It's always good to engage w/you vg12!! Why? Because some good dialogue transpires as opposed to lock step party line drivel! Anywayz, it's early in the am out here and I felt a bit wordy.....
As to the draft, I agree that it appears unlikely right now. What I base it upon is this: we have a geopolitical quagmire in that we are fighting a multifront conflict in the middle east, still sustaining multiple UN/NATO conflicts Pan European in nature and a bilateral threat couched, comfortably I might add, with North Korea and Russia. So, let's look @ the world a moment: China butresses North Korea (that's why they can do as they wish with impunity), China controls the lower level finished product industry in the US, China loans the money which services interest on our debt (when taken in a GDP vs. deficit ratio; might also look @ the M3 Fed rate here). China has pioneered a deep water navy, threatened Taiwan and used North Korea to launch a patently absurd hoax of an ICBM delivery vehicle. Now, couple this with recent Russian insertion of forces into Georgia to control oil and natural gas which transports to Europe and you begin to centralize on the precarious position we are in. You see, through accords and treaties, we are bound to defend those whom we are allies with. Let's not bullshit around here: we landed US military forces in Georgia a handfull of months ago. Whether we want to pontify that it is aggression or what-the-fuck ever, these are the facts.
So, what does this mean in terms of the draft? Well, there's only so many service-aged men (women are exempt from the draft) whom have voluntarily enlisted. We need men to fight and die (in this case to secure strategic energy lines). We are not going to extricate ourselves from Iraq and Afganistan permanently EVER. We fought WWII and are still in Germany, France, Japan, et al. We now have unconventional wars raging globaly. The National Guard, which albeit illegally backdoored the draft for the past 12 years, is now decimated. Add the fact that poor [insert here black, white, mexican or whatever PC flavor you want] Johnny isn't enticed by the $16,000 dollar sign up bonus anymore and you have a matter of national security. Take a quick skim thru 50 United States Code for a primer. Gotta have bodies to catch the lead regardless of what the prez says.
I want to make sure everyone understands that I do not support a draft to fight foreign incurrsions, only those domestic; however, being a realist and having an intelligence background, the sounds of the mythical sirens upon the sea are being woven upon the fabric of mainstream media and my ears hear what, to the untrained ear, sounds like a deafening roar!
Political parties: The communists I'd be opposed to as Lenin, Stalin, et al., never perfected communism, and Putin doesn't seem to entranced by Das Kapital. The IWW, lo how I love my bummery, isn't viable. Suprisingly, though, I am rather enamoured by socialism. Probably the most viable option in these times.