me and my dog stick together all i got
^^this is good. because, shit man, i honestly wish you didn't have to have the responsibility of your pup on top of everything else, but as we/you know,
fucking shit just
fucking happens...iI started that same age too. and at 25 now, i just recently got Marley in my life 4 years ago, the universe didn't bring him to me till I was ready...either you were selfish, or you now realize that it's your task to not only figure a way to keep yourself alive, but make sure that pup has the
life he deserves happy as fuck plenty of meat on his bones even if it means you go a lil hungry sometimes...may sound fucked up but his needs come first you should know and you can deal with that and live free and happy as fuck if you want to. I think you'll do the right thing, and dude, get the fuck out of michigan, go to florida, please. that's what i did. stay warm, gulf coast brotha, you guys will be just fine. find some nice beach peoples and a basement/pool house if your lucky! to squat in, or maybe exhange a lil work for a stay- least till you figure out where you want to go/what you want to do from there. honestly like i said i headed down there, bounced around a few colleges, New College check it out- is where i spent a lot of time- i wasn't even a student, i just made friends and ate awesome veggies and learned for free (so what if i don't have a piece of paper to prove it) and if you want work just go to marinas learn boats you can clean them or fix them and they're everywhere if you need any help ask me man i worked out of a marine repair shop in st. petersburg. good luck