Free tobacco??!?!

614 crust

Ex-Moderator / Elitist asshole
Dec 4, 2008
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lol @ self-righteous non-smokers. i love you guys.

anyway, a lot tobacco companies in major cities send out "the cigarette girls" to bars on weekends to market new tobacco brands and flavors. they scan your ID to collect demographics information, and give you up to three free packs.

i got housed up in philly by a dude who dated one of these girls, so i was pulling in a free carton a week. keep an eye out for these chicks. shit's awesome.

Yeah I've gotten free cigarettes at bars this way before


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2010
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Everett, WA
if your homebummin' it and have an address you can use, go sign up on a bunch of tobacco companies websites... they'll send you free shit in the mail, i used to get white cartons of smokes that said nothing on them all you have to do is smoke them and tell them what you think about it and they'll keep sending them to you

Holy Shit. Really?

And to all the people getting all fuckin agro about this thread. No one. cares. Just remember that. All of these posts (besides the cancer post) have just been mindless, regurgitated banter contributing to the utterly pointless war between smokers and avid non-smokers that has been going on since the dawn of time. Or cigarettes I guess.


Stop. fighting. All of you.
Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down.
Non-smokers: take a deep, cleansing breath.
Smokers: smoke a fuckin cigarette.

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