Gypsy Wagon
Fuck woofing!!! I was conntacting this honey farm once for a week every day, telling them about myself and why I wanted to werk there. When they finnally sprung the ultimate lame ass question..."do you have a woof number" I sayed no cause I copied the book (which apparently your not supposed to do) in the spirit of piracy. And asked them if they really beleive there should be a middle maan to it all (you have to pay the creators of the book 40$ in canada to woof) I never heard from them again. Fuck it Everything cost money in this fucked up modedrn time. Fuck the woof system!
WWOOF-ing in the states is only $20 for a one person directory that is not pirated......I bet you would have learned some usefull shit too.
Gypsy Wagon said:I worked on this farm for 4 months in South Carolina. The people I stayed with did a lot of ocean fishing, so I learned a lot about shrimping, fishing, crabbing, digging for oysters and clams, etc. They also had a preety expansive garden. While I was there I stayed in a tipi and had tasks like feeding the chickens, collecting fire wood, weeding and composting. I helped with several big projects like installing irrigation pipe, building a greenhouse, brain tanning hides and experimenting with forest dwellings. The guy who I lived with was kind of a prick, but I learned a lot of cool shit and got to squat for 4 months for free. This was my first experience on the WWOOF program and its really sweet...I'm now off to Alabama to work on a goat, sheep, and organic vegetable farm. I'm sure that there are some large scale commercial farmers who are on there, but most of them are just small-scale families who obtain a good portion of their own food. The program is fairly cheap ($20 for one person $30 for two) and you can squat for short term or long term while learning some preety cool shit........