Hipsters on trains


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Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
Ok, I'm hoping this response can either end this thread, or else put it on a more productive level. I feel like I've maybe explained things as much as I need to. Hope I'm not wrong on that.

...you could tell them next time about how you dont appreciate them making a joke about the boogie man to you because peoples safety is nothing to joke about.

That's exactly why I created this post. Our interaction was brief. I was hoping they'd be on this site.

Thanks for being sympathetic about safety. Part of the issue is that you never know what someone else has been through, so joking about this stuff with a stranger just seems really inappropriate to me. And this innaproriareness is compounded by the fact that their motivation is to flesh out if I'm cool enough for them. If they really need to figure that out, there's better ways to do it than bringing up the possibility of gang violence. To me, it's almost comparable to someone joking about rape to vet some girl their interested in. Like, not being afraid rape and/or gang violence *isn't* what makes someone cool, in my book!

How'd you determine they were hipsters?


Not by the shades, dude. It was a minor detail. Matt Derrick is more on the money, it's an elitist thing. It's a scene thing. Any attempt to make it an esthetic, like clothes, music, etc is a shallow reading. I decided they were hipsters cause like Matt said, they were testing me to see if I was cool or not. That's why I wrote earlier that their joke had this "are you one of us?" questions behind it. And you thought I was reading minds.... No dude, I just know body language, tone, facial expression, etc like anyone else.

...how dare they not be 100% forthwrite with you (a complete stranger to them) about the possibilities of a gang that either could or doesn't exist anymore.


I think they should be. Be a fucking neighbor, dude.

[QUOTE="Matt Derrick, post: 302750, member: 1"

i DO think slank/lupo might be mis-reading this though? i'm reading it as a reference to 'their personal safety' as in their safety in being around gangs that want to beat the OP up, not "im going to beat you up for calling me a clown,"...


Yes, thank you for picking up on that.

[QUOTE="Matt Derrick, post: 302750, member: 1"

as for hobo-hipsters (yes, you can be both...


Think so? What about the idea of helping a fellow traveler out? Like rather than trying to vet them in this antagonistic way?


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
My, isint this conversation productive?

You can be a hipster or a hobo -not both.

Came across a couple train hoppin ladies in Dunsmuir. They looked to be about 30-35, and one of em had these big obnoxious shades on that made me think she really needs attention, but that's the least of it.

They pointed me to the sbd hobo camp, and said just beyond was an ftra only camp.

I coul tell from the way she said it, it was a joke -I was about 90% sure of that. Plus I've heard from more reputable sources that ftra doesn't really exist any more, but that doesn't stop any group of scumbags from taking the name.

So why do people joke like this? It seems to be an attempt at gate-keeping against those who aren't up to snuff on train lore, etc. Ya know, against the wannabes... At least that's how the scenesters see it. So I get to the camp and spend the next few hours telling myself that it's just hipster b.s., and that I'm safe.

The ftra, whatever they were actually about, have this sorta Hells Angels status about them, ya know like ignorant racist rapist pieces of shit. So if there's ftra, or even just someone claiming to be ftra in my vicinity, I wanna know about it!

Maybe those hipster ladies have never seen 3, 4, 5 or more people beat up on one other person. I have. That shit's fucked up. Maybe they still think they're young and more or less invincible. I used to be like that. Then my luck ran out one day.

Maybe there should be a certain amount of gate-keeping with trains, but joking about real fucking issues like safety among other travelers isn't the way to do it. Plus it wreaks of cool-points/cliquiness.

These kids needa know that not everyone is trying to join their scene. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.

So I was thinking about the definition of a hobo, and part of it includes the hobo code, about helping a traveler out, and I wanna say you can be a hipster or a hobo, but not both. Them joking that there was ftra or ftra posers about is not good for my mental well-being, not good for my mental health. That shit does not help me out. I'm out here alone, with no dog, and all I've got is a smiley I made using a 4-way silcock key. So be real with me.

I spent the rest of the day fixing up the camp, trying to establish myself a bit more on the hobo side of things. Y'all hipsters can suck my hard work. I cleared out all the snake grass and other weeds and dug up rocks from a spot about 9x7 feet, and rolled a another rock down a hill that happened to make the perfect seat, weather sitting regular or cross-legged.

Between the hipster fucks that flatter themselves thinking everyone wants to be in on their scene, and the old fucks that gripe about anyone looking for a handout, (separate topic, so I won't address it here) it's no wonder I don't hang out with other train riders. Most of them suck.

I'd just blow it off. That was a backhanded comment, IMO, and some people are assholes. Welcome to traveling.

it's no wonder I don't hang out with other train riders. Most of them suck.

