Website Updates Squat the Planet will be shutting down at the end of 2023

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Big George W

Oct 21, 2021
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East Derby, Connecticut
As a off and on member since what I consider the golden era of STP, I can completely see where Matt is coming from, and can completely understand and back his reasons for having STP cease to exist.

Truth be told, I'm surprised the site has lasted this long,

When I first got turned on to STP by username graven in the spring of 2010, I was username Earth and man, STP was like the promised land back then, the site was extremely easy to use, and the site itself had a real appeal to it, especially the chat feature which - I know, I've done this real late at night !! - which enabled say 3 or 4 people all over the country to be chatting back and forth while drinking, and really having a good time.

It was like magic, and there really was a sense of community back then [2010/11] but then things began to go wrong between me and graven, she left for Gods country in the PNW, never to be seen or heard from again [which is unfortunate, since I've been wanting to find someone who knows her to let her know how well Loki the dog is doing, at 15 years 5 months old] so I had no choice but to deactivate my profile, plus at that time [post 2011] I sensed things starting to take a more dark turn on STP dark meaning negative, and I left with many regrets.

I know when I came back a few years later as Otterwolf God knows exactly when, STP was very different but it was better in a more positive way.

It was possible to make some cool connections - but the chat feature was gone by then, and I found it difficult to really want to be a part of a scene which, it's debatable if I ever belonged to in the first place.

After another necessary break, again not sure when but say between 5 - 7 years ago, I don't know... I came back to STP, same profile and things got real ugly fast.

All of a sudden, it was like - as Matt correctly stated - everyone fighting over nothing - real stupid shit, I mean real fucking stupid shit which pushed me right out, so I deactivated a second time, I don't know maybe 4 years ago.

All the good people for the most part that I knew in 2010/11 were long gone.

Another thing that got on my nerves real fast was all these new rules - it got to the point where the more inclusive the site was becoming the more people were becoming seperated and forming their own factions [this was just my own observation, weather this was true or not I am not one to say] but again, there was a total shift from Travel to something else, God knows what - so I left with no regrets.

When I came back using my true name, which is my current username, it was because my focus had changed into being more in tune with the whole squatter/traveling community, and I was very seriously looking to return to STP and see what was going on, and to my relief things were cool again, and all the knuckleheads were gone.

But it was no longer the same.

I saw people trying to make posts only to be shot down saying "go look it up" or "check the forums first before posting any questions" and that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Maybe that person asking the question that's been asked 10,000 times was simply looking to connect with some people, instead of seeking to look something up.....

I had that happen to me - not here - on a phone call, upon hearing that Hilly {CBGBs] was dead, and I was curious why only to be told "go look it up" when that mother fucker who used to be me best friend knew the answer but chose to be a dick about it, hence I never spoke to him ever again,

Maybe I'm old fashioned, I am old but not that old, but I'm probably older than most on this forum.

I do admit I know nothing about how forums work, so perhaps there is a legit reason why multipul threads on the same subject are no good and what's the solution then, delete the oldest ones ?? I don't know.....

But I do know that I am sad to learn about this news first thing this morning, as with the end of STP this is truly the end of an era, and it is safe to say nothing could ever take the place for all the hard work Matt and many others put in to make STP the great place is was.

Matt, Good Luck in your next path in life.
You will always be remembered as one of the good guys.

Ali, if I can figure out how, I will PM you and take up your generous offer as I am a huge fan of following you on your travels.

I sincerely hope this came out right, since most likely this will be my last post here.

Come to think of it, once I hit the Post reply button, this will signal the complete end of my social media experience, which in retrospect has probably caused me more harm than good.

I love you all.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat
Go raibh an ghaoth go brách ag do chúl
Go lonraí an ghrian go te ar d’aghaidh
Go dtite an bháisteach go mín ar do pháirceanna
Agus go mbuailimid le chéile arís,
Go gcoinní Dia i mbos A láimhe thú.

My the road rise to meet you
May the wind be at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


Dec 13, 2022
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Las Vegas NV
Thanks for contributing to the facets that have turned some really difficult stories into (in no other word) gems. The StP chats were something to learn from and what could be will happen. If you couldn't lace up your boots and pack... to move-on , life would really be clearly under-appreciated. For all who've opened up during days or times of traveling let the same ability to accept, understand and communicate be a skill you never lose. It's been real time won't wait why should anyone else. Good Luck

Joe Btfsplk

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
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Arrowinore and Widerstand could take over. They often kicked me off the site. 2008?

Enjoyed StP Matt. Met you a couple times. "I don't hate people, I just feel better when they're not around". (Bukowski) Wore that T-shirt to the 2017 Jambo.

Did you ever achieve the Webelos rank?

You have the drive and somewhat stamina to pursue interests; restless mind syndrome. There are help groups. Zeus only knows your upcoming snags and wins (can't think of a Greek Job).

RIP StP. Fifteen plus years of good read.


