dumpster harpy

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Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
like i said, the typical female wants it both ways. first she was a horny slut and all was well as her sexual desires were being fulfilled but then at any second, her brain said stop, and now she became the victim instead of the taker of pleasure that *she* herself invited. the hypocrisy is pathetic. it is pure insanity to think that sex is rational and that it can just be shut off in the middle of arousal (especially with a man in his sexual prime), just like that. at least admit that you wanted what you asked for and you got exactly that. i am not talking about the kid earlier in the post or the other girls here who were taken advantage of in a myriad of ways. that's not just rape but child abuse of a minor as well. i am talking about a girl who invites sexual activity and then turns around and cries #metoo!

this is the exact prime reason men have gone MGTOW and how feminism has changed the social dynamic in mainstream society of dating and marriage.



I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Feb 25, 2019
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this is the exact prime reason men have gone MGTOW and how feminism has changed the social dynamic in mainstream society of dating and marriage.

I think that has more to do with them thinking it sounds better to say "oh I just avoid women because reasons" than "oh yeah I'm weird and nobody likes me".
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Oct 14, 2017
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Los Angeles
I think that has more to do with them thinking it sounds better to say "oh I just avoid women because reasons" than "oh yeah I'm weird and nobody likes me".

Most guys go #MGTOW because of a brutal divorce, where often the mother won't let the father see his kids anymore, but still pay for it and her new boyfriend. It's more common than you think. Men get abused a plenty.

Abuse is unacceptable, from either gender and to either gender. Whether it's from the government or any group of people.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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"Men Going Their Own Way" seems to mean very toxic misogynists ... avoiding women?!

Seems like a win/win- they should be encouraged to go their own way, very far away from women.

Since women post here, and feminist opinions abound, i think StP is a place that "MGTOW" should avoid like the plague- it just isn't the "safe space" these very delicate men need. Everyone, including them, will be better off if these "men" don't post here anymore.


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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Most guys go #MGTOW because of a brutal divorce, where often the mother won't let the father see his kids anymore, but still pay for it and her new boyfriend. It's more common than you think. Men get abused a plenty.

Abuse is unacceptable, from either gender and to either gender. Whether it's from the government or any group of people.

yes the brutal divorce/swindling thing is fucked up, beyond fucked up, I have seen it happen and I could not agree more, it is one of many things that forms the crux of the modern bastardization of marriage (in my opinion) but you are wayyyyy overgeneralizing - what makes you think that YOU know why ´most guys´ do, whatever they do?

As well nobody is justifying abuse of any gender - except for @PotBellyFatGuy - so I want to ask, why are you bringing this argument here?


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 14, 2016
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yes the brutal divorce/swindling thing is fucked up, beyond fucked up, I have seen it happen and I could not agree more, it is one of many things that forms the crux of the modern bastardization of marriage (in my opinion) but you are wayyyyy overgeneralizing - what makes you think that YOU know why ´most guys´ do, whatever they do?

As well nobody is justifying abuse of any gender - except for @PotBellyFatGuy - so I want to ask, why are you bringing this argument here?

justifying abuse of gender? um, i clearly said when a girl invites sexual advances, SHE WANTS it. this is not abuse. abuse is what the people talked about when they are taken advantage of, as in being minors and not knowing what is going on, or in cases where they are drugged, etc. where exactly is your reading comprehension skill in stating i am justifying abuse?
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 14, 2016
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"Men Going Their Own Way" seems to mean very toxic misogynists ... avoiding women?!

Seems like a win/win- they should be encouraged to go their own way, very far away from women.

