Help meh decide school or travel


Dec 11, 2009
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Covina, CA
hey so I'm new to posting stuff and really just wanted to look up info and great stories which this website is thankfully so full of :) I'm wondering if there's anyone who will be setting out from CA and maybe joining me to go to MO pretty soon or else i guess i"ll just go to summer school even though I'm sick of school. I'm thinking about visiting a friend of mine in St. Louis, MO. It would be my first time hitchin n hoppin so it would be cool to travel with someone who can show me the ropes n what not if not don't matter, we'll figure it out.


New member
May 18, 2010
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san jose
im in the same shoes as you..

im itching to get out of san jose, but i havent done this shit before... my girlfriend and i are thinking about heading out this summer, but really who knows... maybe if we have a like minded buddy to come along it can become a sure thing

Beegod Santana

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2008
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The woods
Well I'm finishing up a dry stone job with a 60 yr old man who holds two masters degrees that I've though about ultimately pursuing (music performance and music education). He worked for UPS for 20 yrs till the age of 45 when he started learning dry-masonry and now at the age of 60 has to go bust ass everyday, has never left the northeast, and is still paying for his two masters that have never earned him a cent. Being that I'm 24 most of my friends who went to college have graduated in the past couple years and except for one kid, none of them have been able to put their degrees to use. One kid I know got his MBA which did nothing more than get him a $0.60 raise and way more responsibility at his cashier job. Thats right , 4 yrs and tens of thousands of dollars to be a $9.40 /hr wage slave.

Now I'm not trying to say education is useless, but I am trying to point out that just going to college doesn't really set you up for anything these days (unless you have a very set goal, which if you're browsing around stp I'll assume you don't) except debt. In the 7 or so years I've spent traveling for the majority of the year I've learned lots of useful skills and have had the luxury of hitting up various job markets arcoss the country when my home area was slow (which has been the case for a good 4 yrs now). On this last job I found myself making $20 /hr thanks to the skills I learned a few years ago working in the northwest and refined in new orleans all at $8 /hr. Now I'm about to hit up summer tour working for legit companies and not having to constantly put myself at risk selling drugs n shit to stay on tour thanks to the contacts I've made all thoughout the country. As far as I'm concerned traveling has given me a valuable education and earned me lots of job skills. Also I've had many a period of drunken wandering in any direction and know that if I can't find any real work, the road and rails are always there for me.

So in short, I'd hit the road.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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Central New York State
Excellent post, Santana.
I'm stoked to see I'm not alone, I also face the same decisions as OP. But I'm just about positive that I'll not be going to college. Some say I should, just so if railriding falls through I have a fallback, but fuck that. Thousands of dollars for a fucking fallback? Not to mention I'm attracted to the do-or-die, no safety net, if-I-fuck-up-I-don't-eat idea, just for the thrill. I might regret that, but so what. Its one life out of many, and if wandering takes me closer to buddha-nature, so be it.
Not to mention its in my blood. My father was a fucking bum, thats why I don't know him. His father was a vagabond himself. So I'm out living the legacy of a bastard. If I ever find the fucker, I'm gonna kick his ass, and then well go catch out together


Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Covina, CA
That's what i was afraid of . I'm into way too many things to just study one thing. I'd go crazy if i had to do ONE thing for the rest of my life.
Beegod i can't thank you enough for your advice! it is indeed an awesome post and I hope to travel with you some time n learn a thing or two 'bout the rails as well as werkin


Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Covina, CA
im in the same shoes as you..

im itching to get out of san jose, but i havent done this shit before... my girlfriend and i are thinking about heading out this summer, but really who knows... maybe if we have a like minded buddy to come along it can become a sure thing

well hey if ya so decide i think I'm definitely down to go. i just really rather enjoy this trip with cool people. I can be ur like minded buddy :D
but anyway i encourage you and ur lady to go for it. I'd know of a place we could crash so yea n hey r u talkin bout trainhoppin or hitchin cuz im down with either


New member
May 18, 2010
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san jose
im thinking giving hopping a shot, but my lady is still being all wishy washy bout the whole thing.

what ever works for you i suppose. some new shit has just come to light that may prevent me from traveling period =(... but its cool to know that theres at least someone else who is willing to go on an adventure with me
Feb 4, 2010
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Youngster, ive been out on the rails for fiddy tree years, You should stay home, theres enough kids out traveling and blowing shit up, how am i gonna make a dolla' if every tom dick and harry is out on the road? haha no Im just kidding. Just jump kid, the waters fine :D


May 7, 2010
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here here to the fz remark... btw sweet dreads


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Apr 9, 2009
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some people don't have the oppertunity to get an education. noone likes to run a shovel, because they dropped out. would you likfries with that? nuff said,i already know plenty of dumb people.


Aug 17, 2009
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if you have to ask maybe you should stay with school for awhile. how old are you? have you ever been on the streets before? what the longest you've been without a shower? not trying to be an asshole, just realistic. maybe you'd love the road, i think that a lot more people just want to see what its like and have bragging rights. i've had best and worse of times traveling, been the happiest and damn close to death. personally i'm not even traveling for the time being, came through town to visit and ended up with a job and a girlfriend. well that and been doing a lot of funerals lately. so i'm not even on the road at the moment, but i've taken my share of folks out for their first times and though none of them regretted it they all went back to where they felt safe. so my point is if you don't know if you want to do it maybe you shouldn't, or just think about it more. pretty much i just saw that everybody on here told you to go for it (shocking huh) and wanted to play the devils advocate. Do what makes you happy, that's what i say.:flush:

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