Do you sleep with a weapon


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Dec 11, 2016
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I live and travel in a van for 8 years. I don't live in fear and the so-called home bums you mentioned are they really much different than me? I'm not a walking victim and I don't have any fear of living in the world. The expectation that someone is going to rob or harm me is just not in my head. Wasp spray knives and guns. Just like people don't shit on their front lawn the so-called home bums you mentioned don't look at me as the same as they are. Just a human being with little or next to nothing.... Don't live in fear!
8 years never a problem even sleeping on skid row in my van or anywhere else on the planet.

Bobbas Thomas

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Nov 15, 2012
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Garfield Heights, Ohio
. Wasp Spray. Its corrosive, it sticks like napalm, its accurate and has a good range for a chemical irritant, and its non lethal. Also bonus points since you can't be charged with a concealed weapon for it. And its usually lightweight and easy to carry and not very expensive.
Pretty neat Idea, I have never thought about or heard of anyone using wasp spray. Sure the usual bear spray, but wasp spray is much more readily available and probably cheaper. Not that it's neccesarily more effective but you can get the stuff anywhere for cheap. Thanks for sharing!


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Jul 17, 2022
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I have a big black alarm system people can't see till it goes off. If they make it past my alarm without getting bit, I've had enough time to wake up & grab protection


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Aug 8, 2022
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The Moon
Yes, always, I sleep with a firearm no matter where I'm at. At home I sleep with more than one with more in easy reach. I once let someone stay at my apartment and he woke me up early in the morning. Held me a gunpoint for hours while his buddy went through all our crap looking for cash. Joke is on him we didn't have any. I was convinced he was going to shoot me in the face because he was acting very irrational. This was my reward for giving someone a warm place to sleep on the coldest night in 100 years.

I prefer the trifecta of pistol on my person or in the bed with me. Shotgun by the bed in easy reach but not visible to intruders. Last but not least a rifle within easy reach in case I'm going to be dealing with multiple intruders or engaging something in the yard (I have a big yard, actually it's more like a field). Thankfully, I've not had to shoot another human yet. I actually haven't taken an animal in decades aside from mercy kills (people hit animals on the highway near my house all the time).

When I traveling I typically have at least two firearms on my person. Usually a pistol IWB or in a pocket. The other firearm is almost always either a .22lr rifle or an AR-15 slung over my back. I also carry knives but they're more for small jobs than personal protection. I'm not interested in getting into a knife fight with anyone.

If you're going to carry a firearm make sure you train with it. Swap ammo out often and keep it in good condition. I also advise keeping it loaded. Not sure why so many opt for not having one in the chamber. You shouldn't count on having use of both hands to rack a slide. I also suggest learning how to shoot with both hands, eyes open, and practicing drawing or bringing it to the ready using both strong and weak side. If you have children start them out with bb-guns or pellet rifles young. By the time I got a real firearm I'd already been shooting stuff with bb-guns for many years.

Oh and do whatever legal mumbo jumbo you can just in case you run into a cop. But that said I would advise carrying even if you don't have that. Better to be judged by 6 than carried by 6 and all that... Don't show it off to people or let them know you carry it. They'll just steal it from you or worse yet take it from you and shoot you with it. If you're a felon get a black powder firearm. They're 100% legal and not considered a firearm legally. They work just as good as smokeless powder firearms as long as you keep them clean and know what you're doing.

All that said if given the option I'd prefer just to beat them with my walking stick if possible. I avoid conflict. I run away from it with no shame. I'm not interested in fighting or any of that bullshit. I've only drawn my gun with intention of killing someone twice in my entire life. Both times they ran away and I was very thankful they didn't choose the dumb option.

I guess there was a third time when I fired a warning shot to break-up an altercation. The law says you shouldn't do that but it worked out okay for me. I walked up on a large group of people. 10 or more guys were taking turns beating the fuck out of someone that was pinned in a car under a seatbelt and steering wheel. This was happening on my families property. I didn't know the details I just walked up on it and overheard two guys threatening to pull out firearms and kill each other. It was the middle of the night and no one knew I was lurking in the shadows watching this go down.

