I am leaving Squat the Planet.


Deleted member 20

I actually appreciate when mods & users prepare some sort of exit thread. I can't fault anyone for evolving, loosing interest, moving on or just getting burned out. While ownership & management is in the few, I think many of us feel connected & a part of STP. I myself have grown far apart from much of STP but still have a historical connection to the spirit that drives much of the lifeblood here. I have had a better connection to STP than to the greater traveler community. There is so much dysfunction, addiction, backstabbing, gossip, theft & backstabbing that occurs but feel that STP is and has been a safe space for communal exchange. It is more of a training school or a library for newcomers and an oasis for us others.

The newcomers have always outnumbered us that have been around. Few long-term users exist & participate in comparison to those new users who join. I can identify with the feelings around that of being a mod & being frustrated from those duties and or some of the bureaucracy that surrounds such participation. I wish I could persuade @MolotovMocktail to consider renouncing his mod duties & just lurk in the background like many of us who have done so. Perhaps reconciliation of the OP with those he names in the above post would simply resolve by taking a step back. To think that you started moderating right out of High School is interesting to me. I myself have done much growing up in my last 6 years here at STP. Perhaps this is a natural maturing & growing to bigger & better things without the inherent mod stresses? Perhaps, not being a mod would be just enough to step back & try to appreciate STP again.

After, your years there must be somethings that you care about here or posting an exit thread wouldn't have been done. I have not become friends with @MolotovMocktail in his tenure but also feel that mods get so consumed with modding that they loose some of the pure interest in participating with us elder commoners. For myself' I like donating cash or buying merch and mostly lurking in the background now. Occasionally topics get discussed where I feel I can contribute something of value. Nobody wants to hear all of my opinions in most threads & to be honest I got tired of responding to the same redundant threads.

That being said, I feel making a public gripe is therapeutic to the overall health of the site for all & a good way for users to get closure if they are okay with the finality of it. There is an art to saying what you mean without being mean & it is even harder online. I feel @MolotovMocktail communicates The mods tend to be democratic & always be involved behind the scenes. Cliques develop and there is a long tradition of former mods not existing here after there mod duties. I wish there could be more attrition of former mods who morph back into just regular users. Most get upset & give a big FU to the rules instigating a ban by making angry public grievances or quit all together. I feel that this thread by @MolotovMocktail was genuine and made out of his years of frustration/resentment. I do not read it as he violating a personal friendship by going public, more an invitation to vent & possibly salvage his connection to the forum & existing friendships.

With time and experience comes wisdom. I have never got close (as friends) but I have been around as a mod/user for 12+ years (with this account). Rarely have I witnessed @Matt Derrick to be very approachable or receptive of any form of public criticism. I think that Matt routinely seems personally attacked & defensive of certain critiques of his creation. Please, Matt; know that I am not trying to attack you here.

Where & how do us misfit users, mods & admins go to bitch about legitimate or illegitimate gripes on our community forum than on the forum? Would an anonymous gripe section that is not linked to a users account be as beneficial to communicate better without emotion?

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Dick City California
But I have noticed the admin+mods grouping against other users, giving off an aggressive vibe, even though they're the ones holding all the p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ responsibility.

Fixed that for you.
I mean what "power" is this you speak of? Power to moderate? Do you think that's some sort of advantage? It comes with a lot of responsibility, it isn't like we're average everyday users with super powers. It's basically a job dude. And with the amount of pushback we deal with from the likes of users like yourself, sometimes it's more a curse than a privilege. You think we're above the law or something? You think I can't get banned too? I gotta play by the same rules as everyone else. On top of that I have the task of making sure others do as well. That's all it is, nothing more.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
With time and experience comes wisdom. I have never got close (as friends) but I have been around as a mod/user for 12+ years (with this account). Rarely have I witnessed @Matt Derrick to be very approachable or receptive of any form of public criticism. I think that Matt routinely seems personally attacked & defensive of certain critiques of his creation. Please, Matt; know that I am not trying to attack you here.

