Here's some very bad advice and perhaps some not so bad advice: Break someone else's heart. Learn to fall in love with yerself. Keep yourself busy busy busy. Turn your love to hate. Don't let yourself wallow, but set yourself time to mourn your loss each day, and then redirect your thoughts other times during the day. You can control your thoughts! It takes practice! Hang out with friends. Friends are key. Not to cry on, but to help keep your mind on someone other than yourself and the loser who dumped you. Broken hearts are part of life. You can't get over a broken heart, it will get over you in time. The pain will subside. It's not going to be so chest gripping and nauseating as the weeks go by. Exercise increases endorphins. Go running, dance, do yoga, do push ups, lift weights. Challenge yourself. Learn something new! Set a goal, and achieve that goal! Volunteer! Go traveling! Give yourself time, and love. Chase away false hope of reconciliation. Recognise that it's better to experience a broken heart now, than later, and feel happy that you have the capacity to feel and give love. Recognise that you need to grieve, and that your feelings are real. Sit with your feelings, and observe how they feel in your body. Visualise your connections to this person (as ropes, cords, or roots), and picture pulling them out, and destroying them. Visualise yourself meeting your lover somewhere and then walking away from them forever. Some people say that picturing you two on opposite ends of a bridge and then bombing the bridge, so you can't reach them, helps. Love will almost always end in a broken heart, that's the way it goes.
Establish regular sleeping patterns. Don't let yourself over sleep, or under sleep.
Spend time in nature. Even if the closest thing to nature you can find is under some crusty bridge, or a patch of weeds in an industrial area. Plant energy is healing. Meditate, even if it's 10 minutes a day. Take deep breaths. Go swimming. Hang out with animals. Smile at old ladies in the street. create art even if you are not an artist. Art can be created using any medium, even dirt. Journal, even if you are not a writer. Journaling is important to monitor your progess and move forward with your thoughts. Create any ritual you can think of with candles, letters, symbols...burying things, burning things, casting things into the wind, or water...anything to either represent saying goodbye, or increasing your strength. Remember you are beautiful. Recognise that this other person does not create you. You are still yourself without them. Force yourself to laugh and smile, even if it's false, and you feel like a deranged monkey. Smiling and laughing creates endorphins and happiness. Don't over do it, or it could backfire. Force yourself to laugh/smile only as a therapy. Do this in private, and don't watch yourself in a mirror, unless your crazy faces help you to laugh. If you feel like shit, acknowledge it, and let yourself cry. Recognise you will go up and down. You will feel good, bad, neutral, angry, inlove, unloved, and good again. Listen to music to help create moods. Wear bright colours, if they don't make you puke...or at least take special care of your appearance. Make sure when you see your reflection, you feel good about yourself. Don't let yourself get dumpy.
Set time to let yourself think of your loss, but don't dwell during other times in the day. Dwelling creates deterioration in the brain, and hinders growth of new neural pathways. Oxytocin is a chemical released in your brain when you feel in love, or when you are obsessed. That's why the two emotions can overlap. Dark Chocolate contains oxytocin also! Eat some dark chocolate! (Just a little). Drink chamomile tea to relax, or mint tea to uplift yourself. Lemon balm tea is stress reducing. St. John's wort tea might help you feel less bummed out. Use aromatherapy. Chose a scent that helps you feel upbeat. Smell is connected to our memories and emotions.
Stay away from coffee, drugs, and alcohol, as tempting as they are.
Acknowledge the good things this person brought to you, even if the best thing they did was remove themselves from your life. Appreciate and feel grateful for what you shared, but remember that everything changes, and what you shared is now the past. Learn from your feelings, so you understand how you will make another person feel when it's your turn to break a heart, and also so you can help your heart heal faster next time your heart is broken.
Give yourself space between relationships so you don't fuck with your healing process, or hurt someone else.
Nurture yourself, and give yourself time. Appreciate the change as something positive, and seize the opportunity to grow and recreate yourself.