I completely agree. That is why I stick to myself for the most part. I dont want anyone else to have to experience the oogledom that I radiate 🤷‍♂️

There's some dumbfucks that try to claim it but that's kinda like an edgy 13 year old white kid in El Dorado Arkansas claiming he's a crip.

Like that dude in Flagstaff? Mr. 45 bullet?😂😂😂

Anyone that wants to clown on me or tell me I'm wound to tight maybe needs to take their personal safety a bit more seriousl

Woooooah there...no need to go metaphorically swinging your balls around. It's an internet forum.

Part of the issue is that you never know what someone else has been through, so joking about this stuff with a stranger just seems really inappropriate to me.

So are you saying that this experience triggered some past trauma in your life. THAT would make sense as to the meaning of your original post.

Because right now, and no offense, the whole thing sounds like insecurity due to you questioning whether those other riders thought you were down enough or not.

There is a weird class system, or what ever you want to call it, in the riding world. Some people are always going to think they are the hottest shit ever to trespass on railway property. That's just the way it goes. I *seriously* wouldnt take it so seriously.
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
yeah i have to admit i've been on both sides of this,

#1 being insensitive, testing to see if someone would think something is funny, since I'm not opposed to dark-humor to say the least - then they get offended or hurt, it's made me feel pretty bad, except I've also made friends this way. Can't win 'em all

#2 hearing something and interpreting it some kinda way that maybe wasn't meant, 'blowing it out of proportion'. i can't qualify whether *I have* PTSD so I'm not going to lecture anybody on sucking it up, being cool or any of that, but yeah do your best to give the benefit of the doubt. oh yeah, and enjoy my unsolicited advice to the fullest.

she mighta been a little slow on expressing sarcasm well? tryin to be tongue-in-cheek, flirtatious? i dunno, i can remember being 12 or 13, first time I saw someone have a seizure, the next week at school someone was joking about it to me, and it rubbed me the wrong way pretty well, and of course they wanted to bitch me and call "Mr. Sensitive", out of self-esteem reinforcement or whatever. So there is context, taste, delivery, all things to consider

aside from that I'd like to say... why not just trash the 'hipster' term altogether... and go for "diva" or "Attention seeker"... well no cause then they'll be oversaturated and bastardized soon enough too, nevermind
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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
My, isint this conversation productive?

I'd just blow it off. That was a backhanded comment, IMO, and some people are assholes. Welcome to traveling.

I completely agree. That is why I stick to myself for the most part. I dont want anyone else to have to experience the oogledom that I radiate 🤷‍♂️

Like that dude in Flagstaff? Mr. 45 bullet?😂😂😂

Woooooah there...no need to go metaphorically swinging your balls around. It's an internet forum.

So are you saying that this experience triggered some past trauma in your life. THAT would make sense as to the meaning of your original post.

Because right now, and no offense, the whole thing sounds like insecurity due to you questioning whether those other riders thought you were down enough or not.

There is a weird class system, or what ever you want to call it, in the riding world. Some people are always going to think they are the hottest shit ever to trespass on railway property. That's just the way it goes. I *seriously* wouldnt take it so seriously.

Dude, my status as an oogle or as cool dude is beside the point of this thread. Why bring it up? Just makes you look like an ass.

Your question about trauma is relevant, but also somewhat beside the point. No one has to have experienced trauma to be concerned for their safety (it just makes it more likely) and to not appreciate antagonistic jokes about the safety of the area they're in. There's better ways to vet someone, if that's what you want to do.

But yes, trauma is a great reason not to joke about things like gang violence. Not being afraid of these things on any consistent basis doesn't make anyone cool, or brave. It does show that they haven't had these experiences, or probably even close calls.

Last year I had a really close call. I know what's it's like not to feel safe for weeks on end, trouble sleeping, distrustful of everyone, etc. Can a close call give you trauma? Idk, I think maybe so, especially if it's drawn out for days.

Fucking with someone else's sense of safety is not an acceptable cool test. You don't joke about rape, do you? Why joke about gang violence?

Do we have less of an empathetic response to it because it's more of a mans experience? (as opposed to rape being a more often woman's experience) The message I'm getting most of the mods in this thread is that I should just toughen up.

Is it okay to make light of traumatic experience if it's more on the male spectrum of things? That's what the dominant culture believes, right? I thought y'all were a bunch of social progressives?

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
This thread just keeps on giving. Even when people agree with you, you get tilted. I'd give ya a hug if I could. Sorry you're going through whatever it is you're going through.
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The message I'm getting most of the mods in this thread is that I should just toughen up.

I wouldn't say toughen up was the message at all, but I think maybe, just maybe there is a slight small tiny little chance that lightening up just a minuscule amount would make you less susceptible to a comment 2 strangers made that you agree was 90% a joke making you feel so upset or unsafe.