this has a lot to do more with how toxic this culture has become than it is with any decisions I've made. people in this culture are extremely quick to assume that anyone with any kind of perceived 'power' is automatically the bad guy, no matter what the situation. and i've accepted that im basically going to have to come into the room and play dad/bad guy in order to keep shit on track here. there's also a shit ton of information people just aren't privy to and i don't feel like explaining every time someone has a disagreement.

that paragraph is also extremely unfair because while that might be your perception, the reality is that im constantly begging for input and ways i could make this place/community better. but getting anything other than 'do it better' or 'you suck' out of this group is like pulling fucking teeth, and on top of that it's really frustrating when you're constantly being told you're doing a shit job, but no one will tell you how to not do a shit job. so i'm basically fucked either way, and again, that turns back around to how cynical and toxic the community (train hopping in particular) has become.

i know that you're not trying to attack me; but the majority of situations that you are judging me on were situations in which i was being attacked. not situations of constructive criticism and me just 'freaking out' for no reason for someone daring to question me.

i very often get pigeon-holed into the persona that i just do this for a power-trip or whatever, and man, let me tell you, if that was the reason, I would have shut this shit this shit down years ago. the amount of flak/bs i get from people on a daily basis just isn't worth it. certainly not enough to justify any 'feel good' i would get from banning people. and let's not forget that unless it's the case of an extreme asshole, i actually don't enjoy banning people. i'm not a fan of conflict, and i don't like losing friends. that's not what i created this space for.

if it wasn't for the people supporting me and some even begging me to keep this site around, there's no doubt i would have given up on it years ago and gone and done something more productive. that posititve reinforcement just barely counteracts all the hate, lies, and other bs I have to deal with here, and if it wasn't for disappointing those supporters (who do in fact out number the detractors) I would probably just walk away from this. I mean, why would I want this kind of negative shit in my life?

Deleted member 8978

Again, even though you're disappointed with the decisions the staff makes on a daily basis, you have to take it for what it is. It's all fair moderation. This is why part of all of your argument is invalid and misleading to others. Can you bear the burden and move along? Or are you too weak to do even that?!

I am not personally involved in this, and have no personal take. But I have noticed the admin+mods grouping against other users, giving off an aggressive vibe, even though they're the ones holding all the power. Being unapproachable and/or dismissive will result in exactly this. Reliable trustworthy people slowly distancing and then leaving.

When a reliable member gives me feedback about my community, as they're leaving, I know it's honest and meaningful. I take it as constructive criticism, rather than "a last jab." Anyone who doesn't, will not improve.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score
Ya know what guys, if ya kinda think bout it, people give you the best they can in any moment, even if they are being mean or acting however, at that moment that's all they could give or do.. If someone's gets triggered and slashes out in an unproductive way (because anger, rage and passion has its place too and can all be used productively) or someone gets triggered but then calms themselves, both in that moment gave u there best. In a way.. And that doesn't mean we have to accept behaviours that are not great, but it can help us not take shit so personally. If that makes sense.
  • Agree
Reactions: roughdraft

Deleted member 20

I know that I am a shitty peacemaker but for what its worth that is my intention. This post may swerve "off-topic" but I feel its all connected to the greater discussion. Since @MolotovMocktail is still here, I can only speculate that there is still hope. If anything @Matt Derrick expresses similar if not even more involved & amplified frustrations as @MolotovMocktail If anything I see more similarities to the feelings expressed between them.

I think many leaders of many organizations experience many of the same things like.
begging for input and ways i could make this place/community better

There are also some natural obstacles that inhibit communication with such hierarchical leadership models.
Why Hierarchy Stifles Creativity - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/creative-leadership/201403/why-hierarchy-stifles-creativity

While probably impracticable given the current constraints of simply keeping this ship afloat by Matt while he still works a job and tries to juggle everything on the admin side,coding & modding the mods, etc. The time resources of one person

Since Matt is also constantly questioning his running the STP ship and balancing out the positive s & negatives. Could a council model work better for running STP? An Anarchist FAQ – I.5 What could the social structure of anarchy... - http://www.infoshop.org/an-anarchist-faq-i-5-what-could-the-social-structure-of-anarchy-look-like/ I apologize for suggesting an entire upheaval of status quo which would inevitably require more time/effort from Matt to successfully transition. Sure anarchy works from an academic level but eventually someone has to do the dishes. The dish washing involved is far above the scope of the majority of us who have never managed entire websites and forums in the past.