I fired a shot off in a direction I knew was safe. The large group watching and the guys beating the shit out of the dude scattered and ran to shelter. I approached the car and there were two guys in it. One of them had a face that looked like hamburger. Their car was badly damaged because he'd plowed through a fence. Hamburger face then threatened to kill me. I told him to get his car off our property before I got the sheriff involved. He couldn't because someone had swiped his keys. Turns out it was my father. Dad took the guys keys because he'd just nearly killed multiple people. He was trying to leave drunk and fucked up on who knows what else. Hence why his face looked like hamburger. I got his keys and made him leave. Normally, I wouldn't have let someone that fucked up leave driving but I figured it was better than a murder taking place in my Dad's yard.

After that I went inside, joined the party, and everyone was very thankful once word got around that I was the one that broke it up. I've seen a warning shot break-up something like this twice in my life. When people hear gunshots they usually get the fuck out of dodge. I really don't advise doing it though. It could just as easily escalate the situation if your luck is bad.

Whatever you carry or do just make sure your life or another persons is in mortal danger before you deploy a weapon. Know how to use the weapon. Don't get this idea in your head that you can just scare someone away by flashing a weapon. That's really stupid. If you aren't prepared to use the weapon for its intended purpose do not carry it. You'll get yourself into trouble. Also if you are going to carry a firearm you should be aware of the 21-foot rule.

Within 21 feet the knife always wins. A firearm isn't a magic boom stick that makes bad guys go away. You can very easily get yourself stabbed if you think like that. If in doubt run as fast as you can and don't stop. There is no shame in fleeing or refusing to fight. The firearm should always be the last resort.
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Active member
Aug 8, 2022
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The Moon
I can definately understand that. Females get harassed and sexually assulted way too much. It seems like half of the girls I have known have had some sort of story about it. It's terrible.
I've taught a few women that were raped how to use a firearm. They were all very afraid of sleeping alone after that happened to them. All three asked me the same question: what kind of gun should I get and how should I sleep with it?

For that application I suggest a hammerless revolver in a ankle holster. That way they have a gun on their person while sleeping that is easy to reach without having to worry about it being taken from them or losing control of it. I teach them to bring their leg up to unholster the gun and then shoot the rapist through the sheets and bedspread. That's why I advise a hammerless revolver for this. A autoloader would likely malfunction after the first shot because it would get wrapped up in the sheets. A hammerless revolver gives them 5-6 chances and will go bang every time. They're also generally smaller and less complicated to use than an autoloader.

It is terrible. All the ones I know will never get over it I think. But the firearm gives them enough peace of mind to sleep in their own bed again. I've taught so many people gun safety and how to shoot that I've lost count. If any of you are interested in learning I suggest starting with a .22lr rifle. From there you can go to pistol, shotgun, big boy rifle or whatever else. The .22lr is best for teaching newbies ime. I suggest starting with a rifle because it's easier to learn basics with it versus anything else. Pistols are actually really difficult to use even for people experienced with other kinds of firearms. It's a whole different can of worms compared to long guns. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of people don't even practice and you end up with tons of armed folks that can't hit the broad side of a barn. Rule of thumb: If someone only owns a pistol and nothing else they're likely a really bad shot. Hence why there are so many videos from the hood of guys unloading at each other and not hitting anything but innocent bystanders.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2022
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I've taught a few women that were raped how to use a firearm. They were all very afraid of sleeping alone after that happened to them. All three asked me the same question: what kind of gun should I get and how should I sleep with it?

For that application I suggest a hammerless revolver in a ankle holster. That way they have a gun on their person while sleeping that is easy to reach without having to worry about it being taken from them or losing control of it. I teach them to bring their leg up to unholster the gun and then shoot the rapist through the sheets and bedspread. That's why I advise a hammerless revolver for this. A autoloader would likely malfunction after the first shot because it would get wrapped up in the sheets. A hammerless revolver gives them 5-6 chances and will go bang every time. They're also generally smaller and less complicated to use than an autoloader.

It is terrible. All the ones I know will never get over it I think. But the firearm gives them enough peace of mind to sleep in their own bed again. I've taught so many people gun safety and how to shoot that I've lost count. If any of you are interested in learning I suggest starting with a .22lr rifle. From there you can go to pistol, shotgun, big boy rifle or whatever else. The .22lr is best for teaching newbies ime. I suggest starting with a rifle because it's easier to learn basics with it versus anything else. Pistols are actually really difficult to use even for people experienced with other kinds of firearms. It's a whole different can of worms compared to long guns. Add to that the fact that the vast majority of people don't even practice and you end up with tons of armed folks that can't hit the broad side of a barn. Rule of thumb: If someone only owns a pistol and nothing else they're likely a really bad shot. Hence why there are so many videos from the hood of guys unloading at each other and not hitting anything but innocent bystanders.



