Cigs are ridiculously priced all over Canada. For premium brands you're looking at 12-$15 a pack! I don't even want to know how many packs I'd get for $15 Canadian down south.
On a more helpful note: if you come to Canada and didn't think to stock up on marley reds or whatever your brand is, after you're done kicking yourself in the ass repeatedly for it head down to the native reservations and you can get tax free cigs for about $4 a pack. You also don't pay tax on gasoline there either. Also, big cities like Toronto and Vancouver (probably others too) tend to have a huge supply of bootlegged cigs. I call them 'mob smokes'. They're actually pretty decent too. Only thing, you have to not look like a cop and sometimes you have to keep asking before Mr. Chinaman will admit to having them. Also, the places that usually sell then don't legally sell cigs. Example: I used to get mine from two different stores when I lived in Toronto, one was a florist and the other a butcher. Basically either go in and ask or ask around and get pointed in the right direction. Oh, and if you do indeed come here bring some of everything except weed, that's the only thing in Canada that's relatively inexpensive.
Hope this helped.