I have made this argument in the past & will bring it up again in response to Matts response to this. All the old timers have premature deaths (virtual) at STP. How does STP survive after @Matt Derrick? Just as Burning Man, Rainbow Gatherings, The Catholic Worker, IWW, Food not Bombs and many similar organizations, I have been involved with over the years. Man, may have a figurehead founder/leader but the leadership is also decentralized to ensure the groups survival. The amount of infighting and drama that occurs here, makes me think that STP can never grow to be anything more than what it is. Long term users cannot effectively become further invested here. We are not really building anything together. If anything, someone gets frustrated & then takes their time & energy to start something elsewhere.

IMO, if we ever could hash out how to better resolve conflicts and manage day to day operations it might be conducive to better spending time/energy on more ambitious collective STP projects. To support my commitment to this idea I am willing to allocate $600 (usd) for the advancement of STP, if ever such an organizational change is ever made. Matt has mentioned aspirations to pilot STP in future directions. What about us buying a collective plot of land for an annual gathering that can be used as a "waypoint" for STP members? Given the current governance; I say that is hard to impossible. With ownership comes great responsibility. I say, use the priceless human capital that already exists here and allow STP to expand communally as a "participatory community" somehow. Why can't we collectively coexist & grow something out of this online forum? Perhaps it starts with a council & revamping of the forums existing leadership structure. The "discord" experiment is a failure and proof (IMO) that STP cannot grow beyond or survive in perpetuity without a collective approach and plan for increased cohesiveness & a future decentralized leadership.

Imagine Matt if you were more happy than not surrounding that which you started. Imagine the possibilities of a future STP where us long time users contributed more of our potential. As many parents here will understand that protective nature that Matt has for his baby. Those of us who have adult children will also recognize the need for them babies to eventually leave the nest & fly solo to grow.


Spiritual Nomad
Nov 4, 2018
Reaction score
North Concord, CA
This is slightly off-topic, and I know I said I would reply in-depth to this, but...

I was fucking doxxed yesterday by the very people banned and making threads about me on here. My phone was blown up with texts, a doxx sheet was emailed to my personal email, and my personal Instagram got vaguely threatening comments. In addition, /r/Runaway was flooded with at least 8 posts (so, raided) accusing me of being a racist for the thing Molotov mentioned.

I understand that this may reflect badly on me to people just viewing this all right now, but please be assured that I have apologized multiple times for my false equivalency. Please also be aware that nickd03 has assembled a small personal army of sorts just to harass me enough to get banned from here or to resign.


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Mormon Country
but getting anything other than 'do it better' or 'you suck' out of this group is like pulling fucking teeth, and on top of that it's really frustrating when you're constantly being told you're doing a shit job, but no one will tell you how to not do a shit job. so i'm basically fucked either way, and again, that turns back around to how cynical and toxic the community (train hopping in particular) has become.
people in this culture are extremely quick to assume that anyone with any kind of perceived 'power' is automatically the bad guy, no matter what the situation
I mean, why would I want this kind of negative shit in my life?

I just wanted to highlight this, and post a HARD AGREE to everything contained in it.

I dont find it hard to understand that this place has been created to cater to all walks of life as far as traveling and houselessness is concerned, continuing to make this place a safe area to post without being subject to the influence of hate and isolation is going to be a hard thing for any group of people to do. Seriously. Go to Reddit. Tell me that its 'more akin to true anarchism' and therefore 'more of a safe space' see how that works out for you.

But @highwayman brings up great points, also some that I don't agree with, but hey, at least he has a sense of reason in his dicussion.

My point here is, this isint a free for all. I like the way this website is run, and I feel that if I have a problem, I can voice it...REPONSIBLY...and I will be able to discuss it with the staff and they will discuss it amongst themselves and get back to me with a consensus.

