East Jesus: Post-Apocalyptic Life In A Pre-Apocalyptic World



an experimental, habitable, extensible artwork in progress
in Slab City, California
Pop. ?, Elev. 75

“The end of the world already happened, didn’t you know that?”
-- Charles "Chasterus" Russell
Creator of East Jesus, R.I.P.

Wedged between the Chocolate Mountain Gunnery Range and the Salton Sea in southern California's exotic Imperial Valley, East Jesus is an experimental, comprehensive habitat and artwork comprising vernacular architecture, technophilia, common-sense environmentalism, desert survival and sculpture/assemblage using predominantly recycled, re-purposed or discarded materials, sublimating the unwanted and ugly into the purposefully beautiful. The main structure is built around a 27' fiberglass shipping container, extended by walls composed of junk (lockers, computers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, bookshelves, tool chests, shipping crates, TVs and other electronics) and recycled, re-used lumber and steel. A contiguous shade structure connects the main container to a two-level 24' trailer (found abandoned and stripped) through a row of desert ironwood trees, which themselves serve as structural elements. Begun February of 2007, the main habitat continues to grow and evolve. Adjoining the habitat is a sculpture garden whose constituents are made exclusively of junk from the immediate area, also growing and evolving. The large, open shaded area has become home to a surprising variety of wildlife - lizards, rabbits, quail, hummingbirds, woodpeckers and other avian species call East Jesus home.

The name East Jesus is whimsical, derived from the American idiomatic expression used to describe a remote, presumably uninteresting place. It is also a nod of admiration to the nearby folk art masterpiece, Salvation Mountain, but is not affiliated with it nor any other religious organization. East Jesus is the home of the Slab City Gun Club, the Slab City Zen Center, A growing community of pioneering artists, engineers and ne'er-do-wells, call East Jesus their home away from home, a retreat from their stressful jet-age lifestyle in a calm, inspiring and majestic desert landscape with a few "thrills of excitement" provided by military operations in the bombing range. Collaborative projects are encouraged, iconoclasts are invited, camping is always free and a few guest rooms are available.


East Jesus Survival Guide

-1) BEFORE YOU EVEN GET HERE there are things to consider. Why do you even want to come and bother us in the first place? Well, OK, but if you do, please don’t plan on camping out for more than a couple days, unless you’ve intent on rolling up your sleeves and helping us out with some labor, building an awesome sculpture, or catering to our personal whims. This isn’t a dumb ass hippie commune. This is us, living life the way we want to. We have work to do. Either you’re entertaining us, helping out with what needs to be done, or you’re slowing us down. Call or email ahead, 24 hours notice is greatly appreciated. IN CASE OF RAIN, travel north of Niland is *not* recommended. Even small amounts of rain can cause the washes to run deep and turn your beloved automobile into a submarine, exposed to oncoming traffic. Also, NEVER arrive after dark (see rule 2 below.)

-0.5) WITH AN EVER-INCREASING NUMBER OF VISITORS, the expense of keeping shop is growing. If you ask to come camp out for a night or two, I ask for a $5/night donation per person. This helps pay for the peat moss, tips the janitor (the person in smelly gloves and overalls) a little something for schlepping your and feces and helps defray the cost of all the little things you probably take for granted, like wireless internet, One Jillion Megawatts of power in the middle of fucking nowhere, and that spoon of mine you forgot to return that one time. Buying a t-shirt is so last year, but there are still a few I need to unload. $20 each. But don’t fogret to stick your five bucks a night in the donation box. We are watching. Bringing a warm beer or some piece of rusty iron covered with dog shit you found in the desert and thought was “cool” does not exempt you from this. However, we will credit you one night’s rent for every 50-gal contractor bag full of native trash (not yours) you take out with you for proper disposal elsewhere.

0) RULE ZERO IS: DO NOT PISS US OFF. Any questions? Refer to Rule Zero.

0.5) PACK IT IN, PACK IT OUT / LEAVE NO TRACE. Be prepared to take everything you brought back out with you. The surrounding area, where you may be camping, is pretty trashy, but this does not magically give you permission to leave more trash. In fact, I expect you to leave your campground a tad neater and cleaner than you found it. Don’t leave plastic bottles and tampons in the fire pits, kids.

1) **UNLESS** THERE IS A SCHEDULED EVENT, if you plan to camp out here or even just visit, DO NOT ARRIVE AFTER DARK. Either show up before dark or spend the night elsewhere. No discussion, no exceptions. Also, even if you have been here before, DO NOT SHOW UP AFTER DARK WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE AND APPROVAL. No discussion, no exceptions. Accept it and deal with it and plan accordingly. Given the nature of Slab City and some of its inhabitants, unexpected visitors after dark are presumed to be trespassing with ill intent and risk staring down the barrel of a 12GA.

2) Thanks for bringing food & cold ones to share, but there is NO REFRIGERATOR SPACE, PERIOD (except if you are staying in the Transit Antenna bus.) There are coolers you can use, but don’t bring a bag of groceries and a case of beer without also bringing some ice to keep it cool, because our private fridge is TINY and old and non-user-friendly and has NO SPACE for your perishables, capiche?

3) “Facilities:” NEW!! In the spirit of recycling absolutely everything, East Jesus now composts human waste. Basically, you piss and poop in a 5-gallon bucket, cover it up liberally with peat moss (provided) and notifying the us when it gets full. This is actually a very sanitary and odor-free system, and it’s *good* for the environment. Nothing in the buckets but your human ordure, peat moss, toilet paper, toilet paper rolls and baby wipes (nothing with plastic.) Athankew.

do you feel lucky, punk?