I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 15, 2022
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rio grande river , Colorado
when your in a homebummy area do you also sleep with a weapon in / close at han
i think if your spending anytime in any city without at least a dog your insane. Glock preferred for the glovebox.
For country living I have a Henry Goldenboy .22 Lr
i can put 17 longs or 21 shorts in her. cheap ammo and very accurate. great for hunting and for self defense. I take the henry with me everywhere and leave it in the truck when i go to walmart.

i live right next to blm land. if people are hanging late at night next to river i sleep with her loaded next to my bed. Couldnt reccomend a henry more. they are just down right fun. i get so much pleasure out of target shooting and using that lever action. check out cowboy cerrone youtube he swears by the henrys.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2019
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Ocala fl
I've got 2 harbor freight hunting knives, a machete that slides into my guitar case perfect, and recently filled a hand pump spray bottle with a capsaicin, wintergreen rubbing alcohol, and cooking oil mixture that I know burns nicely from one drop I got on my side while pouring it. Problem is it takes a minute to kick in so if anyone has ideas on fast or immediate acting irritants that are liquid I can spray through a nozzle please message me. Only thing I know is if you carry anything you have to practice using it and know yourself well enough to know how you'll feel if you have to pull it out. Brandishing a knife to intimidate and actually knowing how properly hold it and use it without your grip loosening or your attack making you vulnerable can be so vastly different it's important to know how you'll react. YouTube University if you can't find someone in person to show you the basics.
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2022
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I've got 2 harbor freight hunting knives, a machete that slides into my guitar case perfect, and recently filled a hand pump spray bottle with a capsaicin, wintergreen rubbing alcohol, and cooking oil mixture that I know burns nicely from one drop I got on my side while pouring it. Problem is it takes a minute to kick in so if anyone has ideas on fast or immediate acting irritants that are liquid I can spray through a nozzle please message me. Only thing I know is if you carry anything you have to practice using it and know yourself well enough to know how you'll feel if you have to pull it out. Brandishing a knife to intimidate and actually knowing how properly hold it and use it without your grip loosening or your attack making you vulnerable can be so vastly different it's important to know how you'll react. YouTube University if you can't find someone in person to show you the basics.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2019
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Ocala fl
That is very cool, is that your handiwork? I would like to practice with something like that, that would be different movements than im used to and that's always exciting.
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2022
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That is very cool, is that your handiwork? I would like to practice with something like that, that would be different movements than im used to and that's always exciting.

It's called an Ulu. Alaskan Natives have used them forever. Tiny ones for sewing. Bigger ones for skinning, filleting etc. It's pretty impressive to watch em do w/1 swipe. My arms aren't long enough. Mines made from an old saw blade. It's my everyday knife On & no I didn't make it but it's made for my hand. My only knife for about 25yrs
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The Toecutter

The Patron Saint of Filth
Oct 2, 2022
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Everywhere and nowhere
I'm partial to guns disguised as other objects(such as cell phones, pens, or umbrellas). I've even thought of designing one made out of non-metallic materials with non-metallic bullets so that metal detectors can't find them. I can't say I've slept with one though.

I have slept with a stainless steel mace ball attached to a five-foot chain, in reach. Anyone who tries to rob me or otherwise bring me harm is getting skullfucked with it. Fortunately, I've never had to kill anyone and will be very happy if my kill count remains zero for the rest of my life. It's a scary world out there, and one always has to be ready for unexpected/unwanted conflict brought upon by others.
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 15, 2022
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rio grande river , Colorado
I'm partial to guns disguised as other objects(such as cell phones, pens, or umbrellas). I've even thought of designing one made out of non-metallic materials with non-metallic bullets so that metal detectors can't find them. I can't say I've slept with one though.

I have slept with a stainless steel mace ball attached to a five-foot chain, in reach. Anyone who tries to rob me or otherwise bring me harm is getting skullfucked with it. Fortunately, I've never had to kill anyone and will be very happy if my kill count remains zero for the rest of my life. It's a scary world out there, and one always has to be ready for unexpected/unwanted conflict brought upon by others.

you mid evil son of bitch. lol

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