okay, first dont ever rely on what some 12 year old writes about anything. "dropping out for students"... yeah i read that and if anything it pressures youth into being homeless. leaving home may find you a new shade of freedom, but not the perfect kind you look for. check out the runaways thread: http://squattheplanet.com//general-discussion/general-banter/5089-runaways-minors.html
but in the end man, your family will never support you because it scares them. but i cant sit here and tell you not to when i'm 17 and hitching. i just want you to know it's no walk in the park. it gets cold, you get hungry like you never have before, you get sick, and sometimes you get lonely or feel like no one cares. so why do i do it? because i love traveling and meeting new people and seeing new places. i connect with runaways because ive been one for three years, but remember, no one is going to take care of you if you leave and dont expect anyone to help you. some might and will help you out, but dont get your hopes up. But in the end, if you can handle it, it's the best life you could ask for. bitter sweet.
hello. my net handle is oxyhemoglobin and the name my parents gave me is conor but i havent decided my real name yet. i'm 17 and i live in a tiny apartment in downtown manhattan with my dad. i realized recently that i'm not happy here, going to school and feeling guilty because i never complete their menial tasks and feeling stressed about college. i want to get out and have an adventure. i'm a writer and i plan on producing a veritable library of content while i'm out.
no matter where i go all i seem to get is resistance on this (dads not very supportive of the idea, never shouldve told him in the first place) so i'm hoping i've found a discussion board where people are supportive of teenage liberation.
i've been reading a lot of stuff online (cavegrrrl's "DROPPING OUT for students" comes to mind, pdf attached for the unfamiliar) and i'm ready to do this, but i feel pretty alone and im admittedly not sure exactly what to do so what i need is some assistance. i'm pretty sure i want to go west. whether thats by freight hopping (how? where?) or hitch hiking (safe?) or biking (dont even have one!) or a combination thereof i havent decided. i just want to get out and see this shitty country i'm supposed to love. apart from that my future is an open book. i want to take the road less traveled by and have it make all the difference. help me out?