That alone takes a shit load of work, and many of these people voicing that they think this place is a dictatorship would never take it upon themselves to lift a fingers work concerning what the mods on here currently do. They would bitch bitch bitch, until they got the site shut down, and then brag about how they were such awesome 'activists' to promote a 'fair' society.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
Reaction score
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
...at least he has a sense of reason in his dicussion.

...many of these people voicing that they think this place is a dictatorship would never take it upon themselves to lift a fingers work concerning what the mods on here currently do. They would bitch bitch bitch, until they got the site shut down, and then brag about how they were such awesome 'activists' to promote a 'fair' society.

Thank you for having enough sense to put these words together. This is exactly how I feel, there are people on here who wanna try to diminish this resource, but they don't even have sound reason together to make a point. Which ironically only reflects badly on them.
Last edited:

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
This is slightly off-topic, and I know I said I would reply in-depth to this, but...

I was fucking doxxed yesterday by the very people banned and making threads about me on here. My phone was blown up with texts, a doxx sheet was emailed to my personal email, and my personal Instagram got vaguely threatening comments. In addition, /r/Runaway was flooded with at least 8 posts (so, raided) accusing me of being a racist for the thing Molotov mentioned.

I understand that this may reflect badly on me to people just viewing this all right now, but please be assured that I have apologized multiple times for my false equivalency. Please also be aware that nickd03 has assembled a small personal army of sorts just to harass me enough to get banned from here or to resign.

I think it's also important to point out that these are a very small group of 16 year old children who are more mad that they got banned for posting 'edgy' content than they give a shit about the false equivalency pokebert posted. They had no interest in participating in the StP community, and now that they've taken this to the level of 'doxxing' it just shows what sad little internet trolls they are.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
About @highwayman's post, ive always been interested in running StP more or less as a collective than the hierarchal structure we've also had. I've even discussed it with the staff semi-recently (maybe 8 months ago or so?) And I'd be all about it if we could find a way to logically do so in an online format.

The only issue I have with that is that it's hard enough to find people that want to take on the (mostly thankless) job of being a moderator, much less devote a portion of their life to being on some kind of board of directors or whatnot.

That's how we ended up with a lot of mods that didn't quite work out, although I won't mention names to avoid stirring the shit pot. When your only choice is taking what you can get, you end up with (at the very least) a lot of inexperienced folks that don't know what they are talking about or (at worst) a bunch of mods that don't understand the diplomacy necessary to not piss off the entire community.

Now I feel very confident in our current staff, and despite any mistakes recently made, they've proven they can handle what needs to be done to keep things on track here.

So yeah, we probably need to improve our vetting process and make people be a mod for a good while before considering putting them on some kind of BOD that has real power to control where this ship goes.

But think that's a subject for a separate thread.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
Reaction score
Gang Mills, NY
I'm not active much as my interests are more into rubber tramping and helping people with mechanically things. (Machines don't talk bad about you)

I stumbled into this community when @autumn was rebuilding her RV and asking a bunch of Q's about keeping it running.

For the most part, everyone's been great, but there have been some recent incidents that really surprised me.

If you are a mod, please, please, deal with issues with the mod team in private. As @Matt Derrick said, being a mod lately has become more and more stressful. If this is supposed to be a supportive community, why are members of the moderation team going public with this type of drama post? I'm sure it's related to change in people's lives, but is there something else going on in general? I think Matt aluded to this above and maybe there needs to be a change in how new members to the discord and forums are approved. Maybe new members should have a "sponsor" from someone already here and in good standing? I know this isn't a club or anything like that and is meant to be a safe place for everyone, but it's definitely gotten a bit more toxic lately.

@MolotovMocktail - you've been around a while. All the best to you. Sometimes, life takes is in directions we never intended to go. I hope you and the rest of the mod team work out whatever brought you to this point.

Deleted member 20

This is quickly morphing way past the OPs thread & wonder if the mods/admin could create a relevant thread discussing these bigger picture issues, not involving @MolotovMocktail leaving STP?

The only issue I have with that is that it's hard enough to find people that want to take on the (mostly thankless) job of being a moderator, much less devote a portion of their life to being on some kind of board of directors or whatnot.

