Last Time through Rosevile


Johnny P

So you're against drinking in hopouts/jungles? WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST 200 YEAR OLD HOBO TRADITION?

Actually, No...I'm against using the hopout as a drinking spot...and I'm also against drunk catching out. Wait till your on and underway...and even then thats iffy...cuz you never know when you have to get off and being drunk, well you are intoxicated which means your judgement is blurred.

Alcohol and trains don't mix...many of the stories I hear about kids dying or getting dismembered are usually related to booze.

Johnny P

Yeah you're right I don't know jack about you, but in your story you came off pretty hostile and too cool for school towards a bunch of randoms who were attempting to take part in a lifestyle you hold in high esteem. But you don't know everything about me either, for your information I am no longer an office clerk, and this year I rode trains and hitch hiked all the way to the east coast, where I drank many a $1 tall can of Crazy Stallion. And you're right, I generally don't walk around calling people dicks, unless they're total pieces of shit, or I'm drunk.

I have no desire to "come find you in texas", I have absolutely no problem with you. And its not because I'm some punk-ass bitch either. I was born in the ghetto, and one time a bullet flew through the window and hit the backboard of my bed when I was but a wee lad; they found a body in the middle of the street on the block I lived on weeks after, some drug deal gone bad or some shit left a 20 year old woman stabbed to death. I'm not saying I'm some kind of thug or anything but I've been exposed to violence and general fucked up shit my whole life, texas is just some other place, and I hope you enjoy being there as much as I enjoy this beer I'm drinking.

I wasn't hostile, I was annoyed. And that's fine they wanted to take part in the lifestyle, but there is a thing called respect and I would say that most of these kids lacked it. As stated in prior posts, I even tried helping them get there trains, but it seemed they all just wanted to look cool and hang out by the yard. Maybe they all validated each other. Or maybe they were intimidated by the confusion of the departure yard which isn't as easy as catching out of Oakland. These kids should just go back home if they are going to behave in this matter. There are people out there who need this, it's all they have and they are making it harder and harder for those of us who need to ride from one place to the other to ride. Maybe they should stick to hitching.

And good for hitched and hopped to the east coast. I'm so proud. People do that and have been doing it for generations. I don't think any better or less of you because it. Your not cool cuz you hop trains, welcome to societies rejects.


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Oct 23, 2006
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novosivirsk, russia
Lemme think about the yard for a sec OK I've been there, first time there was 5 people and 2 dogs, second time 1 other guy and dog, third time 0, 4th time 4 people, 5th time 3, 6 th time 0, 7th time 0.
Bu then 2 of the times with 0 people were in winter. And I've never once met Flood, knock on wood. Sounds like he never shoulde popped out of his dad's dick.
My personal biggest pain is hipster train riders all wearing tight pants and having plans of what train theyre gonna get on down to the T and over-using trace and looking good. Where do they come from? Oakland! I hope Some bull on a mission from god gets them all off the fucking trains and hunts them to the end of the earth.

Beegod Santana

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Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
It really disturbs me just how frequently I hear people defending, if not bragging about, riding drunk. Sure, it happen. Sometimes you've had a few and an opportunity presents its self. Doing it as a matter of habit though... you're asking for some shit kid. Something I don't think most of these greens realize truly is that if you do this long enough, you will loose a friend or five to the train. I know plenty of old timers who's thirst could drain a brewery, but still won't crack their first beer till the train rolls. Hopping ain't the most difficult thing in the world, it's basically just climbing a ladder. But shit, if you're too wasted to even handle flat ground, you have no business around heavy machinery, period.
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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
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I wasn't hostile, I was annoyed. And that's fine they wanted to take part in the lifestyle, but there is a thing called respect and I would say that most of these kids lacked it. As stated in prior posts, I even tried helping them get there trains, but it seemed they all just wanted to look cool and hang out by the yard. Maybe they all validated each other. Or maybe they were intimidated by the confusion of the departure yard which isn't as easy as catching out of Oakland. These kids should just go back home if they are going to behave in this matter. There are people out there who need this, it's all they have and they are making it harder and harder for those of us who need to ride from one place to the other to ride. Maybe they should stick to hitching.

And good for hitched and hopped to the east coast. I'm so proud. People do that and have been doing it for generations. I don't think any better or less of you because it. Your not cool cuz you hop trains, welcome to societies rejects.

wow you're proud of me!? I'm so glad, I really value your opinion of me. What do you think I should tattoo on my face? I'm thinking "spare change" on one cheek and "kill cops" on the other, with a fat black line in the middle going from my hairline to my chin.

I call bullsh*t man, train-hopping is a means to an end, its not "all anyone has". Maybe that was true a hundred years ago, but not anymore. You can hitch-hike, craigslist ride-share, or spange for a bus ticket and it'll take the same amount of time to get where you're going. Maybe you're just too traincore for these options but really dude you're victimizing yourself at this point.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
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You're totally right, now I feel like a dick... sorry johnny, my bad nanaki. I'd delete my post but I really want that tattoo so I'll leave it up to remember.

Johnny P

I get around how ever I can, I hitch when I have to or If i need to get somewhere trains don't go. Def not "train-core" or whatever.

