Hipsters on trains


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Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
You can be a hipster or a hobo -not both.

Came across a couple train hoppin ladies in Dunsmuir. They looked to be about 30-35, and one of em had these big obnoxious shades on that made me think she really needs attention, but that's the least of it.

They pointed me to the sbd hobo camp, and said just beyond was an ftra only camp.

I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke -I was about 90% sure of that. Plus I've heard from more reputable sources that ftra doesn't really exist any more, but that doesn't stop any group of scumbags from taking the name.

So why do people joke like this? It seems to be an attempt at gate-keeping against those who aren't up to snuff on train lore, etc. Ya know, against the wannabes... At least that's how the scenesters see it. So I get to the camp and spend the next few hours telling myself that it's just hipster b.s., and that I'm safe.

The ftra, whatever they were actually about, have this sorta Hells Angels status about them, ya know like ignorant racist rapist pieces of shit. So if there's ftra, or even just someone claiming to be ftra in my vicinity, I wanna know about it!

Maybe those hipster ladies have never seen 3, 4, 5 or more people beat up on one other person. I have. That shit's fucked up. Maybe they still think they're young and more or less invincible. I used to be like that. Then my luck ran out one day.

Maybe there should be a certain amount of gate-keeping with trains, but joking about real fucking issues like safety among other travelers isn't the way to do it. Plus it wreaks of cool-points/cliquiness.

These kids needa know that not everyone is trying to join their scene. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.

So I was thinking about the definition of a hobo, and part of it includes the hobo code, about helping a traveler out, and I wanna say you can be a hipster or a hobo, but not both. Them joking that there was ftra or ftra posers about is not good for my mental well-being, not good for my mental health. That shit does not help me out. I'm out here alone, with no dog, and all I've got is a smiley I made using a 4-way silcock key. So be real with me.

I spent the rest of the day fixing up the camp, trying to establish myself a bit more on the hobo side of things. Y'all hipsters can suck my hard work. I cleared out all the snake grass and other weeds and dug up rocks from a spot about 9x7 feet, and rolled a another rock down a hill that happened to make the perfect seat, weather sitting regular or cross-legged.

Between the hipster fucks that flatter themselves thinking everyone wants to be in on their scene, and the old fucks that gripe about anyone looking for a handout, (separate topic, so I won't address it here) it's no wonder I don't hang out with other train riders. Most of them suck.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
You can be a hipster or a hobo -not both.

Came across a couple train hoppin ladies in Dunsmuir. They looked to be about 30-35, and one of em had these big obnoxious shades on that made me think she really needs attention, but that's the least of it.

They pointed me to the sbd hobo camp, and said just beyond was an ftra only camp.

I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke -I was about 90% sure of that. Plus I've heard from more reputable sources that ftra doesn't really exist any more, but that doesn't stop any group of scumbags from taking the name.

So why do people joke like this? It seems to be an attempt at gate-keeping against those who aren't up to snuff on train lore, etc. Ya know, against the wannabes... At least that's how the scenesters see it. So I get to the camp and spend the next few hours telling myself that it's just hipster b.s., and that I'm safe.

The ftra, whatever they were actually about, have this sorta Hells Angels status about them, ya know like ignorant racist rapist pieces of shit. So if there's ftra, or even just someone claiming to be ftra in my vicinity, I wanna know about it!

Maybe those hipster ladies have never seen 3, 4, 5 or more people beat up on one other person. I have. That shit's fucked up. Maybe they still think they're young and more or less invincible. I used to be like that. Then my luck ran out one day.

Maybe there should be a certain amount of gate-keeping with trains, but joking about real fucking issues like safety among other travelers isn't the way to do it. Plus it wreaks of cool-points/cliquiness.

These kids needa know that not everyone is trying to join their scene. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.

So I was thinking about the definition of a hobo, and part of it includes the hobo code, about helping a traveler out, and I wanna say you can be a hipster or a hobo, but not both. Them joking that there was ftra or ftra posers about is not good for my mental well-being, not good for my mental health. That shit does not help me out. I'm out here alone, with no dog, and all I've got is a smiley I made using a 4-way silcock key. So be real with me.

