think of how much worse it would be if we hadn't...
what if we had let fucking joe mcarthy just do his thing in the 50's?
there is a whole fucking cultural war going on, & people who *do* shit, actually *do* make a fucking difference..
& you *are*, apparently, to angry to read a post in its clear & original context..
you said "I disagree, but if you'd like to elaborate I'll hear you out."
i never mentioned anything about forgiving corn-fed bullies..
i mentioned an *economic* method.
huge difference.
BTW.. the hippies *didn't* fail.. like it or not, they were the first mainstream counter-culture, & every single fucking crusty owes their existence to them.
the were humans & mortal. i'll grow old & die (or at least die), & so will you & every other human.
think about it..
if the counter culture of the 60's hadn't prevailed in a significant fashion, where the fuck would we *really* be?
no, they didn't bring jesus back.
no, ghandi didn't stop war.
yes, the racist shits that succeed in brainwashing their children into racists still create racism..
no, you can't make miracles by loving people, even if your love is fucking infinite.
no, there is no walking on water, there is no angelic intervention, there is no efficacy of prayer & there is no way to make people good, just because you are good to them (*especially* if they are just fucks to begin with...)
i will give you all of that.
& i don't think i mentioned a fucking thing that indicated i did.
if you **read** my post, instead of just disagreeing because i used the word "peacefully" relating to "change the world" and the only context i used the word "revolutionary" in was regarding a possible application of transportation technology.
you said "Feeding, clothing, housing each other and treating each other with respect is the mission"..
well... guess what?
we are not going to.
not until all the fucking bad people are dead.
when they are dead, & only good people are left, then our little fantasy hope may come true.
in the mean time, the way to accomplish *anything* is by appropriate economics.
the first rule of appropriate economics is "to be fair".
you can damn well bet that that won't happen, so what you have to do, if you (as an individual or a small group) want to make a *change* is go big..
go *huge*..
if you go huge enough, ***AND*** if you are successfull, then things *do* change, even if only for the short term..
no miracles, no evolutionary genetic shift..
just people having the opportunity to teach their children to be fair..