And I have met some old tramps who probably would NEVER get picked up hitchhiking. There are still people out there that ride who do not fit into normal society. No I'm not one of them. I just love trains and I respect the 100 years of culture that comes before me.

I hope your joking about the face tat...

Pixie Walden

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Jan 28, 2012
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Sounds like Roseville. Last time I was there we were trailed by almost 10 other riders. Needless to say we were all kicked off before it even left the yard, due to so many kids trying to jump on at once and most of them fucking around when the time came to git. But on the bright side I have met some awesome kids there as well, and I like seeing other riders during long distance trips, kinda starts to get lonely not seeing anyone else for weeks on end. Oh and i think Mr. Flood took my picture and ran my name 2 different times while I was there cuz the spot is so blown. That is why I don't wait near the market , i wait up the road.

Pixie Walden

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Jan 28, 2012
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Yea bob is the shit, he gave us free food, and vodka once. I dont let workers see me with my pack even if im not drinking. But i dont mind gettin on trains drunk just keep it DL... Like not passing out in a field
Bob is awesome, so nice , always giving out free food. And the ride out of Roseville going east is so beautiful. Some of my best memories.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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People getting seriously, offended and aggravated, and talking shit on the internet is fucking hilarious. calm down johnnyP.

JohnnyP. I think its hilarious you have that mentality about riding trains. From my experience, kids that act the way you do. BLAH BLAH, HIPSTERS, BLAH BLAH, BLOWING UP SPOTS, etc. haven't that much experience riding trains.

you're bitching about "stupid westcoast kids", why are you in roseville then? "you retarded fucking west coast OOGLE, BROTHER BEAR". blahahahaha, chug vodka brother bear.

I Know pleanty of west coast kids, that would put you to shame. especially tomas RIP. and he still rides harder then you ever fucking will.

Get off the god damn west coast.
hahaha, im such a "ni@@er


I agree ....100% its not just roseville its infestation..Yrd's, Hop outs getting tougher, locals & cops included profiling...why" kids dying, stealing, doing nothing but screwing it up for those of us who wont be going home next winter"... whatever happened to common sense and respecting yourself and your lifestyle...Someone offers you a few days or weeks of work take it...instead of Na im just gonna did doing heroin and Being blackout drunk smashing bottles at hop outs & stabbing policemen, become the hardcore thing to do....killing yourself and trying to drag anyone and everyone down with you makes you a true rail rider.....Bet here in few years shit is gonna be real rough...Blah Blah Shut up Riz Noone cares


We could create something similar to the FTRA to keep oogles/assholes off trains. Those who can't find the meaning of respect will either have to learn it or fuck off. Seriously, if people who truly cared about riding trains united together to form some type of group that protected their way of travel, it'd be surprising how effective it'd be. I'm not saying we should go around as some violent vigilant force but maybe more as a group that people are aware of and respect. This is just an idea I'm throwing out there though. Feedback is appreciated.

Deleted member 20

The idea of forming another gang on the rails is absurd. The fact that you recomend it speaks loudly about your inteligence or lack there of. I hate elitists & sounding like one when i chastise wet behind the ear kids who ask stupid questions in forums. The truth is these green kids will evolve into the true pea brain fuckups that genetics dictated & society expects, regardless of our advice.They will undoubtedly do stupid things that go against common sense as well as the old hobo code. People that need to survive in groups are cowards! I think most would agree that this is exactly the type of stupid behavior that creates negative attention from authorities.

"These rails are my rails, these rails are your rails" but realisticly they are owned by the railroad. If the goverment decided that this infrastructure was vital to national security, they could heavily police it, patrol it as with airports & shipping ports. Hear we are who dont exist in normal societies, some with questionable politics & methods. Wont we be nice targets as domestic terroists.

Deleted member 20

Its up to everyone to speak up & tell someone when they are fucking up things for everyone. I think peacefull banishment like the STP untrustworthy & shady people section is a great idea if not abused.I think its time for these kids to stop running around with huge groups with dogs, staying filthy for no reason,riding drunk, getting high etc & thinking its cool. I hope all of the readers who this applies to gets the point. Ditch the group, put the pit mutt in a shelter, take a fucking shower & get a fucking clue!


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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Highwayman, you're on point. kokomojoe. you mentioning that is fucking retarded, and makes me think you are just as much of a dipshit, as any of these "oogles"............anyone who seriously throws that term around is a fucking oogle.....


Like I said, it was just an idea I was throwing out there, I'm not saying it has to happen or that you have to like it. And yeah I am kind of a dipshit in the sense that I don't ride trains. However, I respect the people that do and I'm trying to educate myself before I start so that I DON'T do any stupid shit that makes it harder for the people that have been doing it for awhile.


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
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Like I said, it was just an idea I was throwing out there, I'm not saying it has to happen or that you have to like it. And yeah I am kind of a dipshit in the sense that I don't ride trains. However, I respect the people that do and I'm trying to educate myself before I start so that I DON'T do any stupid shit that makes it harder for the people that have been doing it for awhile.

The only way you aren't going to do dumb shit. is use your common sense. period. There is nothing to learn in that aspect of life in general. Traveling, weither your hitchhiking, or riding freight, or in a car. whatever. USE COMMON SENSE.


That's pretty much what I've learned so far, wasn't trying to sound like an elitist prick or anything either, not trying to make any enemies ya know

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