is anyone on here happy with their love life??


Deleted member 22054

Occasionally my right hand might finger a girl but thats completely fine. We are in a open relationship and we are both 100% happy


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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
i have had some proper times with sexual and romantic partners and i look forward to meeting someone i can take it even further with...will that happen anytime soon? it always seems to spring up out of nowhere 'when least expected' as it's said

at the same time it's been a fairly long while since and i don't care if it doesn't happen for another year, five years, or ever again, only that it's Quality
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Deleted member 8978

You want something "positive"? Let me put it to you this way. I never got involved in having a relationship, period. I never had a girlfriend ever since I was born, and I am already 35 and a half now. I continue to pursue business and education long enough where I never slowed down or settled for a relationship. That to me is the only reason I remain single. I learned real fast that it is better for me to chase my own dreams instead of chasing women - or nothing else let the women try to chase me.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Oooh, positivity on this subject is tricky. I mean I've seen some really cute couples in their 80's and 90's n shit, been married like seventy somethin years they're just all hella adorable together still. I guess it's possible to find that one person who truly gets you. Just seems about as likely as finding a unicorn though. I think if that's what you want, then you should look for it. Doesn't matter how negative everyone else is, go find your unicorn.

In my experiences, I believe I'm happier being single. Here's my story about love and shit.

Her and I met through a college radio station, we were 15 years old. It was always so dead at night, like her and I were the only listeners. We were the only listeners calling in and making requests at least. I heard her name enough times, I liked her taste in music. I called the DJ and asked him to pass my number to her when she called in again. He got on the air after the song playing had ended and asked her to call into the station.

She called me some time later, as it turned out we'd met at a punk show several months prior so that was kind of serendipitous to find her so randomly again. She asked me to describe myself and exactly where I was at the concert and she just so happened to be the friend of the strange girl who asked to touch my hair.

We talked more but she wasn't really feelin me. I liked who she was as a person so we became best friends and we were good at being friends. Eight years later, I'm at the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival for three days. Someone left 18 voicemails on my pager, I rushed to a payphone thinking someone had died. I never saw so many alerts in a day.

The voicemails were from her, she found herself missing me, wishing I'd return to town but felt confused and didn't understand why she had these feelings all of a sudden. I returned home quickly, she was pregnant within a month. We had our daughter in April of 99, she was pregnant so soon after that, my son was then born in March of 00. They're ten months and some days apart, Irish twins they call that.

Our relationship wasn't always easy, taking a job with the railroad out of town didn't help. We had a couple breaks, we tried to repair it. After 14 years being married, we had a series of conversations in the backyard away from the kids. No fighting, just lots of tears and hugs. We decided we were always better at being friends, so we agreed to revert back to that.

We've been divorced about five years now, we're best friends. I helped her move into her boyfriend's house last year, it all feels very functional and right. She's a stellar human being, she's the mother of our children(an amazing mother at that), and she's my bestie. We still say "I love you" and we still give each other hugs.

I have some regrets, I made some mistakes for sure but all in all I wouldn't change the way things are today if I could go back. I think relationships are extremely hard to navigate through. It's always really easy at first but the challenges will arise. I think you just enjoy the time with that person while times are good with that person.

I don't think it's natural for us to be monogamous forever. It doesn't feel natural once you're all locked into it by marriage. I think marriage is a fucking terrible idea for anyone. Why do I have to pay the county money to express exactly how much I love someone? How does an expensive ring have anything to do with love? Why do I gotta pay the county money again and go through all kinds of court bullshit if I want to part ways with that person?

Fuck all that. If I get married again it's gonna be some hippie shit. Proclaim your love for a person with the family present, this is my wife/this is my husband blah blah.. But that'll be it. Just a simple understanding between two people and if the families care to witness, then come witness. No legal sleaze, just understanding.

As far as sex positivity, it can be pretty fuckin awesome! My FWB moved to Crescent City earlier in the year and I'm pretty sure she packed the sex into one of the moving boxes because I haven't seen it in a minute.

