Need Some Advice


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2009
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southern cal
You seem to have misunderstood me.

I'm not attacking you or anyone else to using money. In the present system we have set up it's pretty difficult to live without it.

I'm just saying that money isn't something I'd include in the kind of world I want to live in, or the one I want to help build.

I don't think it's hypocritical to use money and think it's bad. I think a lot of us make compromises on the way we live our lives in order to get things done and/or avoid jail, stay warm, etc. It comes from having a difference of opinion from the bulk of people in the world about the way we should be doing things.

I agree with you, all money is is someone's word and nothing else. But therein lies the problem. People don't always keep their words, and it's not always your fault when it becomes problematic for you.

Have you seen whats happening with foreclosures in this country? How snake-oil salesmen have tricked people into these adjustable mortgage rates, causing them to lose their homes, thereby causing windows to be boarded up and driving down the property values of other peoples homes, causing more foreclosures and rampant homelessness? This can't happen in a system where we don't use money.

When you replace food, clothing, shiny things, whatever with little slips of paper that represent them, it opens up all these possibilities for how those slips of paper are handled, and used by certain individuals to accumulate massive amounts of wealth for themselves while leaving other people painfully poor. It creates the kind of fucked-up caste system where the top 1% controls 95% of the wealth. Where a CEO earns 350 times what a blue-collar worker does.

So don't tell me money is "practical". It's convenient hanging around in your pocket, waiting to be traded for your pack of cigarettes or new coat, perhaps, but not when it's helping to enslave you and further generations.

I don't totally disagree with you. The top 1% really does control just about everything. There are issues there but the problem is not in money itself. It's in the laws that govern accumulation of money. Kind of like a dam blocking a river. Don't blame the water, blame the regulation of that water, the dam, for problems.

On the other side I don't totally agree with you either. On enslavement.... I've seen a person go from dad died, mom goes nuts so he gets a foster home. From nothing he puts himself through school with loans. Gets his shit together with a degree in accounting and now has a nice life. Homeowner, and everything. So it can be done. Enslavement isn't totally external. A good part of enslavement is from internal reasons. (our own fuckups)

The barter system. Lets say YOU have a job working at a fast food joint. Will you barter burgers as trade for your labor ? Now you have 30 burgers. Tomorrow you'll have 60 burgers. By the end of the week you'll have 150 burgers. Now what ? Are you gonna haul around 150 burgers looking for a place that wants to take burgers for something YOU need ? Burgers are heavy, gets cold (looses value) and quickly rots (really looses value). Money just sits there untill you're ready to convert it to whatever you need. That is pretty damned practical. There is damned good reason why we left the barter system behind.

If the barter system is infinitely better, we would still be using it today.


Active member
Nov 19, 2008
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Where the wind blows me, California
man o man, do i know how you feel! I am in the same position (except...i dont have a job but am looking), tied down by materials i dont even want but apparently need. The thing is, you gotta look into your brain and see how bad you want this. Life is going to be complicated either could stay at your job get trapped in it or just save enough a split. Or you could split right now and have complications later. I love your ideas about what you want to do...but unfortunately, it will cost some cash. BUT if you're serious about it, the sacrifices will pay off.

Im sorry i didnt give you an answer...but i think you could find it on your own.

I sure hope i do.

Best of luck to you and maybe one day we'll meet and work together on our common goals.

See you out there :]


Oct 30, 2008
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in regards to advice, i'd suggest that you do what i do, and flip a coin. and then when the coin comes up with whatever you'd rather not do, you'll instantly realize that you'd rather not do it and you can go against the coin flip, cause that's what always happens.


Rev Quay Lude The Church of the SubGenius http:
StP Supporter
Mar 14, 2007
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tucson az/UofA
Be careful what you ask for.

You know what I hear? I want to do all this shit. But what the fuck do you actually know how to do? How do you plan to obtain the knowledge that is required to do all of the things you say you want to do?

Now, free food, mobile. DO you know what it actually takes to feed people in a mobile situation without getting them sick? Well, I do. I've been doing it on and off since 1980. It's a very highly specialized skill set. Do you want to learn it? Some of my friends were just in Pittsburg for the G20 feeding people for free. Maybe you saw them on the news. The two diesel school buses. Would you like to go work with them and learn how to do it? I can send an email and make a couple of calls and you can be with them in a couple of days. After you hang out with them for a year and learn what's going on, maybe you'll be prepared to go forward. Some of the other things that you've expressed interest in occur around them also.

So here is one of those things that happens in life. You're presented with a left turn on the highway of life. Do you wish to take the left?



Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
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Redding, CA
i like money. its the only way to buy beer. I tried taking 3 chickens in to get a 40 and they freaked out and called the cops...not sure why...


Well-known member
May 26, 2009
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I can carry the value of 5,000 or more live chickens in my pocket in money.

Where do you live? Sounds like a great pickpocketing place.

Mkirby, if one of your goals is to distribute drugs freely, why not just sell a portion of it cheap? Most psychedelics, especially LSD, have a huge profit margin. You could easily make enough to live off of while still dropping the market price of it. Or, sell a less useful drug, like MDMA so that you can freely give out mescaline and LSD.

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Mkirby, if one of your goals is to distribute drugs freely, why not just sell a portion of it cheap? Most psychedelics, especially LSD, have a huge profit margin. You could easily make enough to live off of while still dropping the market price of it. Or, sell a less useful drug, like MDMA so that you can freely give out mescaline and LSD.

LSD is free as long as you're real good at telling the person who's selling it that its supposed to be free. Works for me all the time.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2009
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LSD is free as long as you're real good at telling the person who's selling it that its supposed to be free. Works for me all the time.

Yeah...pretty much.

"I don't pay for acid anymore, acid comes to me."

"Oh! You figured it out! Awesome, how about a free ten strip."

Idk how many times some verison of this has happened to me in northern California.

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