Hustling Money in Portugal and Spain?


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Nov 2, 2011
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Austin, Texas
Going to be in Ponta Delgada, Porto and Lisbon, then headed to southern Spain, Morocco.

I plan on busking and finding under the table work, but if all else fails, what’s the attitude toward spanging and flying a sign? Consequences? How much fun are the police?

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Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
you'll be lucky finding casual work in Portugal, its a very poor country and there's generally not enough work for the locals let alone foreigners who don't speak the strange squelchy Portuguese language - this is why Portuguese nationals have gone abroad to find work for centuries - i know a lot of British travellers who've bought land out there and they all say its really tough making a living... I think you're best bet is the Algarve which is the main touristy bit where there's more English spoken and more chance of casual labouring or bar work... i've never busked in the street over there but i've played guitar in bars with a few friends and the owners generally kept us plied with alcohol as long as we carried on playing...

regarding busking in Spain ii've heard that its pretty difficult, i think you need a permit or you get moved on by the cops all the time - I think I read that in a thread on STP so maybe use the search function and you may find the post i'm referring to or perhaps Google it - sorry this is all bad news ! on a positive note the people in Spain and Portugal are usually friendly and helpful and the skipping (dumpstering) is easy....


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Dec 10, 2017
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I had a pretty easy time hitchhiking and there were a decent amount of illegal camping spots but as far as hustling money it seemed pretty rough. I was broke broke broke. Still it was fuckin beautiful and wine is really cheap.


Active member
Nov 2, 2011
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Austin, Texas
you'll be lucky finding casual work in Portugal, its a very poor country and there's generally not enough work for the locals let alone foreigners who don't speak the strange squelchy Portuguese language - this is why Portuguese nationals have gone abroad to find work for centuries - i know a lot of British travellers who've bought land out there and they all say its really tough making a living... I think you're best bet is the Algarve which is the main touristy bit where there's more English spoken and more chance of casual labouring or bar work... i've never busked in the street over there but i've played guitar in bars with a few friends and the owners generally kept us plied with alcohol as long as we carried on playing...

regarding busking in Spain ii've heard that its pretty difficult, i think you need a permit or you get moved on by the cops all the time - I think I read that in a thread on STP so maybe use the search function and you may find the post i'm referring to or perhaps Google it - sorry this is all bad news ! on a positive note the people in Spain and Portugal are usually friendly and helpful and the skipping (dumpstering) is easy....
Thanks, yeah I’ve heard as much about Spain. I’m hoping they’ll grant me a “permiso” if I ask nicely, maybe come up with an address to give them.


May 12, 2017
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Lagos, Portugal
I've spent some time in the Algarve and plan on going back very soon because, as other people have pointed out, busking, spanging and dumpstering is easy. Especially in the touristy areas.

Edit: Squatting is decently easy as well in my experience. If you've got a dog and plan on going to Spain you need a passport for it, otherwise the spanish cops will take it off you. Fucking heartbreaking. Also if you're looking to get a dog, there's so many there obviously that need a owner/home and you basically don't have to pay anything and they barely ask any question. Good luck and hope to see you around there

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