Jun 12, 2023
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United States
It sucks to see this forum go. Lots of cool shit to be lost. I must say I commend your 20+ years of dedication to this site, Matt. It really takes a lot of effort to hold up a site, especially one like this. I'm eager to see your future projects and I wish you luck with any future plans, especially with your Europe relocation and the second edition of The Anarchist's Guide to Travel. I plan to be at the Anarchist book fair in Seattle this August.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2016
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Eureka, California
Well shit. First off, thank you Matt. Thank you so very much for the years of work and dedication to StP. I discovered StP in 2016, and it was a bit of a reawakening of an earlier period of my life that I thought I had “outgrown,” but you never really outgrow the urge to be untethered from mainstream society; the chain eventually rusts free with years of stormy weather. I was inspired by, and learned so much from other people and their experiences, and StP was such a valuable resource to learn from. I would agree that the general state of “the scene” seems to be in decline, but as an 80’s punk, we were bitching about that all along. Cheers to you and your future endeavors brother!

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

Crazy Hobo Johnny

Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
Thank you Matt for creating StP. I am sad and in shock to hear this. I am sure when you had the idea to create StP it was a dream, I am sure you had sleepless nights putting it together and I respect and honor that you put this website out here. The hard work you did is much appreciated.

I learned a lot of stuff here. So much wealth of information. Thank You!

I even met a StP member who lived near my neighborhood (small world I guess).

I want to thank some of you StP members who PM me privately on all kinds of travel subjects.

The world is changing each day. I understand Matt it is time to look for new adventures and I am doing the same as I recently retired from the full time work force so I can bicycle tour more. With these crazy train derailments I'm kinda paranoid on train riding for now.

Thank you so much for putting this together, sad to see StP go.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
First of all ... thank you so much for your work and dedication over such a long period of time for this site!

It's sad news, but I can perfectly understand you.

Just wanted to say that StP played a big role when it comes to me having the best time of my life.

About 2014 I was depressed and fed up with my life, for a variety of reasons. Then first I stumbled upon train hopping videos on Youtube. Well, I was not really going to do actual trainhopping, but I became interested in the lifestyle. Shortly after that, I found StP.

I read a lot and learned a lot here. Over the time, going "traveling" for some time went from just a dream or an idea to an actual plan. First I went just backpacking in England, staying in hostels.

In parallel I met someone here on StP living in England and this member actually introduced me into squatting in Bristol. We are still best friends. Without all that I most likely would have never considered to take a time out and live traveling homeless in UK for more than two years. Best time of my life.

Now I'm back in Germany since a few years, housed and working due to circumstances. But I will never forget the time in England which would have never happened without StP.

So, yeah ... just wanted to say you made a difference basically, even for a formerly shy and introvert software developer in Germany. :)


trash panda
May 31, 2022
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California, USA
This is quite sad, one thing I absolutely love about this site is that it's self-hosted. I recently bit the bullet and signed up for Instagram because every traveler I was meeting used that as their main social platform. I've been trying to avoid Facebook/Meta, for obvious reasons, but had to give in or not be able to contact some people I would like to stay in contact with.

@Matt Derrick I am curious though, what are your plans for the merch store? If that's gonna be shut down as well, could you archive/upload the images/templates used to create those designs?

train in vain

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
I'm kind of surprised it's lasted this long. I'm here 90% for train related matters and that has definitely been dead for awhile. It was good while it lasted. I've been lurkin since the livejournal days. Thanks for stickin it out!
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Nov 26, 2019
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Times are a changing 🤔

Definitely have noticed the traveling subculture in general on a steep decline in the past decade or so, maybe its the drugs getting nastier or me getting elderly

Good luck everyone, one foot infront of the other


Active member
Mar 25, 2023
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Darn, I just discovered STP recently and got inspired to revisit my earlier wandering ways. But I get your frustration. It’s a perennial problem with anarchist-type endeavors- there’s usually a only a few movers and shakers willing to do the day to day work after the initial excitement wears off.

I want to say thanks for doing the work. It inspired me to try out bike tramping. In fact I’m on my first real tour now resting up at my uncle’s house after a grueling, thrilling and sometimes scary ride through the steep hills and hollars of Appalachian southeast Ohio. I’ll try to post about it soon. But that might not happen because, well, it takes lots of time and we’re all busy, and I guess that’s why nobody stepped up to take over this website…

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Thank you to everyone for the kind words, it does mean a lot to hear those. On a side note, I have started a thread for brainstorming some ideas on what could happen after StP closes its doors, so please take a look at that and feel free to provide any input you have:


The Toecutter

The Patron Saint of Filth
Oct 2, 2022
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Everywhere and nowhere
I’ve set the date of December, 31st, 2023 as the final day of open posting. Hopefully, this should give folks time to archive anything they need to. While it is likely I will maintain an archive of the site for historical purposes, please don’t count on it. Make backups of anything here you don’t want to lose.