I spent the rest of the day fixing up the camp, trying to establish myself a bit more on the hobo side of things. Y'all hipsters can suck my hard work. I cleared out all the snake grass and other weeds and dug up rocks from a spot about 9x7 feet, and rolled a another rock down a hill that happened to make the perfect seat, weather sitting regular or cross-legged.

Between the hipster fucks that flatter themselves thinking everyone wants to be in on their scene, and the old fucks that gripe about anyone looking for a handout, (separate topic, so I won't address it here) it's no wonder I don't hang out with other train riders. Most of them suck.

You don't take jokes very well do you? I mean you said it yourself "I could tell from the way she said it, it was a joke" so why take it so seriously after acknowledging that it was just a joke? So seriously to the point of writing up a wall of text diatribe about gate-keeping scenes and who qualifies to use labels like "hobo" and who doesn't, making mad generalizations.. All over one joke? Make mountains out of mole hills much?

Most people know that gang has more or less all died off. There's some dumbfucks that try to claim it but that's kinda like an edgy 13 year old white kid in El Dorado Arkansas claiming he's a crip. He's not really hard, and those new "FTRA" aren't really FTRA. It's history, give up the ghost. To me it just sounds like she was joking around. I kinda hope these two "hipsers" are STP users, I'd like to hear their end of this. You kinda came unraveled over very little.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
You don't take jokes very well do you? I mean you said it yourself "I could tell from the way she said it, it was a joke" so why take it so seriously after acknowledging that it was just a joke? So seriously to the point of writing up a wall of text diatribe about gate-keeping scenes and who qualifies to use labels like "hobo" and who doesn't, making mad generalizations.. All over one joke? Make mountains out of mole hills much?

Most people know that gang has more or less all died off. There's some dumbfucks that try to claim it but that's kinda like an edgy 13 year old white kid in El Dorado Arkansas claiming he's a crip. He's not really hard, and those new "FTRA" aren't really FTRA. It's history, give up the ghost. To me it just sounds like she was joking around. I kinda hope these two "hipsers" are STP users, I'd like to hear their end of this. You kinda came unraveled over very little.

It's the kind of joke it was that I'm taking issue with. Not good natured, but more like "are you scared, haha, are you one of us?" Bullshit. Yes, I am scared of the prospect of getting jumped by multiple people. You gotta be a dumbass if you take that lightly. And apparently you can't read, cause like I (more or less) said the relevant fact is that a wannabe ftra is not someone I wanna be around.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
You don't take jokes very well do you? I mean you said it yourself "I could tell from the way she said it, it was a joke" so why take it so seriously after acknowledging that it was just a joke? So seriously to the point of writing up a wall of text diatribe about gate-keeping scenes and who qualifies to use labels like "hobo" and who doesn't, making mad generalizations.. All over one joke? Make mountains out of mole hills much?

Most people know that gang has more or less all died off. There's some dumbfucks that try to claim it but that's kinda like an edgy 13 year old white kid in El Dorado Arkansas claiming he's a crip. He's not really hard, and those new "FTRA" aren't really FTRA. It's history, give up the ghost. To me it just sounds like she was joking around. I kinda hope these two "hipsers" are STP users, I'd like to hear their end of this. You kinda came unraveled over very little.
And obviously you can't read, cause you quoted me wrong. I said I was 90% sure.
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Deleted member 125

This is either a troll post, or yer wound a bit too tight and are gonna say it was a joke all along after you get clowned on more.

Good on you for cleaning up a camp, but good god dude take it easy. Someone with sunglasses cracking a joke about a old bonehead group bugged you enough to write this? Yikes.

Diarrhea is much more dangerous than the ftra in 2020.

ThE hIpStErS aRe RuInInG mUh TrAiNs!


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
ThE hIpStErS aRe RuInInG mUh TrAiNs!

That's not at all characteristic of what I was saying.

Hipsters can ride all the trains they want. That doesn't mean I can't take issue with a bad natured joke.

Anyone that wants to clown on me or tell me I'm wound to tight maybe needs to take their personal safety a bit more seriously. Like I said in the op, I don't think it's appropriate to joke about, especially when it's motivation is a scenesters interests.

