Every time I've traveled, it's been either Greyhound or Amtrak. The only times I've technically hitched have been when I was walking down the highway and somebody stopped and offered me a ride. I actually never wanted to travel, at least not inside the country, but so many things happened in my life that I was forced to, and I ended up loving it. My plan right now is moving to a tourist town to save money in the summer, going and doing time to flatten my probation in the winter, since I wouldn't pay for that shit even if I had the money, and then finding two or three people to travel with next summer. But I've been through SoCal, Arizona, Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois(multiple times), Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and lived in Tennessee whenever I wasn't out somewhere, and did all this moving around in some time around a year and a half. I hated it at first, but when I got back to TN, I sat around for a week and started wishing I was gone again, yet I've been here a year. So in response to everyone saying you might not like it as much, you might end up loving it more than anything like I did.
Also, if you're ever around East TN and need a place to rest for a few days, hit me up. I'll be staying in a weekly rental hotel room, but a place to crash is a place to crash.