4) EAST JESUS IS NOT A FUCKING ASHTRAY. Smoking is permitted. Go ahead, they’re your lungs. IF WE FIND ONE SINGLE BUTT ON THE GROUND WE WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. That means you will be dead, and it will hurt like hell the whole time you’re dying. If you insist on smoking filter cigarettes, you must bring an Altoids tin or equivalent portable ashtray, and take every single god damned butt out with you, or eat it, or whatever. If you leave butts on the ground, We will know it was you and you will pay dearly. If you knew how many times We've bent over to pick up butts, and how much it hurts when We do this, and how much the sight of cigarette butts on the ground fills us with murderous bile, you would understand. You may dump your butts (along with paper, cardboard or any other clean-burning refuse) into one of the burn barrels.

5) Recycling: EVERYONE GETS THIS WRONG. SO WILL YOU. But We won’t kill you over it, we'll just yell at you. ALL RECYCLING ITEMS MUST HAVE “CA CASH VALUE” OR “CA CRV” CLEARLY PRINTED ON THEM, OTHERWISE THEY ARE TRASH. I fucking HATE picking pieces of trash out of the recycling bins. Hey, hippie, don’t just hand us a bag full of beer cans, bottles full of cigarette butts, and a half-eaten apple and expect me to be happy about it.


6.5) Likewise, FIREARMS must be used in designated areas only and fireworks are illegal in this county. Don’t screw around with fire or flame in the compound, we *encourages* responsible firearms owners with valid CA CCW licenses to pack heat. There is a clothing-optional firing range on the premises. No shooting during musical performances, please.

7) Stay the fuck out of the music room unless you are a bona fide musician. NO DRINKS ANYWHERE NEAR THE PIANO. Period. No, that’s not a *baby* grand. It’s a fucking full-size studio grand, OK? Six feet. And it’s valuable and very sensitive to liquids and jackassery.

8.1) Electric power & internet: here we are actually far more advanced than some developing nations. Yes, we have plenty of juice for charging your laptop, cell phone, camera, deluxe bunny vibrator, etc. Just plug in. If you want to power some kind of ridiculously heavy load, we can probably do it, but ask first. There is an 802.11-N (WiFi) network protected by WPA2 encryption. Ask the us for the password.

9) Petting zoo: black widows, scorpions, centipedes, vinegaroons, rattlesnakes and the occasional tarantula all live and work here. They do not want to bite or sting you, but can be deadly if provoked. If you don’t fuck with them, you’ll be fine. Never stick your hands or feet anywhere you can’t see, especially close to the ground. If you actually see one of these worthy, noble creatures, don’t fucking freak out. It’s more scared of you than you are of it and will try to get away if you let it. Horseflies are a much bigger threat. A horsefly will cut you the proverbial New One. They can eat through your motorcycle jacket to get at your blood. Then they lay eggs in your brain. Shut up, it’s true! Wearing white or bright colors makes them much less interested in biting you.

10) PARKING: it’s pretty lax, but be sure you’re not blocking either of the main gates on Sidewinder, in case of water delivery or the need for a speedy getaway. Don’t make me get my forklift. OK, OK, I don’t have a forklift. But my friend Tiny does. You wanna mess with Tiny?

11) THE SCULPTURE GARDEN. Don’t assume you have some God-given right to change stuff. Ask first.




uncle steve

May 22, 2011
Reaction score
P.s. you never sent me those peeks. and im coming to see u sooon. and i cant wait for the chicken palace.

Hey Guys,

Pepper checking in on this. I'm the caretaker over at East Jesus and I just wanted to throw down my own input on what I'M doing here and what you will be helping if you donate, or if you come here to work for a while. We had a series of irresponsible people screwing the place up, and we're not going to let that happen anymore.

Kat Bastard, myself, his girlfriend Penny, and a rotating crew of other awesome folks are working tirelessly to make this place awesome. We unfortunately do not receive government funding (dicks), but we fortunately don't pay any rent. We need money to start our aquaponics food growth system, finish our massive epic bottle wall, start our extension of the library of knowledge, create the infamous Chicken Palace, and much more. You're also welcome to come out and work, stay for a while, as long as you make an appointment. If you want to stay for longer, you definitely need to fill out an application.

In the words of Charlie, DO NOT PISS US OFF. If you are sheisty, looking to monopolize on what we have, or are just a lazy hippie, this place isn't for you. We need genuine support because we are looking to succeed and achieve. This is a really special, fun place to be (just like Chuck E. Cheese.'s).

In other news, we're actually pretty nice, reasonable human beings who just want to make things work in a very difficult and unique environment. Halp and I will love you.



Well-known member
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Riverdale Park, United States
I totally understand having to be hardcore about the rules. But damn. I can't believe people have to be told to be respectful. Sorry you had to put it all like that man. Some people are parasites and that's the way the world works. I really wish there were a place like the Slabs (in theory) but NOT in the desert...like in the mountains. =) Good luck you guys. Mad Props!


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
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Riverdale Park, United States
Can chickens survive out there in that heat? If so I could bring a couple if I come that way. Eggs are a really good source of protein and very easy to cook...just cant eat the chickens though b/c then you'd have no eggs. =)

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
you'd probably have to take them inside during the summer, but i know someone that has chickens out there and they're okay most of the time.


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
Riverdale Park, United States
we have an awesome chicken coop and will be starting egg laying chickens real soon
We've got tons of useful stuff here on our farm but transporting it across the country is likely not very feasible.

Wondering what the nearest semi large town is nearby...dumpster diving for reusable lumber and stuff is always worth the trip. Curb finds are good as well.

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