Bernie Sanders


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Oct 6, 2018
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NW Montana
This "real id" crap scares me.

I see it as just another obstacle to keep poor people and minorities from voting.

Gerrymandering for the future.

I know a few people that don't have $25 bucks. That is a big chunk of loot for someone living paycheck to pay check.

I do hope Bernie gets the nomination.

Remember comrades, the man wants us to be afraid.

Maybe that sliver of hope that something meaningful will come true, well does.
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Jan 22, 2020
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Twin Cities
Iowa Caucus time. Good chance Sanders is taking the lead. Between now and the nomination, and if he gets it, the campaign is going to need more boots on the ground. If there are other political activists who are interested, maybe we could start a stp sanders initiative for those wanting to link up and do campaign work, find ins to get paid staff positions, connect with the room and board options that certain cities offer for campaign workers. just a thought, but, things could get really interesting if his momentum continues to build, and hell, transients like ourselves are perfect for this. Peace.
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Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Iowa Caucus time. Good chance Sanders is taking the lead. Between now and the nomination, and if he gets it, the campaign is going to need more boots on the ground. If there are other political activists who are interested, maybe we could start a stp sanders initiative for those wanting to link up and do campaign work, find ins to get paid staff positions, connect with the room and board options that certain cities offer for campaign workers. just a thought, but, things could get really interesting if his momentum continues to build, and hell, transients like ourselves are perfect for this. Peace.

I like it. I have tried to get involved in his campaign, but AZ is a hard state for that. The only way to change the system is political revolution, and the only person who has the national/world stage talking about that is, Sanders.


Jan 22, 2020
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Twin Cities
I like it. I have tried to get involved in his campaign, but AZ is a hard state for that. The only way to change the system is political revolution, and the only person who has the national/world stage talking about that is, Sanders.

just went through phoenix, seemed like it had a nice progressive vibe but you know better than I. I'm heading for Austin texas, if I can get in on the state wide campaign, I'm thinking that would be super rewarding. tho, it Probably be a week before I get some good contacts or info for what's up with sanders ground game. I'll repost or sage bump this thread If something materializes. Sanders swept the pop vote by 6,000 so I think the ratman is about to get btfo, Good tidings in Iowa despite the clusterfuck.
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Deleted member 13433

I have just now read pretty much all that could be read here, as it seems that there was some real good dirt which might have been taken down, anyhow: my observations based on voting more or less since 1983:

The first thing is those running for office are going to tell you what you want to hear.
I learned that one when I supported President Obama on his promise that he was going to penalize all U.S. Corporations that off-shored U.S. jobs, which to me seemed like a damn good idea.

Of course, the U.S. Corporations did not like the idea of losing billions and billions in profit, so that campaign promise went out the window as fast as lightening, which then put me on a path to no longer vote for almost 8 years, I was so furious !!

As far as candidates switching parties, that happens more often than one thinks, and sometimes it's to make them selves more attractive to voters otherwise not attainable, or perhaps they feel let down by their own party and had to make a change.

Lets see: In 1983, in NYC... I started out as a Republican, but then switched to Conservative by 1985.... and back then the NY Conservative Party was like a more radical version of today's so called Libertarian Party.... plus the Brooklyn Conservative Party boss owned a liquor store, which worked out very well for me back then :) :) :)

But then once in CT, I went back to Republican by - maybe 1988 ??
I know I was an Independent by 1989, but then I was a Republican again for many years, many years - till President Bush Jr enraged me so bad I left the party and joined the Greens in 2003.

The Republican Party I was a part of is not the same Republican Party that's around today, and I learned that after leaving the Greens because they became too wishy washy for me, they could not take a firm stand on anything without fear of offending someone so I was out.

Very recently I switched parties yet again, this time for the Working Families Party, which some describe as a quasi marxist/socialist party, which suits me fine.

I remember being astonished when Trump was being offered as a potential Presidential candidate, I along with many other were like no way, he is a buffoon !!

But, he made the nomination against all odds, and because the Left was so fractionized, to me that's why Trump got elected.

So many people were against Hillary Clinton, that there was no way Trump was going to lose, although technically he did - as she got the popular vote....

I like Jill Stein a lot, I still like her - but my concern was keeping Trump out of office, so I'm pretty sure I voted for Clinton.

As for Sanders, I do admire him very much.
I like a lot of what he says, along with his past practices.

I also agree he needs a solid VP as well........ and a lot of thought needs to be put into that.

Would a Sanders/Stein ticket work ??

By Trump getting elected the last time around, and he's another one who switched parties too... but Trump proved that anyone can get elected, you don't have to have a record [*his is terrible, Trump makes money by losing money !!] all you need is a good rap, and if people begin to resonate then you are all set.

Tell you what, I liked Ralph Nader back in the day.
I used to listen to his speeches and his rallies which were broadcasted live by Peace and Justice Radio WBAI out of NYC, and this brings upon another good point which Jello used to say all the time: Become the media, Be the media.

The radio dial today is a dozen high power stations all owned by the same network all broadcasting the same lies, and if the lies are repeated enough, they become truth.

It's an excellent tactic which has worked well for Trump.

Regarding Venezuala, that is nothing new, I think of what went down in Somalia in the early 1990s and I am still physically sickened by it.

Look at China now, all these trade dis-agreements... and now what a surprise, a deadly disease has appeared out of nowhere, again what a surprise.........

Trump has got to go, and I think Sanders could be the one to pull it off, if he picks the right VP.

Are there any other opinions regarding a Sanders/Stein ticket ??

I hope this thread keeps going, as it is important to be involved, today now more than ever.


Big George + Loki the dog..............


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
@OTTERWOLF I very much appreciate your last response, especially the historical references towards the democratic party and past elections.

