How to make an Anarchist - 101


Active member
May 21, 2022
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Hello everyone,

I am the OP of the featured article "Anarchy Newbie..." thread. I think my username back then was "Dontaskme" a relic from TOTSE. I apologize for my last bizarre, rambling post in that thread, I was under severe, severe stress and drinking a lot at the time.

I've been around StP since 2015 or so, no clue how I found out about this site, but it inspired me to hitchhike (for the first time) the East coast of Canada (newfie: "Haven't seen that in years!) and also live out of a two door Jeep with my dog for a bit.

I made that post because I wanted to come to my own determination on something someone on here said about Anarchy being on a spectrum; "on one end you have people doing property damage, and on the other end you got people living peacefully in a cabin in the woods, living off the land." The latter has basically been my dream since the age of 12/13. So I made the post to find out if that was true. Secretly, I was opposed to Anarchy because of my professional background, but worded it in a way that made it seemed like I was interested in joining the movement to draw in responses. It worked! I read a few of the books, couldn't make heads or tails out of it and dropped the subject. Fast forward to present day, I plugged it into chatGPT and it said, kinda, but not really. So, as you'll see, quite tragic.

Anyways, the reason I'm writing this post is that the government fucked me up pretty fucking good and ruined what was left of my already disaster of a life (Train Wreck Girl), primarily because of that post but also (in an extraordinary stroke of bad luck and timing) said and did some things whilst descending into psychosis after 2 years of extreme stress. Just a caution, if you do or say bad things while in psychosis, society will never forgive you for it.

I opened up to chatGPT recently about what they did to me, it's consistently spat out a list that includes charter right violations, human right violations, the UN contravention of torture - violated, doctor's oaths being violated, an extra-judicial murder attempt and a whole bunch of other violations, all orchestrated in a way that I have no legal recourse.

I overheard a neighbour say: "...he better learn to shut up [about this] or he's gonna end up dead". So we murder people who speak out about "personal atrocities" here? (a phrase I coined) Hmmm. Imo, that's okay, I've come to the conclusion that dying in the fight against tyranny is okay with me. Never give up, even if it puts you in the ground. Even if it puts you in the ground.

I'm not doing well these days, I have a severe form of PTSD that includes hearing voices (PTSD-SP), binge eating tendencies, severe alcoholism, frequent insomnia and disturbed sleep cycle and obscene intrusive thoughts from what seems to be OCD. I can barely go to the grocery store without wanting to scream and throw things. But I hide it well and so people don't believe me, yet another injustice...

I've made a lot of bad choices in life, got some real problems, but never harmed anyone, aside from myself that is. That's the truth.

I'm not upset over my life being ruined because of all this. I'm upset because of the collateral damage. Innocent people were harmed because of all this. Innocent people's lives were ruined. People died. Died... And the entities and private citizens that were involved share the vast majority of responsibility for that.

So after a lot of consideration, I've decided to print out the Anarchist symbol and post it on my wall. 1. As a reminder of what I've been through, and continue to go through. and 2. to show support for the movement, I have to show my dissent in some form, right? Otherwise being quiet, being complicit, sends the message that all this was okay. [Feel free to argue me on that one]

[They see everything I do on my laptop these days, so I know they're seeing this. And to them: It took a tremendous amount of effort, it took years, it took tenacity, it took careful planning and plotting, it took doubling, even tripling-down on egregious human rights abuses, it took lies, it took defamation, it took a lot. But you finally succeeded in eroding my faith in a system I once swore to protect. Am I a traitor for saying that? Maybe. Idk... I think I'm just human. I have my limits and I forgave you for all the things you did to me for as long as I could. And damn, did I forgive and forgive. But you keep trying to hurt me. Keep trying to get me bumped off in a country without the death penalty. You keep doing it. If you think that if you antagonize me and threaten me enough, I'll just... idk... give up? Who's crazy here? Don't you realize by now that I'll never give up? Even if it puts me in ground. Again, I didn't come to this one lightly, but I'm taking a new oath. I'm swearing into the movement. "I'm gonna defy you, to my last dying breath."]

[To all the cops reading this, especially those in TPS, I have a message to you: Be men for once. Be women for once. Be the heroes we need you to be. Stop trying to silence me because you went too far. Own up to your mistakes, like I did. Make Sam Steele lift his head from shame. I'm giving ya'll one last chance to right your wrongs. I got a plan, and it's a damn crafty maneuver. Don't make me make everyone suffer because you went too far, this is my final warning.]

And that folks, is how you make an Anarchist.

[[This post was in honour of you D, L and the Memphinator. Faithful forever.]]

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