yes the typical male wants to have sex with women whenever possible. of course that is obvious which is why "the internet is for porn." sex sells bigtime and men are the ones chasing the women. with this basic fact that the world openly knows (and women take advantage of with hypergamy based on their sexual market value), i and my friends have NEVER raped any girl. we have never had a lack of impulse control or have hurt someone, either through breaking local laws or transgressing personal boundaries. we are horny but we are not rapists. if you turn on a guy and go "halfway" like your example story, what is he supposed to do? a vast majority (NOT myself included) would not be able to stop. is that considered rape or did you lead him on and then just expect him to turn off his sexual desire right there and then? he was likely very young too in his 20s. that's a toxic mix for a girl to call "rape." you invite these sexual situations with a man in his sexual prime and then just want it to end as if it is a class lecture or a transaction at a cash register. you can't have it both ways. you want to enjoy the sexual experience in the presence of a man - men, whose nature you know very well by default as per your own words - and then turn around and blame him for wanting to desire you. there is no compassion to feel. he did nothing wrong. women are the gatekeepers. if you don't trust men sexually, don't entice them or put yourself in a situation where he will want sex and then you just abruptly stop and then you turn around cry foul. that's not how life works.
this is a very common form of victim blaming. the sort answer to your query is that if either partner of a sexual interaction withdraws consent at
any point, failing to stop after that consent is withdrawn is indeed sexual assault at a
minimum, and more often than not ends up in a situation in which a rape occurs.
if you turn on a guy and go "halfway" like your example story, what is he supposed to do? a vast majority (NOT myself included) would not be able to stop. is that considered rape or did you lead him on and then just expect him to turn off his sexual desire right there and then?
again, the above applies. also, the theory that men 'cannot stop' once a sexual interaction is initiated is a myth and usually a result of social mis-education. what they are 'supposed to do' is respect the other person's wishes for the human being they are, not disregard them to pursue your own selfish pleasure at their expense.
you invite these sexual situations with a man in his sexual prime and then just want it to end as if it is a class lecture or a transaction at a cash register. you can't have it both ways. you want to enjoy the sexual experience in the presence of a man - men, whose nature you know very well by default as per your own words - and then turn around and blame him for wanting to desire you. there is no compassion to feel. he did nothing wrong. women are the gatekeepers. if you don't trust men sexually, don't entice them or put yourself in a situation where he will want sex and then you just abruptly stop and then you turn around cry foul. that's not how life works.
boy, there's a lot of incorrect thinking there, too much for me to unpack right now. i'm just going to say that these concepts are part of the problem as to why rape occurs so frequently in our culture. let's just say that telling women that they don't have a choice at any point after a sexual interaction has been initiated is false.
'a kiss is not a contract' is a saying that is often used here, and I think it describes this situation. i doesn't matter if they say no after the first kiss or right before you're about to orgasm. if a 'no' occurs at any point, it is your duty not just as a man (because these situations can occur between any combination of genders) but as a basic human being, to discontinue the interaction.
i'm not saying that you shouldn't feel upset or confused, or any other feelings you are feeling at that time when it happens, but you need to put your feelings and libido aside instead of blaming them for letting you get worked up.
i'm gonna stop there for now, but honestly, this is the kind of thinking we need to combat against. the fact that
@Phuen marked your post as 'useful' is both extremely disappointing and also kind of frightening.