Perhaps some form of a collective "membership governance" would work? Voluntary association - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_association#United_States

The recruitment & appointment of mods by an individual or small cadre of existing mods is still fairly autocratic. Instead of looking to the existing staff (mods) perhaps the most radical & democratic way would be to instead look to the membership? Could voting work among the membership for the advancing of STP? Could we collectively ever function better like a voluntary association/union/member org to determine governance, direction, funding, recruitment for participation on STP projects?

Much conflict has always existed between members & members, mods & members, mods & mods or admins etc. As mentioned elsewhere, some mods contribute while others are mostly nonexistent. Sure, this is a forum and the rules are interpreted & discussed among the mods; then democratic action & diplomacy is attempted. If this was to ever become more than just a forum (say more like a nonprofit/union/member organization), would those punitive website rules that mute & banish still be relevant? Could a democratic council be more impartial than just using exclusively mods?

*IMO Rarely do nonprofits have the volunteers/employees act as the board. They could deal with governance, while appointing directors, managers who then coordinate leading the volunteers/staff. This could help to recruit & install new energy/ideas into the advancement beyond this just being a forum. Could mods getting burned out/quitting, be a call to recruit new mods & or have limits to lengths of volunteer service as a mod? As mods are in the trenches could they become overwhelmed by such ongoing responsibilities?

I have noticed many users (some mods) just fade away, implode & be banned after conflict and rarely ever see conflict resolution that encourages continued membership in spite of grievances. I do not fault the mods for this as I know the thankless nature of volunteering to keep the peace here. I know many users just get so butthurt that they intentionally act worse. While I recognize that mods are held to the same rules as users, they are all still installed by the same limited autocratic system; designed to maintain & moderate an online forum.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Oct 14, 2017
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You can't expect to have power over others, but also interact as if you were equals. When you wear an admin or mod badge, your are that first, and a community member second.

And this is why the OP did not behave the same way you would - the admin, the other mods, or even just members. He saw the balance of power to responsibility that he had after several years of experience. His feedback reflects on that. His leaving reflects on that.

Good leadership works to understand what was his power and responsibility, why it failed, and rebalances their community to improve on that.

Anything can be called vague. Or too late. Or selfish. Or assholey. But if you publicly wear a badge of power, you have to put the well-being of the community before your personal preference; to the extent of your position.

When that doesn't work out, people leave their positions. Rightfully so.

P.S. Often community managers will step back from the conversation, to allow themselves a more neutral and encompassing view. A parent mostly watching over the kids, if you will, rather than being distracted by playing with them. ::drinkingbuddy::

Deleted member 14481

As someone who's had run in with toxic users and mods, and had a short disagreement with Matt, I side with @MolotovMocktail . And, I feel the issues where addressed the way MM wanted to address them for a good reason. No one owes anyone a discussion or explanation, and the minds have been made up.

I'm still here because I forget this site exists when I'm not traveling. I remember it when I plan on traveling, and then it's not all that helpful when I'm traveling, so I put it down, again. Friendly interactions are rare, so I'm on less and less. Or course, I'm thankful for friendly interactions, but is that really how it's suppose to be? And, I can tell by how people reacted that they aren't considering how they contributed to this situation's outcome.

And, it's let every time I peek my head things have gotten worse. From the time, a year or so ago, where I posted a few different things and someone replied "You had to come in and shit all over our forums, didn't you?" Someone was was being toxic towards me for using the site as intended. And, two different place at two different points down voted ALL THE MY POSTS, with no explanation. For one, I know that person was banned, and later a lot of old posts got deleted, but it still happened and added to my impression of this site. I think the recent person was also banned, or stopped using the site. And, more recently, when I asked what happened to the ranking system and why my title was low again. Users somehow thought my reasonable question about a website function was funny, and I got trolled.

However, I don't wish for StP to change. I wish for someone else to start a website, and run it differently, in a way that I more agree with.

I appreciate you sharing, MM! Good luck in life!

(I know I'm going to get trolled for this, but I get trolled just using this site no matter what I say - SO LET THE NEGATIVE VOTES RAIN!)

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Dick City California
However, I don't wish for StP to change. I wish for someone else to start a website, and run it differently, in a way that I more agree with.

You know who would be the best "someone else" to start a website and run it in a way that you more agree with?