I'm sincerely sorry if you were offended by these 2 people. Ride sober, ride alone, dont mingle with strangers. I honestly dont know what else to say to you about this.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Last year I had a really close call. I know what's it's like not to feel safe for weeks on end, trouble sleeping, distrustful of everyone, etc. Can a close call give you trauma? Idk, I think maybe so, especially if it's drawn out for days.

Almost everyone out there has had close calls of this nature. It just gives you more knowledge on what to avoid next time. Yes it's scary, and yes it can traumatize you, but ita just shit you have to deal with while you are out there. The very first issue I had with this was my 3rd time hitchhiking, in Fresno, CA. Had to avoid being followed by gang members who were basically shouting at me 'Hey homie, HEY! Get over here pussy!' Made me spend my last few bucks on a greyhoud out of there.

It's just shit you deal with, you should know that with the above quote. Light sleeping, paranoia, fear...I dont know what to say. There are just assholes out there.

Just makes you look like an ass.

Exactly what you are doing with this entire post. Why did this fuck with you so bad that you had to write a post about it? People usually respond to threads with their personal feelings. That is what we are doing, and you seem not to understand where we are coming from, and appearently we are missing your point as well, which is why we keep asking....why? You are getting upset with our responses. Dont know what to tell you.

The message I'm getting most of the mods in this thread is that I should just toughen up.

Naw. We get it. We have all been there. But something is to be said that you have to know when to shrug shit off. If you let everything get to you the way this did while traveling, you would be a nervous wreck. Shit happens, you will probably have a positive experience that will make up for this negative one in the next couple weeks.

Is it okay to make light of traumatic experience if it's more on the male spectrum of things? That's what the dominant culture believes, right? I thought y'all were a bunch of social progressives?

I know a few female-identifying travelers that will tell you the same things we have, probably a few male-identifying folks as well.

I'm just saying, maybe you wont ever run into a threat of violence ever again in your life. That would be awesome.

....but highly unlikely. The world isint a perfect place. If it was, we wouldnt be having BLM/police injustice protests right now.

I make it a point to avoid physical confrontation as much as possible. I'll leave situations, leave other travelers, avoid bad areas, call out violent bullshit against innocent people, try to resolve issues verbally, ect...but that still doesnt make me, or anyone for that matter, immune to all of that.

Just learn how to deal with it in your own way, and travel safe.
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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Hmmm, after reading this thread (which was a funny thread to read; Thanks @Eng JR Lupo RV323 and @SlankyLanky :)) I think we need to petition to have these "safe spaces" I keep hearing about installed in train yards and jungles. That ways nothing even mildly offensive can be uttered and pain the virgin ears of travellers. Sticks and stones will break your bones.

But seriously, make a joke back and make a new friend.
I would have went with; "Cool! The Fried-chicken Taster Resistence of Ann Arbor is camped closed by?!?!?" ;)


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
Hmmm, after reading this thread (which was a funny thread to read; Thanks @Eng JR Lupo RV323 and @SlankyLanky :)) I think we need to petition to have these "safe spaces" I keep hearing about installed in train yards and jungles. That ways nothing even mildly offensive can be uttered and pain the virgin ears of travellers. Sticks and stones will break your bones.

But seriously, make a joke back and make a new friend.
I would have went with; "Cool! The Fried-chicken Taster Resistence of Ann Arbor is camped closed by?!?!?" ;)
Thanks for adding zero to this thread.

Safe spaces in jungles... Such a stupid comment. That's not what anyone's calling for here. It's as simple as what kind of behavior among travellers you want to encourage or give a pass, and what behavior you want to discourage. It's that simple. You want to give it a pass. Fine. Thanks for your input. Super fascinating take, bruh.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Thanks for being sympathetic about safety. Part of the issue is that you never know what someone else has been through, so joking about this stuff with a stranger just seems really inappropriate to me. And this innaproriareness is compounded by the fact that their motivation is to flesh out if I'm cool enough for them. If they really need to figure that out, there's better ways to do it than bringing up the possibility of gang violence. To me, it's almost comparable to someone joking about rape to vet some girl their interested in. Like, not being afraid rape and/or gang violence *isn't* what makes someone cool, in my book!

there's a difference between ensuring personal safety and running scared everytime a stranger makes a comment to you. this clearly falls into the latter; all i can say is that you need to toughen up/grow a thicker skin if you expect to make it in the real world.
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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
there's a difference between ensuring personal safety and running scared everytime a stranger makes a comment to you. this clearly falls into the latter; all i can say is that you need to toughen up/grow a thicker skin if you expect to make it in the real world.

I don't know if you've missed the point of this thread? Y'all were fixated on the hipster thing at first. I gave it the title I did cause I knew it'd get a lotta looks, and feedback is what I'm after. I'm getting that.

