that thing is better looking than i am..
in any case
It can be a weird window to look out of, especially when you're alone on the road, and are self-aware enough to know you are probably more of an emotional character.
i'm gonna hit a couple of points & than *maybe* shut the fuck up (although that may, in fact, be an out & out lie).
question 1:
why do *you* travel?
i'd guess that what tops your list are things like beauty & experience & communication & peace & all the crap that can't be said.
i'd *guess* that..
but when you say "emotional character", you're certainly implying certain *types* of emotion, & unfortunately, like the pointy eared fuckers have been screaming since 1966, emotions are weaknesses..
they are also, however, wellsprings of strength..
they are like a high..
but what they *really* are, are tools.
that means they have to be *subordinate* to you.
just like fucking intellect.
nuclear weapons are fucking immoral.
but goddamn.. they are *beautifull*..
the science, theory, math, engineering & even the goddamned light those fuckers produce is enough to make people sell their souls, just so they can have the 'experience'..
& emotions, like hunger & pain or electric shock or suffocation or thirst
or digging into a great sandwich, or swimming in warm surf on a cool day, or having a really good cup of tea, or playing with a goddamned puppy or twirling on a swing..
they are all just experiences.
some we want, some we try to avoid with all we are made of..
the difference between the panic of prolonged pain & the pleasantry of greeds fulfilled is that if we have enough insight to value beyond simple desire,
we can *navigate*..
that doesn't even mean that you plan...
it just means you decide what defines you.
all life wants everything easy..
blind gratification eats & shits until that gratification produces death.
intelligence knows that things are never easy when the grub runs out, and/or there is no place left to shit, so something will have to be *done*, at least to its own interest.
fairness is being smart enough to know that within the confines of give & take, there is less risk in equity than there is in greed.
spirituality is is not taking more than you intrinsically need, when you see that taking more actually harms others.
holiness is giving your shit up to help someone else, when it clearly imperils yourself.
within that, or whatever spectrum one chooses as a basis for behavioral reference, there are enough permutations & ambiguities that one can claim *anything* is right or wrong.
what do you want?
what is right & what is wrong & why do emotions have anything to do with anything, unless emotions are what define you?
& if *emotions* define you, then being "self aware" only means you let them do their gig & that that is where you are, when the movie parades in front of your eyes.
i'm not trying to be mean, but i am saying (for us emotional types, whom are not only emotional, but want some measure of truth & the equity which actual honesty *ought* to provide):
get your shit together.
make your choice.
i get so, so, so *so* pissed off when people enter into relationships like a goddamned skydiver with no fucking parachute, screaming "Geronimo!!!", because they think they are going to be safe if they hit a grassy field or some fucking lake they see, when they are 10,000 feet high..
holy fuck..
guys who don't want a kid, who **ARE NOT CAPABLE OF PROVIDING FOR ONE** having one, because ***SOMEBODY ELSE*** didn't think it through, either???
you haven't seen ********ANYTHING********, until **THAT** shit hits..
do you really think strumming a guitar around a camp fire with a dready boy-toy is *worth* that shit, since you have some need to 'feel' love??
holy fuck..
i can tell you any number of stories about guys who have bailed on their kids & women who **DESPITE KNOWING** that that is their behavior, ***GO AHEAD AND MAKE MORE KIDS***
& more pain,
& more work
& more incompleteness..
& why?
because they need to 'travel'...
when people are the 'emotional type', they need to understand that *that* is what they are..
they aren't 'travelers', they are 'emotional types', because they will be emotional, *instead* of doing what they need to do in order to *continue* traveling..
if people need to be emotionally attached to another traveler, then they have to do *exactly* the same thing that people who are *not* travelers do, in order to be emotionally attached to someone who is *not* a traveler:
they need to ***NOT*** get emotionally involved, until they see the person they are interested in CAN DO THE FUCKING WORK THAT IS REQUIRED of a fully involved emotional relationship..
they need to bring home the bacon.
they need to keep a square camp
they need to share everything they have
they need to not lie
they need to be brave
they need to be fucking ready.
they need to accept whatever happens, without bailing.
etc etc etc.
& until they do *that*, & do it enough that you know it's not just a fucking show.. a show, perhaps, about "see how cool & loving & everything else i'm being?"
& you can both actually *use* each other as mutual & reliable sources of strength to accomplish what it is that you actually *love*..
*then* you can think about becoming truly, truly, truly emotionally involved..
otherwise just be satisfied with being able to be free, *by yourself*, & **FUCK** your fucking emotions, because those sons of bitches will drag you down into Hell, since they are going to demand you speak of them as *truth*, rather than a *choice* that you are fucking making.
(BTW.. i've spoken in singulars, but the same is true for *any* relationship, of *any* number of partners).