I rubber tramp so I appreciate that in itself that is safer than hitch hiking for example and I'm also in the UK so perhaps that's safer than the USA (I dunno?). Nowadays I travel 99% of the time Just me and my dog. I pick up hitchhikers and occasionally friends come along for the ride.
I have felt so much safer on my own than I ever did traveling with male friends/ ex boyfriends. They just got me into situations that were really sketchy and because I stupidly assumed safety in numbers I went head on into it all even though I would never consider doing these thing or going to these places as a lone female because I know the outcome is going to be awful. I just find that men all too often act overly confident and think they can handle every situation whereas I think sometimes women are more aware of people's body language and are more careful which situations they put themselves in. I guess men in my experience seem to take more risks.
I think you also have to remember that the risk of abuse is also very real in terms of it coming from the male person you are traveling with.
For example since travelling solo I HAVEN'T been strangled, punched in the face, robbed, threatened with a knife, arrested, spat at or coerced into criminal activity (all things that happened to me whilst in the "safe" company of men!) I lead a peaceful life now and I worry a lot less about my safety. Maybe that has partly come with age too (I'm 35!
I get more respect for travelling alone in fact and it's something a lot of my female friends are also doing which is really great. I think if you're female or identify so, then I personally think you'd be much better off travelling with another female or a gang of them if you're not ready for solo travelling.
In my experience of life squatting, sleeping rough and rubber tramping I've definitely been able to rely on the support of the women around me and I'd trust my life with them.
These are just my experiences and opinions. Not all people of the same gender behave the same way. There are good people in all walks of life.