I hope you get to do 3D map design for games for a living. Making dungeons for RPGs can be fun. I know as I've been working on my own 2D sprite-based RPG. I first started messing around with game making tools when I was 15, but I never finished anything.

Thank you for keeping this site open. I found it very late in its life, but I'm glad I did. It was very informative.

Glass Roads

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2019
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Pullman, WA
We'll dang I'll be sad to see STP go but I get where you're coming from. Seems like you've been holding down solo for a while now, and that's a lot of work.
STP has certainly been a wealth of information and inspiration, and I'll definitely follow if it rolls into some other community.
I hope there's some kind of way to download the site as an archive, and hope somebody could explain that to the less technology savy folks like myself.
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
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Sad to hear the news, but I'm happy STP existed for as long as it did and gave us all so much. I gained a lot of information about traveling, living on the streets, and made some life long friends from this site. Thanks for holding it down for so long Matt!
  • Thank you
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Active member
May 5, 2022
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Well, shit. Just my luck I guess. I'm at a crossroads in life, deciding what to do with it, how I really want to spend my time. Feeling like I'm constantly playing pretend trying to fit in with the mainstream society. Finally I'm fed up and try to do something about it I find this site like little over a year ago and get crazy inspired, more than I've ever been. Planning, reading up, researching, lurking... at the same time noticing that the website is kinda quiet, but not dead! I'm there hoping to make some new acquaintances that I can share a worldview with, make some connections... and the site goes belly up!

Damn man I'm really impressed with everything you've done. I bought your book, read your milestones, read a lot of other folks' stories and got so enchanted with all of it, got so inspired by all of that. Thank you so much. Thank you for all your work you've put in here. I only know it from what people say here since I haven't experienced it myself, I've been here for a year, but it looks really nice and organized, it houses crazy amount of useful stuff!

Thank you Matt for all of your sweat, perseverance, passion and who knows maybe even blood and tears when building this community. You're a beacon for me and I'm sure a lot of people on this forum. I just hope I can somehow save this treasury and maybe get to know some people one day.

I wish you all the best in whatever is next for you. I hope your European dream comes true and you can finally rest!


Burrito fund contributor
StP Supporter
Nov 1, 2021
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NY Full time RV'er
Hey everyone, I’m sorry to say I have bad news. After nearly 23 years, I will be closing the doors on the Squat the Planet website. I’ve been struggling for a long time now to find the motivation I used to have for coding/designing websites, and as of today I’ve finally decided I just don’t have the energy or passion to keep this going.

For those who’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably seen me bounce back and forth on this issue quite a bit over the past several years. Unfortunately, StP and it’s community just haven’t lived up to what I’d really hoped for, and no one has stepped up to take the reins (despite several pleas), so… it’s time to close up shop.

No one really takes the time to post anything interesting about their travels anymore, most folks can’t even figure out how to use a message board (posting threads in the incorrect category about 60% of the time), and StP can’t seem to escape the reputation for being a site about train hopping; something I haven’t done in quite some time, and a scene (not a community) I’m fairly disgusted with overall.

In my opinion, the travel sub-culture has really lost its way; sudo-hobos bicker and fight online just to inflate their own egos, there aren’t any events worth going to anymore (and haven’t been in a long time) and I just don’t feel any kind of unity in our community; I just feel like no one gives a damn about anyone besides themselves anymore.

Obviously, I have to throw in the caveat that I don’t feel this way about everyone. There’s been a lot of great people on here over the past two decades. Many of which I still talk to today, and even more that I consider good friends and I hope will always be part of my life going into the future. You know who you are. Even if you don’t know me personally, but you have made amazing contributions to the StP community in the past, thank you. Thank you so much for being one of the good ones. The ones that made me proud to have created this website.

But, it’s no longer my job to hold this community up by myself. I’m not sure what will come next. I have a few vague ideas for other projects, which may or may not become successors to StP. I'm very interested in the Fediverse and fighting for internet freedom, so it might be something in that direction, but who knows. I’m taking a break, and I’m not in a rush to jump into another project. What this means for various other StP-related projects (Anarchist's Guide to Travel, the StP discord, file library, etc.) I'm really not sure. I'd like to discuss that here in this thread.

I’ve set the date of December, 31st, 2023 as the final day of open posting. Hopefully, this should give folks time to archive anything they need to. While it is likely I will maintain an archive of the site for historical purposes, please don’t count on it. Make backups of anything here you don’t want to lose.

Please feel free to respond with your comments and questions in this thread, I’ll do my best to reply when time permits.

EDIT: I also have a side thread going about starting a possible successor to StP, please take a look and give your thoughts.

Sorry to hear. I have not been on here long. Really only came here to find a missing friend who started hopping trains again. Found him then stayed to offer help to others if possible. I'm not entrenched in the scene enough to contribute much and definitely know nothing about running a webpage. But maybe I can find someone who may want to keep it going. You've got some really talented & interesting posters here. And as for bickering, ugh, that's what social media has become it seems. Wish you, and everyone on this site, the best. Stay safe ❣️
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