Deleted member 14481

I learned real fast that it is better for me to chase my own dreams instead of chasing women - or nothing else let the women try to chase me.

That's good advice for everyone. Chase dreams and goals; not people! Or, better yet, let people come to you, without the idea of "chasing". Because, another word for that can be "stalking" and it's deserved to need to be mindful of the level of consent we're agreeing to with our words. And, even if it isn't to that degree, I feel like the right person won't have to chase anyone. Anything but "yes" means "no".


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
No-one s happy here! With anything!
You may find some inspiration here on how to not fuck up a relationship, or learn on bad examples of travelling couples, that last about 2 weeks on average
I love myself as a fuckup I am so don't fuck with me! Lmao


Aug 12, 2018
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I think the jaded and dampened mood may be related to, long term relationships require a certain amount of stability and regularity to sustain... and traveling isn’t usually the most stable or regular long term situation...
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Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
Beautiful 21 yo eating post coital left over pasta snacks nekkid in my trailer = Yes, I'm good w the love life. Keep it simple, kiddos.
View attachment 52604
A 21 y.o. girl in a 38 yo trailer . Ew. like one of those rainbow gathering type of situations with creepy old dude preying on young chicks? I hope she at least consented for her naked pic to be published on stp?


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Nov 15, 2012
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A 21 y.o. girl in a 38 yo trailer . Ew. like one of those rainbow gathering type of situations with creepy old dude preying on young chicks? I hope she at least consented for her naked pic to be published on stp?

Ive always avoided rainbow gatherings, so I cant comment there. But to assume that every age gap relationship is the older being a predator seems a very negative thought process. Maybe try to surround yourself w nicer, less creepy people?

For us, it was the exact opposite as I was in the midst of a year long bout of self imposed celibacy, and she aggressively pursued me. 😍

Don't be so quick to judge what works for others. Younger women being attracted to older men is a tale as old as time. A lot of guys in thier young 20s are dicks. I most certainly was. I have much more understanding, patience, and more capacity to foster a healthy relationship than I ever did in my early 20s. In short, we're happy. It works.

In regards to consent, I assure you she harbors no shame or embarrassment over a beautiful picture capturing our lovely day to day being shared. Girl got more scandalous stuff on her insta and reddit. 😉


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
"In regards to consent, I assure you she harbors no shame or embarrassment over a beautiful picture capturing our lovely day to day being shared. Girl got more scandalous stuff on her insta and reddit. 😉"
That mean you didn't even ask brah.
Shitty, to say the least
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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Again w the assumptions?

She was actually sitting right next to me when I posted it, as she is right now. (she preferred the 'from behind shot' i took, but i though that too risque).
If you wanna be offended for her, by all means go for it!


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
Again w the assumptions?

She was actually sitting right next to me when I posted it, as she is right now. (she preferred the 'from behind shot' i took, but i though that too risque).
If you wanna be offended for her, by all means go for it!
The only way I'd believe this crap is if the model of your pic came here and said what you saying herself. Otherwise, I don't buy crap that you're saying after ur first post
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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The only way I'd believe this crap is if the model of your pic came here and said what you saying herself. Otherwise, I don't buy crap that you're saying after ur first post

Right, I'll get her right on the verification process. 🤦
My goodness you are a very cynical person!
I understand I dont know ya, but I am willing to go out on a limb and say whatever feminist leanings you adhere to shade most of your thoughts and opinions.
People can be happy outside your ideologies. Its okay. 😉

Senior DeLust; I saw my post was censored! Im not understanding how a cute pic of a gal eating pasta w a side of side boob is offensive. I thought the pic quite artsy. If I have to guess; was the gratuitous display of pasta offensive to the celiac community?

Not here to argue, the goal was to add some love and levity to what i thought was a lot of grim responses to the OP's question.
Outta this thread for good. 😘

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