If this doesn't make sense to you, honestly I don't think I could put it any more plain.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
It's the kind of joke it was that I'm taking issue with. Not good natured, but more like "are you scared, haha, are you one of us?" Bullshit

Where do you make this jump? Can you read minds? Is that what she was thinking? Seems like a really unusual thought process to follow her joke. I can maybe see the "are you scared" bit.. but are you one of us?

Then all this stuff about;

These kids needa know that not everyone is trying to join their scene

It seems to me you tend to put words in other peoples mouths or think you know what people are thinking. I really doubt even the hipsterest of hipsters has the notion that everyone wants to join their scene. It's not really that difficult, you can join the hipster scene after shopping 5 minutes in a thrift store. It isn't exactly an exclusive club that's hard to join. So why would any of them feel like they're on some level others only wish they could get on?

And as for quoting you wrong.. I literally copied and pasted your words in the exact sequence you typed them. The only inaccuracy is that I fixed your spelling mistake, one of the dozens you've made on this thread.

I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke
I quoted as;

I could tell from the way she said it, it was a joke

You do understand that just because I didn't include the following sentence you typed, or the entire remaining post for that matter.. it's still a fucking quote if I'm taking your exact words, then selecting copy and then pasting them.. that's like the epitome of what a quote actually is in the first place.

Should I rephrase the entire thing? Would that make you feel better? Alright let's do it.

You don't take jokes very well do you? I mean you said it yourself;

I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke -I was about 90% sure of that

So why take it so seriously after acknowledging that it was 90% likely just a joke? So seriously to the point of writing up a wall of text diatribe about gate-keeping scenes and who qualifies to use labels like "hobo" and who doesn't, making mad generalizations.. All over one joke? Make mountains out of mole hills much?

Happier with that quote? It changes absolutely nothing but whatever makes ya feel better weirdo.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
Where do you make this jump? Can you read minds? Is that what she was thinking? Seems like a really unusual thought process to follow her joke. I can maybe see the "are you scared" bit.. but are you one of us?

Then all this stuff about;

It seems to me you tend to put words in other peoples mouths or think you know what people are thinking. I really doubt even the hipsterest of hipsters has the notion that everyone wants to join their scene. It's not really that difficult, you can join the hipster scene after shopping 5 minutes in a thrift store. It isn't exactly an exclusive club that's hard to join. So why would any of them feel like they're on some level others only wish they could get on?

And as for quoting you wrong.. I literally copied and pasted your words in the exact sequence you typed them. The only inaccuracy is that I fixed your spelling mistake, one of the dozens you've made on this thread.

I quoted as;

You do understand that just because I didn't include the following sentence you typed, or the entire remaining post for that matter.. it's still a fucking quote if I'm taking your exact words, then selecting copy and then pasting them.. that's like the epitome of what a quote actually is in the first place.

Should I rephrase the entire thing? Would that make you feel better? Alright let's do it.

You don't take jokes very well do you? I mean you said it yourself;

So why take it so seriously after acknowledging that it was 90% likely just a joke? So seriously to the point of writing up a wall of text diatribe about gate-keeping scenes and who qualifies to use labels like "hobo" and who doesn't, making mad generalizations.. All over one joke? Make mountains out of mole hills much?

Happier with that quote? It changes absolutely nothing but whatever makes ya feel better weirdo.

K, not reading this all now,...

But a quote can be taken out of context. It want wasn't even a following sentence. Here's how I wrote it, brainiac. Note where the period falls. That's key.

"I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke -I was about 90% sure of that."
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Anyone that wants to clown on me or tell me I'm wound to tight maybe needs to take their personal safety a bit more seriously

So is this a threat? I feel like you just said that if we clown on you or say you seem tightly wound, that we need to be concerned for our personal safety. Can't really see any other way to take that so.. we'll probably have to issue a warning at very least, on that note.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
What the fuck does it matter where the period is? If you're still 90% certain it was a joke.. does that really warrant this entire diatribe?

Somebody told me a joke, guys. I'm 90% sure it was a joke. Lemme just go off on how fucked up they are for like ten entire paragraphs to a bunch of people who weren't even there to hear both sides of the conversation. I'm 90% certain they were playing around with me but man am I fucking tilted over it!
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Also, nice suspenders hipster.

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
No dude, I can't read minds, but like virtualy every human being on the planet I can read body language. They say it's a major pay off communication. I'm sorry you weren't there dude. But you can either take my word for it, or not. I don't care.