Since women post here, and feminist opinions abound, i think StP is a place that "MGTOW" should avoid like the plague- it just isn't the "safe space" these very delicate men need. Everyone, including them, will be better off if these "men" don't post here anymore.

not to take that i live in the U.S. for granted and not shit russia, north korea, or any sharia law based nation, i am extremely grateful that my side of the story can be heard. i am not here to justify mgtow or anti-feminism or whatever. i am simply saying what i see from my perspective and my views are allowed to be heard. i never put a gun to anyone's head and said agree or die. i merely wanted to voice how men think. we are horny and in the midst of invited sexual encounters, we should not be asked to turn our erections off and the intense carnal desire of sex. you don't have to agree with it of course, at least not publicly due to excoriation by the outrage mob, but ask any girl who has had an incredible time with a real man who has dominated her in bed (and she wanted it, i am not talking about forced acts obviously). it was AMAZING. no girl dreams of a beta male or a sissy encounter when it comes to sex. not a single one.

too bad this generation of women has been taught that when a man dominates and rules over her (NOT in an abusive way obviously), it is seen as something bad instead of a mere gender role while they are there to nurture and support them as leaders of the household. everything has become about equality when it's simply not possible. men and women think very differently and it isn't a competition but a complementation. mainstream social justice propaganda won't allow for it which is why so many laws have been put into place that have destroyed nuclear families by making laws against men. not just fake #metoo cries but divorce rape, no child custody, automatic guilt before innocence, i can go on.

message to women: there is nothing wrong with being feminine and appreciating "what makes us girls," like brittany pettibone says in the title of her book. ditch the social justice kool-aid.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 14, 2016
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I think that has more to do with them thinking it sounds better to say "oh I just avoid women because reasons" than "oh yeah I'm weird and nobody likes me".

then why are powerful men refusing to mentor women in the business world? too much #metoo risk. remember that men are judged based on their resources they bring to the table while women are based on youth, fertility, and chastity. doesn't matter if a guy isn't hot as long as he is wealthy and powerful in society. they can get girls. but they are walking away due to major risks, even outside of #metoo. divorce is easily an option in today's world. and every man loses in divorce. cases abound (google them or see the videos on youtube) where judges are forcing men to pay child support for children who aren't even theirs, as proven by DNA tests.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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PotBellyFatGuy: You are a moron, a scumbag, a vile person, and probably have never had sex, and will never have sex in your life, without paying a woman who is revolted by your disgusting presence, or raping.

You are clearly also, in your own misogynist lingo, a "beta".

Because you understand that no woman would ever voluntarily have sex with you without getting paid, and that all women sense what a shit person you are, and are revolted by you, you spin out masturbatory fantasies (fueled by your obsessive porn-viewing) about "what women [that alien species that stopped talking to you by middle school] want".

Those of us with actual experience of "what women want" just stare aghast.

Die in a fire.
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 14, 2016
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PotBellyFatGuy: You are a moron, a scumbag, a vile person, and probably have never had sex, and will never have sex in your life, without paying a woman who is revolted by your disgusting presence, or raping.

You are clearly also, in your own misogynist lingo, a "beta".

Because you understand that no woman would ever voluntarily have sex with you without getting paid, and that all women sense what a shit person you are, and are revolted by you, you spin out masturbatory fantasies (fueled by your obsessive porn-viewing) about "what women [that alien species that stopped talking to you by middle school] want".

Those of us with actual experience of "what women want" just stare aghast.

Die in a fire.

you are not in the 5th grade. you don't need to make personal insults to get your point across. especially as an older man. what am i supposed to do now? make fun of you and figure out some names i can call you? does this make sense to you?

i come from a traditional culture with clear gender roles. we don't have issues that american men are having with the anti-masculine propaganda being peddled alongside a good dose of feminism. women want to be dominated by men. they won't come out and say it because it is simply not politically correct to do so.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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They are not "personal insults", they are responses to your vile thoughts that you have posted. I don't otherwise know you from a hole in the ground. And you just keep digging your misogynist hole with your last post.

I too come from a traditional culture with clear gender roles; it's called America.

In this culture, one of our traditions is that persons of all genders are entitled to use lethal force on sub-neanderthals like you, when you pursue sex the way we know you do from your posts here.

