The players in your jungle act within temporary social contracts conditioned by their very nature, yet even if they don't realize it... with room to expand evolve and break norms.
With Hobbes I'm not familiar if his ideas exhibit social contracts that are fluid and in time broken.
Even so... what you assume as someones nature is also easily an illusion you can be stripped of.
Your hippos are over 9000! pound charging vegetarian beasts with razor sharp teeth in a herd like behavior that would not hesitate to bite the testicles off a tiger.
War has been declared and in a war, hippos and monkeys, parrots and sloths will never win against jaguars and tigers.
Never say never.
Everything has a weakness... even jaguars and tigers, and many have unconventional strengths... The monkey will be clever, the parrot takes to the sky and the sloth...
Well the sloth smokes a lot of weed... and is adept at hide and seek I suppose.
Plus, they are not very tasty I hear. haha... ...::hilarious::
In todays human society, yea... it's useful to be subtle and clever.. yet depending on your goal there are various methods to achieve what you "want".
Success is not always limited to the method. Some credit goes to circumstances, access to a specific social circle, out right luck, and numerous factors neither of us have thought of. ::sour::