Hey, Y'all! My name's Bats. I wrote out this post on here before, but accidentally deleted it instead of posting it. Hopefully, things will go better this time
So I'm finishing up my last month or so of high school, and I want to hit the road afterwards. At this point I'm not sure how soon I'm gonna start traveling, but I've been doing lots of learning and some practice in the mean time (for about 2 years).
I have a small car that I've slept in before, and I'm wondering if I should travel in my car, or go without a vehicle?
I remember asking this question to Jessie from Days 'N Daze, and he said he recommended going "with a car, for sure!" He told me a story of how he got stranded for 6 days at a gas station while hitchhiking.
The benefits I can see of traveling with a car is that I can get myself places and I can use the car as shelter. The downsides that I can see (but am not sure if they're really present) is the added expense of gas, and the car potentially limiting my experiences (is this a thing?).
What I mean is, I want to travel with other people, and my car can hold up to 5 people while driving, and less while sleeping. Will I be limited to only traveling with this many people? I also want to try squatting, tent camps, and other sorts of living situations. Would I not be able to do these if I have a car (e.g. will the other people at a tent camp try to break into my car if they're desperate, will having a car parked outside of a squat give it away, etc.)?
I appreciate any input you have.
Ummm in my opinion and I’m saying this as a seasoned person who had a rough time with going at it alone and shelterless.Hey, Y'all! My name's Bats. I wrote out this post on here before, but accidentally deleted it instead of posting it. Hopefully, things will go better this time
So I'm finishing up my last month or so of high school, and I want to hit the road afterwards. At this point I'm not sure how soon I'm gonna start traveling, but I've been doing lots of learning and some practice in the mean time (for about 2 years).
I have a small car that I've slept in before, and I'm wondering if I should travel in my car, or go without a vehicle?
I remember asking this question to Jessie from Days 'N Daze, and he said he recommended going "with a car, for sure!" He told me a story of how he got stranded for 6 days at a gas station while hitchhiking.
The benefits I can see of traveling with a car is that I can get myself places and I can use the car as shelter. The downsides that I can see (but am not sure if they're really present) is the added expense of gas, and the car potentially limiting my experiences (is this a thing?).
What I mean is, I want to travel with other people, and my car can hold up to 5 people while driving, and less while sleeping. Will I be limited to only traveling with this many people? I also want to try squatting, tent camps, and other sorts of living situations. Would I not be able to do these if I have a car (e.g. will the other people at a tent camp try to break into my car if they're desperate, will having a car parked outside of a squat give it away, etc.)?
I appreciate any input you have.
Well buddy not all of us can just buy a kayak but whatever, to have a car then just let it go is nothing short of being spoiled baby.Personally, I hate car traveling of all forms. I just gas jugged like 9,000 miles and I was pretty depressed. I don’t really enjoy hitch hiking either, but it’s way better than rubber tramping. Bikes and long distance wilderness hiking and trains and kayaks are the most fun thing I have done so far
It really just depends on your personality and preferences. Also it depends on how much of a hurry you're in. My perferred method of travel is on a mountain bike. You do miss a lot in a car, especially if you're a nature lover. I know more about my neighborhood that I've been living in for a couple of years than most people who have lived here there whole lives, simply because they are zooming by in their cars and not taking time to notice. There's also a sense of accomplishment and independence that goes with traveling by bicycle. Also, I don't like using fossil fuels if I don't absolutely need to.Hey, Y'all! My name's Bats. I wrote out this post on here before, but accidentally deleted it instead of posting it. Hopefully, things will go better this time
So I'm finishing up my last month or so of high school, and I want to hit the road afterwards. At this point I'm not sure how soon I'm gonna start traveling, but I've been doing lots of learning and some practice in the mean time (for about 2 years).
I have a small car that I've slept in before, and I'm wondering if I should travel in my car, or go without a vehicle?
I remember asking this question to Jessie from Days 'N Daze, and he said he recommended going "with a car, for sure!" He told me a story of how he got stranded for 6 days at a gas station while hitchhiking.
The benefits I can see of traveling with a car is that I can get myself places and I can use the car as shelter. The downsides that I can see (but am not sure if they're really present) is the added expense of gas, and the car potentially limiting my experiences (is this a thing?).
What I mean is, I want to travel with other people, and my car can hold up to 5 people while driving, and less while sleeping. Will I be limited to only traveling with this many people? I also want to try squatting, tent camps, and other sorts of living situations. Would I not be able to do these if I have a car (e.g. will the other people at a tent camp try to break into my car if they're desperate, will having a car parked outside of a squat give it away, etc.)?
I appreciate any input you have.