In case it is not clear to you (because it is clear you are dumb as a rock), i am not seeking a discussion with you.

"What you are supposed to do now" is die in two fires, or at the hands of the next woman you try to rape.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 14, 2016
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User has been banned for generally being a complete dip shit
They are not "personal insults", they are responses to your vile thoughts that you have posted. I don't otherwise know you from a hole in the ground. And you just keep digging your misogynist hole with your last post.

I too come from a traditional culture with clear gender roles; it's called America.

In this culture, all genders are entitled to use lethal force on sub-neanderthals like you, when you pursue sex the way we know you do from your posts here.

In case it is not clear to you (because it is clear you are dumb as a rck), i am not seeking a discussion with you.

"What you are supposed to do now" is die in two fires, or at the hands of the next woman you try to rape.

america in 1950 is not america today. there is a VERY BIG difference in cultural norms in this country today. there is no way an ad like that from gillette a few months ago would have been shown in america in the past. on top of that, women and minorities are being celebrated, hence the attack on the straight white male. these things were not america 70 years ago. we didn't have women growing out armpit hair, dying it purple, becoming fat and disgusting and being proud of it too, then becoming trigglypuff at social gatherings. and this insanity is celebrated! absolutely crazy.

you are calling me a moron and some other names. dude, that's personal. if you want to attack an argument, state its flaws instead of anything about who i am. again, as an older man, why should i have to teach you this basic skill of differentiating ad hominem? you should know these things at your age.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Dear fat moron: I do in fact have the capacity to construct a logical argument, what with the law school and what not. However, you a vile subhuman, and i am not trying to do so. It would be wasted on an imbecilic fuck like you.

You post under the name of "PotBellyFatGuy", and have the chutzpah to talk about women "becoming fat and disgusting and being proud of it too"? Pot-kettle issues?

Also, i am an old guy. As you can see, i am 60. Those who finished second grade in my culture know i was not yet alive in 1950. i grew up in the '60s-'70s with a hardcore feminist mom.

Since you keep asking what you should do, you should delete your account. No one here is going to put up with your shit, especially in a thread about men like you.

The other thing you should do is step in front of a speeding truck or train today.

Also (and this will probably go over your head, because you are very stupid), an "ad hominem" argument does not take the form "PotBellyFatGuy is an imbecile lump of dogshit and a sub-species of nothing", but rather takes the form "The argument that PotBellyFatGuy makes is false because PotBellyFatGuy is an imbecile lump of dogshit and a sub-species of nothing". I used to teach logic, cretinous pustule.
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Deleted member 24029

So, the Rape discussion thread has become the thread debating MGTOW? You know, for a community that needs things to stay on the tracks...
Next up, a thread with favorite quotes from Elliot Rodger?!?!

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Wow, this got out of hand really quickly. Apologies to the thread starter for not banning this guy earlier.

So, the Rape discussion thread has become the thread debating MGTOW? You know, for a community that needs things to stay on the tracks...
Next up, a thread with favorite quotes from Elliot Rodger?!?!

Agreed, let's get this thread back on track.


Sep 30, 2018
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Fort Collins
Now seems like a good time to remind you all that not a single damn one of you is to blame for what happened. Whether you were into it at first or knew the person or were friends or in a relationship with them or even if they were a stranger. The thing is, that "tiger" bites whether it's been slapped or not. It was not your fault, and no one deserves that. And not a damn one of you was 'asking for it'. And everybody that's got a grain of common sense knows that too. There's a lot of good people and good times to be had out there. Don't let the bad ones dissuade you from going where you want or doing what you want to do.


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Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
unbelievable - any time a girl / woman has said 'no further' I have respected their wishes without any sense of frustration / injustice or any kind of negative feeling - to be granted ANY level of intimacy / closeness with a partner is a beautiful thing and my 'right to satisfaction' is not even remotely a consideration.....
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