You. It's a great idea isn't it? I think it's gonna be everything you want and more! I wish you all the best. Good luck!

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
Portland, OR
As someone who's had run in with toxic users and mods, and had a short disagreement with Matt, I side with @MolotovMocktail . And, I feel the issues where addressed the way MM wanted to address them for a good reason. No one owes anyone a discussion or explanation, and the minds have been made up.

I'm still here because I forget this site exists when I'm not traveling. I remember it when I plan on traveling, and then it's not all that helpful when I'm traveling, so I put it down, again. Friendly interactions are rare, so I'm on less and less. Or course, I'm thankful for friendly interactions, but is that really how it's suppose to be? And, I can tell by how people reacted that they aren't considering how they contributed to this situation's outcome.

And, it's let every time I peek my head things have gotten worse. From the time, a year or so ago, where I posted a few different things and someone replied "You had to come in and shit all over our forums, didn't you?" Someone was was being toxic towards me for using the site as intended. And, two different place at two different points down voted ALL THE MY POSTS, with no explanation. For one, I know that person was banned, and later a lot of old posts got deleted, but it still happened and added to my impression of this site. I think the recent person was also banned, or stopped using the site. And, more recently, when I asked what happened to the ranking system and why my title was low again. Users somehow thought my reasonable question about a website function was funny, and I got trolled.

However, I don't wish for StP to change. I wish for someone else to start a website, and run it differently, in a way that I more agree with.

I appreciate you sharing, MM! Good luck in life!

(I know I'm going to get trolled for this, but I get trolled just using this site no matter what I say - SO LET THE NEGATIVE VOTES RAIN!)

the reason you get 'trolled' (lol) is because you literally have nothing positive to say. your signature literally says it all and you've posted multiple racist comments in the past as well. when you say these toxic things, people disagree with you and you interpret that as 'trolling'. disagreeing is not trolling, please try looking up the definition.

either way, i love the hypocrisy of people that complain but won't go away either. i mean you disagree with everything i do so why stick around? doesn't make much sense to me.

However, I don't wish for StP to change. I wish for someone else to start a website, and run it differently, in a way that I more agree with.

so, in other words, "I wish someone else would put in all the 1000's of hours of work it takes to make a community like this, but I won't lift a finger to help in any way; and if they don't do it exactly the way I want, im gonna complain and moan and tell them what terrible people they are." does that sound about right?


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
Reaction score
Mormon Country
@Inuyoujo I've been out there looking for sites that even remotely compare to StP. There arent any. No one in this community has been willing to put in the time or effort, let alone dedicate a full time mod staff to make sure it doesnt turn into a 4chan forum.

I can say, with almost certainty (because I haven't seen the ENTIRE internet) that this site is the best traveling forum out there. Everyone is going to have their differences of opinion. But as far as this site being some sort of dictatorship, or some site 'acting under the guise of anarchist travel', that isint the case.

I, for one, feel we are fortunate to have such a space on the internet. A trip to 4chan, reddit, or similar websites will clear that up real quick.

If it was this, or nothing (as is pretty much the case), I will throw my full support behind this, because the quest for absolute perfection always ends up in disappointment on all sides.

I do notice you coming on once and a while, and it usually is to post incredibly one sided content, or post how much you disagree with people. I haven't seen alot ov your content that is supportive, or at least trying to offer supportive content to everyone else. No offense, that has just been my observation over the past couple years.

Deleted member 8978

THIS! I think you nailed it. Too bad genies don't exist, so wishes have to be granted in some other way. If that's the case, we can all enjoy a few more tacos and burritos and relax a little bit! :D

so, in other words, "I wish someone else would put in all the 1000's of hours of work it takes to make a community like this, but I won't lift a finger to help in any way; and if they don't do it exactly the way I want, im gonna complain and moan and tell them what terrible people they are." does that sound about right?

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Dick City California
And, I feel the issues where addressed the way MM wanted to address them for a good reason. No one owes anyone a discussion or explanation, and the minds have been made up.

