Can I work on it? I think it's a learned behavior and my spiritual advising dog tells me it's my way if pushing people out of my life and deep down I'm afraid they'll treat me like my father. The fear of loving them when all they do is hurt me has caused a severe disconnect with my fellow man who are just trying to be kind and build a relationship and I just refuse to be vulnerable Soni just lash out being a bself righteous prick to nice moderators like you who were kind enough to welcome me. Thank you and I will certainly do my best to release these survival tools I have that are the wrong tool for the job at hand. When all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail. Thanks again and I'll do better in the future. Have a great evening. BTW I was raised in VA. if that helps my cause any.Or I dunno you could not act like a smartass anymore? That would almost be like a mulligan.