by one after ensuring that zero people will ever need anything there for information, (including archive or interest, like "what the train guard schedule was in 2011, and also this one legendary asshole that died later", that is useful for some purposes even if no one needs it to avoid train guards). But that would take a ton of time and plus have to read every word since often all the info is in a reply when a topic came up unexpectedly that isn't expected to end up in a topic that was originally a different category, in the first post. And you just said you don't want to do that kind of work, which makes it easy, to not delete any topics, even though that does make it a lot harder to use the search function.

I appreciate your sentiment, but this statement either shows a severe lack of understanding behind what it takes to run a website like this, or you just didn't read this thread before responding to it.

1. the website isn't getting 'deleted', it's being archived. I've already dived into this, so please re-read the thread.
2. I'm not going through 120,000+ posts to delete irrelevant things just so it's easier for you to find information. I have a life outside this website.

This website has already finished being coded and designed a very, very, very, very long time ago.

Wow, I was completely unaware of this! I wonder what I've been doing with all those hundreds of hours of time I spent in the past 2–3 years? Was I just imagining things that needed to be fixed? Apparently I should have checked in with you and gotten confirmation that it was all finished long ago and avoided a lot of grief! /s /s /s
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