Right, nobody said he wasn't allowed to address his issues. I think it's that he didn't address them ever, not until the very last moment before pulling the plug. Kinda hard to resolve something when the person holding issue can't be an adult about it but instead chooses to fire off all their grievances and essentially covers their ears by walking out on the conversation before anyone can even retort.

Imagine you're working a job for 2 years with no raise and you feel you're due a raise. You never ask for one but you're bitter about not getting one. Then one day you walk into your bosses office and tell him "Fuck you I quit because you never gave me a raise!" and storm out. Wouldn't it be better to first try to sit down and talk to your boss? This way the two of you could potentially reach a resolution, like okay fair enough you'll see the raise take effect on your next check. Can you not see how ineffective MM's method was?

On the other end of that;
And, I can tell by how people reacted that they aren't considering how they contributed to this situation's outcome.

No one on the receiving end of an attack or accusation should be expected to sit mealy-mouthed either. Are we not allowed to react unless we agree? We don't agree, so how would you suggest we should have reacted?

I'm still here because I forget this site exists when I'm not traveling.

You forget this site exists when you're not traveling and that's why you're still here...o_O That makes absolutely zero sense.

I remember it when I plan on traveling

Oh that's convenient, it's almost like amnesia. You've been using this site for over four years and somehow your memory of it's existence just comes and goes.

and then it's not all that helpful when I'm traveling, so I put it down, again.

Are you ever traveling though? Haven't you been in Minnesota this entire time?

Friendly interactions are rare, so I'm on less and less. Or course, I'm thankful for friendly interactions, but is that really how it's suppose to be?

No not really. That's not my experience with the site and I'm in a position where people are definitely going to be less friendly to me than a casual member. Do you think people might be unfriendly towards you because.. now this is gonna sound crazy but maybe, maybe they're being unfriendly because of something you're doing/saying? Or do you think it's more likely everyone's just a big jerk all the time for absolutely no reason? It certainly cannot be any fault of your own, right? No way!

And, it's let every time I peek my head things have gotten worse. From the time, a year or so ago, where I posted a few different things and someone replied "You had to come in and shit all over our forums, didn't you?" Someone was was being toxic towards me for using the site as intended.

I wonder what you could have said to get such a reaction. Probably something very positive and helpful right? And then they just got all mean for no reason! This site is so toxic that way! It's never you though, never you.

And, two different place at two different points down voted ALL THE MY POSTS, with no explanation.

Take a look at your recent activity log on your profile. You just spammed me with three down votes yesterday and that's by no means the first time you've done that. I never got an explanation. Where's my explanation?

For one, I know that person was banned, and later a lot of old posts got deleted, but it still happened and added to my impression of this site

So you're forming negative opinions towards the website as a whole over something a person we banned did to you? So hypothetically, let's say someone attacks you while you're in a coffee shop. Just some random psycho off the streets. The coffee shop owners kick the person out, tell them to never come back and the police are called. You then form a negative opinion towards the coffee shop and owner? Alright....whatever.

And just FYI, we don't delete posts unless they're spam bot posts or inherently against the website rules in general and that really doesn't happen. We have a filter that flags them before they reach public viewing with a moderation queue and they're cleaned from the site at that point. So I don't know what you're talking about, sounds kind of made up and convenient because we can't ask you for a link if it was supposedly deleted, which it wasn't but stick to your guns anyway, fuck it.

I think the recent person was also banned

So that's two people now who were giving you trouble that we banned? Man, I can see why you have such a negative view of us. Getting rid of all the trouble makers that harass you.. fuck us!

And, more recently, when I asked what happened to the ranking system and why my title was low again. Users somehow thought my reasonable question about a website function was funny, and I got trolled.

No, it isn't a reasonable question. Nobody cares about that title except you. You're literally the only person who cares. Nobody else has ever given a shit, because they know it means absolutely nothing. You can't put it on a resume. Your parents won't be any more or less proud of you over your STP title. You're not really a pilgrim Inuyoujo, I promise.

I wish for someone else to start a website, and run it differently, in a way that I more agree with.

And you're also not punk. That quote is the absolute most unpunk thing I've ever seen written on this site. Not that you gotta be punk or anything, but I'm just saying.. if you ever thought you were.. you're not.

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