I believe that if Sanders is nominated, it may strengthen the debate to get away from a 2 party system, this is a very slow process, in that most of the electorate in this country are either too willfully ignorant, or too set in the previous ways of elections in this country, to voice alternative opinions to what we currently have.

Fuck, that is one hell of a run on sentence.

With every poll and primary, Sanders is gaining popularity, and I am just waiting and watching to see what the more 'liberal' voters in this country decide to do. Biden has been taking a beating, so has Buttegeig and Warren.

South Carolina, Nevada, and Arizona should give us a precursor of what will happen next. All I know is, if I witness another 2016 debacle with the democratic 'liberal' primary. I'm completely done with the elections in this country. It will speak volumes.

I do realize many on this website have already said 'fuck all' to the voting and electoral system in this country and worldwide, but I will say something for this being the last chance to transform this country via a democratic process. This is the last one IMO, and if it fails, we are completely fucked. This is the dawning of complete oligarchy and fascism.

Has it been going on already? Bet your ass it has....but if we dont turn it around now, we are done as a country, where your opinion will actually land you in a forced labor camp, rather than being shamed on social media.

void gaze

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2019
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The only thing that I find really important about him- about any of them- is that he has always used his position to stimulate grassroots organizing. “Not me, us.” Never mind that he also has the most consistent record of fighting for the little people on policy, but it’s not just about policy but power which is what all those other haircuts are missing. Assuming that the president doesn’t cancel the election, or rig it, or refuse to concede, or that his followers don’t assassinate the winner, etc what are they going to get done without popular momentum against the right? the 2016 sanders campaign has remained productive - who else can lose so well?


Jan 22, 2020
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Twin Cities
Although there is apathy on this site, it's probably close to the national average. most punks and anarchists i meet(was at a cool anarchist book fair the other day in austin) are supportive, and see eye to eye for the most part with socialists on this, and that's good, until we get the numbers, we need left unity. You don't have to be politically savvy to get on board with this, the time is clearly now, and the greatest chance for revolutionary change is going to come out of sanders. Coywolf addressed what a failed sanders campaign will lead too nicely. If your an anarchist or marxist purist, fine, but this is radicalizing millions of people, organizing them and raising class consciousness. If sanders makes it, the oligarchy will wage unremitting class/civil war(lol, if it wasn't bad enough already), and no matter what, it's going to be a fight.

It's not about a couple of social reforms, something as normal as universal healthcare becomes revolutionary when power obstructs it as a site of struggle. Without the fight you have no mass of people who will be pushed farther left, which If we do this right, is what's going to happen, if we play this game right, you will have laid the foundation for a genuine revolutionary movement. The oppressed in America make up a slumbering giant, it's waking up and coming to life, that's what they're really afraid of, sanders and our movement is just a part of what will tear this rotten system to shreds.

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox. Got a sanders party to get to for the NH primary, good way to network with inspiring people!


Jan 22, 2020
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Twin Cities
Hey, Im leaving Austin for South Carolina via a Sanders volunteer canvas crew(leaving Saturday morning, just signed up). Sleepy time joe and the ratman are going to take a beating, seems like a great place to get started on the campaign before its primary in two weeks. If anyone's around Charleston, would be cool to kick it! Im trying to get a staff position, or at least bounce around primary states if possible, and if weather permits.


travelling through time and space
Oct 9, 2017
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The land of opportunity
Just went to his rally in Austin tonight. Seemed like the most bang for the buck entertainment-wise for Sunday night...

Anywho, he says a lot of pretty good stuff. Medicare for all, pot federally legalized from day 1 in office, abolishing private prisons, free public colleges, ending ICE raids and granting citizenship for many.

Definitely not as far as most of us here would like to see things go, but sounds like the best mainstream candidate I've ever heard of.

He definitely loses me at gun control though...

Deleted member 13433

"He definitely loses me at gun control though... "

Yes !!

This is no joke because as long as the citizens - the people - are armed, then there is still a chance the government will continue to refrain from completely tamping us down, and I am not one of those gun nuts either - I just see things for exactly what they are.....

I like Bernie overall the best, but he really needs to re-think his gun control policies.

Yes, it would be so nice to live in a world without guns, but I truly believe that there's going to come a time when we will all wish we were armed !!

Thanks for posting this insightful comment regarding the rally in Austin.


Big George + Loki the Dog.

void gaze

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2019
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He’s converted his whole campaign/fundraising operation into a pandemic relief effort. That right there shows he’s the real deal imo. Biden hasn’t been seen in days and is probably dying.

Deleted member 13433

well, assuming he wins the election, assuming there are elections.
I would not lose too much sleep over this, it's out of our hands and besides in the end, the electorial college calls the shots anyway :( :( :(

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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we are going to be stuck with a senile, corporate bought Republican pretending to be a Democratic.

Who will be endorsed by Bernie, and who Bernie will campaign for, hard, because he knows the alternative, four more years of Trump, is unthinkable. Just like he endorsed, and campaigned hard for Hillary in 2016.

Bernie is not going to be the Democratic nominee. Biden is not my first or even my second choice, but only the Democratic nominee can beat Trump. Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, because more people voted for him in the primaries, not because of some sinister fix by the party establishment.

If you think there is no difference between an imperfect Democrat, and Trump, you haven't been paying much attention for the last 3 years. Biden has already adopted a bunch of Warren's policy proposals, and will soon be adopting a bunch of Bernie's as part of the effort to unify the party and beat Trump and retake the Senate.

"Hold your nose and vote for the Democrat" is the most robust rule in American politics. Push hard for the leftmost candidate in primaries, but in the general, if you aren't supporting Biden, you are supporting Trump. That simple.
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