Water filters huh lol.
Never had to use one but i've made do with making my own to filter out water out of a stream i found in the city.Just use your tshirt and do a few overlapping layers to block out crap from getting into your container.I have only had to resort to doing this method once out of the 9 months i been on the road for.
I didn't have a waterkey at the time and i didn't have a decent multi tool to open spigots that you see in the city.Get a damn 4 way water key from Lowes for like $11 or something.They are much cheaper on ebay for about $6.Those things are worth their weight in gold good sir.
I need to get one myself but i have good luck finding water wherever but it would be handy.
Far as a water quailty goes its pretty decent.If you gotta use your water key take in that water that is inside of that spigot has been in the hot sun all day and prolly has some crap growing in it.So crack the spigot open and let her run for about a min to clear all the crap out.That way you will get cold clean water

Also get a decent multi tool gerbers are pretty good for $40 its what i got and has kept me happy.Don't skimp on them thats for sure.Least $30 or so.
Oh and get a few sharpie magnum markers for making signs and what not.Makes life easier lol.
I'll throw up a post of my load out once i get these new clips in for my bag then ill show pics of what i take with me and what works for me.