Safe-ish spots or ways to sleep in NYC


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2018
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Alaska-Argentina on a bike
So is it a legend that you can spend the night in the subway?

Also, I did that once in Canada in a Tim Hortons (their shitty coffee chain)-
I bought one drink, so I'm a customer, and I just kinda slept there (sitting, so not good sleep, but a safe place to spend the night)


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Update: I spent most nights in a not so busy subway entrance behind one of those utility boxes. Ur not allowed to sleep there but only one night did I get kicked out and it was just bc they were looking for ppl to clear out before pressure cleaning. Idk how often they do that.
When they told me to leave where I was at (btw nyc cops seem super relieved n not aggro if u just say okay n go when asked to leave. But also I'm white n not gnarly lookin) it was raining out so the cop told me I could sleep sitting up on the train itself.
Also, it seems safe to just sleep in doorways in Manhattan. Maybe not other boroughs tho?

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