As for the joke bit, I think I made myself clear when replying to Slanky Lanky, so I won't waist time addressing what you said.

No, I'm not threatening anyone. Pretty sure you're just trolling here now.

And if your definition of a hipster is limited to what they wear, your definition sucks.

Deleted member 125

If theres more to yer story I'm all ears, but all I'm getting is yer salty about someone making what you admit was more than likely a joke about a group of people that are all but extinct. Ease up dude, you wernt in any danger from ftra.

You were frightened by 2 women making a joke and had to make a point to mention you thought their sunglasses meant they wanted attention? Tbh that's the part that sticks out the most to me.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
You were frightened by 2 women making a joke...

This is getting old. Thanks for taking what I say out of context *again*. I want scared of two people making a joke. I don't appreciate the joke, but what worried me was the prospect of some ass-clown ftra posers that could be a real threat. Don't tell me I shouldn't take this possibility seriously.

I'm done responding to you two, cause this is ridiculous. You'll just keep taking thinks I say out of context, and telling me I'm safe as houses and can't take a joke.

Deleted member 125

what worried me was the prospect of some ass-clown ftra posers that could be a real threat.

Right on thanks for clarifying that.

Imo you over reacted to the situation, and also in how you posted about it, but shit what do I know right?

In the future maybe dont get so spooked by what you said yerself was probably people joking with you? Or maybe you could tell them next time about how you dont appreciate them making a joke about the boogie man to you because peoples safety is nothing to joke about.

Deleted member 29173

Labels are really pointless. They get thrown around so much that they lose all meaning anyways. Like "oogle" and definitely "hipster". I like coffee and have been called a hipster before. Dont care! I dont correct people anymore that call me a homebum for not looking patchy enough.

Enjoy your labels if it makes you happy though. Not my party.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
All jokes aside, thank you so much for contributing this fine piece of literature on nomadic culture. You sir are a wordsmith and this is a masterpiece.
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Matt Derrick

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okay, so what I'm inferring from this thread is that you had an interaction with two women outside a train yard or near a jungle or whatever, and they probably ribbed you a bit and not being sure how to take it you just said 'ok' and moved on. but it sat with you for a while, and eventually bubbled up as you mulled over the interaction again and again, analyzing the inflections and tone and trying to puzzle out intentions, and in the end your brain just did what brains do and assume the worst, because in our caveman minds, we're generally trying to prepare for the worst; it's a survival skill from millennia ago.

but the reality is you're just some dude walking by and maybe these two people ribbed ya a little bit to see if you were cool, and well, you failed that test and moved on. even worse, you stewed about it until you made them out to be the worst kinds of 'hobo hipsters' possible, because, how dare they? how dare they not be 100% forthwrite with you (a complete stranger to them) about the possibilities of a gang that either could or doesn't exist anymore.

so now you've built this interaction up in your mind to a you vs them vs the world or whatever situation, and frankly, it doesn't make much sense.

Anyone that wants to clown on me or tell me I'm wound to tight maybe needs to take their personal safety a bit more seriously

i DO think slank/lupo might be mis-reading this though? i'm reading it as a reference to 'their personal safety' as in their safety in being around gangs that want to beat the OP up, not "im going to beat you up for calling me a clown," but of course i could be the one misinterpreting.

believe it or not, i've actually had interactions like this when train hopping; where someone was being a bit 'more hobo than thou' and told me to kick rocks (this interaction happened a few minutes after i'd hopped off a train in eugene, ran into a group of drugged out kids waiting on a train and talked with then for about 15 mins) and yeah, you know, that sucks, sure. but ya know what? i got over it a few minutes later and moved on with my life.

as for hobo-hipsters (yes, you can be both, since being a hipster is more about having an attitude of elitism than a dress code IMO), i've had more than my share of run ins with these types of people, like, serious run ins, to the point where some have tried to 'ruin me' in real life, and hell, i wrote a chapter specifically about this in my book; and im sorry to say it, but your interaction isn't deserving of anywhere even near the level of hate you're laying down in this thread.

the tl;dr of it is that maybe you should review the situation more objectively, and consider that there might not have been any harm in the 'joke' they had on/with you.

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