This thread isn't a hate on hipsters, nor is it asking you to hold my hand and make the world a safer place. It's about how travelers treat other travelers, and what you wanna discourage or encourage along those lines. That's what this thread is about.

If y'all could stop missing the point, and stop putting words in my mouth, this thread could have died a long time ago. Pretty sure this is one of the least productive threads on stp, but I'm putting that on all of you. Thanks for wasting my time.​


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Here is the point. Nail on the head:

Dont encourage violence. Got it. Probably like 80% of actual travelers out there are anti violence. If you run into anyone who joke about violence, or who engage in it, remove yourself from their company, unless you feel like asking them to stop doing what they are doing.
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Deleted member 23824

“If y'all could stop missing the point, and stop putting words in my mouth, this thread could have died a long time ago. Pretty sure this is one of the least productive threads on stp, but I'm putting that on all of you. Thanks for wasting my time.“

Here’s another way to let it die - just stop talking. A wise man once said to me - O.k., it was my old man, but it was some wisdom:

”Whenever you find yourself in a hole - quit digging”


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
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New Jerusalem, Idaho
“If y'all could stop missing the point, and stop putting words in my mouth, this thread could have died a long time ago. Pretty sure this is one of the least productive threads on stp, but I'm putting that on all of you. Thanks for wasting my time.“

Here’s another way to let it die - just stop talking. A wise man once said to me - O.k., it was my old man, but it was some wisdom:

”Whenever you find yourself in a hole - quit digging”

You're right, dude, it's my fault for trying to correct people when they misrepresent what I'm saying, which is the majority of my responses. Or maybe the hole is in your head? Regardless, this is my final response to this thread. Maybe you can add a couple more. Over and out.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Over and out.

It's never over and out. It's either over or it's out. Over is said at the end of a transmission, like ping-ponging the message to the other person and expecting a response. Out is said when you're ending your final transmission, not expecting a response.

Deleted member 24782

Seems like you were offended because the two chics were patronizing you rather than lending a hand and letting you into their circle. I get it, the gate keeping thing, it's a very real thing. Theres really not a lot of sincerity left in this community anymore.

sour pupp

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Jul 26, 2020
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west coast
well well well we meet again. my friend with the "big obnoxious shades" informed me of this little rant youve gone on over here. im the other girl, the 30 something "hipster" train rider that regrets sharing any info with you about dunsmuir or about, and ill quote myself, "the OLD ftra camp".

interesting and shitty that you are making so many dark assumptions and leaving out so much information about our brief interaction. for instance, you asked US whats up with dunsmuir since you just got in. now, if i was gate keeping, i would not have told you all the info i shared with you. in retrospect i kinda wish i did gate keep now that im reading this. you asked and i told. i know the town and hop outs well and i told you about a beautiful place to camp in short walking distance that was safe and cozy and had a clean river along side and a huge fire pit and very little foot traffic, and you can catch out of it in the direction you were heading, pretty dreamy good info if you ask me... i also told you about the OLD ftra camp thats near to it and that it is seen some old hobo films (i just learned about it from a local nice drunk man the night before who came over to say hi while i was sleeping there. turns out we have mutual friends in common in the duns area. he came up to me when i was alone and we drank a beer and marked a sided train and he told me about the old ftra camp right there and other interesting information about dunsmuir that i didnt know. i didnt take it as a threat. to me its good to know something like that and interesting history, not a joke, no secret dark undertone to punk anyone, just the actual reality). i also told you about the beautiful waterfall you can hike to right up the tracks, and about bbcrc and railroad days and the amazing history of dunsmuir having an ongoing positive relationship to riders. its unique and lovely "hobo friendly" place. remember all that? i shared all that good info with you when *you asked* to be kind to a fellow rider.

as a lady who rides solo a lot a lot, i dont take safety lightly and im no gate keeper as long as you dont seem like a super oog. i appreciate when people share safe spots to sleep and info on a place when im new to a town, so i try to return the favor at appropriate times. to me, you seemed chill enough so i was just trying to be nice and sharing.

seems like you simultaneously dislike that i shared lots of info, like that was me vetting you? and also think i didnt share enough? like i was gatekeeping? i dunno guy...

im thinkin maybe i should have vetted you now that i read all this.
maybe it felt threatening to you that some large sunglass wearing ladies out riding trains know something? who knows.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
wow, now that this has come full circle, I'd love to see what the OP's reaction is going to be. @sour pupp thanks for responding, i hope this ridiculous interaction with this kid who took your responses way out of context doesn't burn you on the idea of being friendly/sharing with other riders in the future.

but yeah, i can't wait to see this kid's face when he reads your post.

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