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  1. oldmanLee


    HMMMMMM..............HOW TO START?...................been away from this site for some time. Interum consumed by raising kids, research,deaths of friends and family. The fine old wardog Cyrano in my posted pictures died in my arms of old age and the merciful needle, his friend Matilda,just as...
  2. oldmanLee

    One the site still exists,eh?

    as are we all at some time or another,dmac66. Just South of RVA right now,and trying to remember snow.
  3. oldmanLee

    One the site still exists,eh?

    Been busy,and was wondering.So site is still around(sorta like me,but I've just gotten older,hairier,and closer to the ground).
  4. oldmanLee

    this intrepid writer has got some questions!

    Well,I got a pm from him,and he has all the charm of a 4 year old wheedling its grandparents for a toy that its folks said it couldn't have. Does this mean that he thinks I'm female?
  5. oldmanLee

    Weapon Sites

    Really would avoid that if possible.If you live in an area that has outdoor flea markets,a surprising amount and selection can usually be found,and with usually a reduction in price and a compleat lack of records and regulation.
  6. oldmanLee

    Greetings from the Maineland

    Now THAT'S an interesting cant to an intro...............
  7. oldmanLee

    this intrepid writer has got some questions!

    Hey Brandon,if my info is true,you're up in Dover,Del.Should be a fairly easy catch to RVA,and when you hit town,breakfast is on me.Just email when you head out,or make town.
  8. oldmanLee

    this intrepid writer has got some questions!

    Tell you what,Brandon...........where are you located?I'm sure that wherever you are,there is a rail line avaiable for you to catch out .Just post where you are catching out from,and the probable direction/destination;folks along the way will probably be more than willing to do an interview as...
  9. oldmanLee

    Bike porn 3 in la 2night

    Curiously distrubing.I find myself almost unable to tear my eyes off my old Raliegh British 3 speed after watching.................mmmmmmmmmmmmm,baby!Whats your sign?
  10. oldmanLee

    How to hitchhike outta Boston heading North?

    Take the train outta town to Rowley,walk over to RT.1,and stick out a thumb.worked for me,and the Agawam Diner is just outside Rowley!
  11. oldmanLee

    i reckon i'll introduce myself to y'all punk rockers

    Aruguably one of the more truthful and incisive intros I've encountered,but arn't you worried about the mall bulls?And if you catch on the fly,don't you have to sit on top of the safety bar?
  12. oldmanLee

    HELP me name my kid!

    I'd go with Gulliver(presages a travelin' kid),or Angus.
  13. oldmanLee

    Right, so I'm new.

    Welcome!Check the forums closely,there is more real advice and good info here than you could find anywhere else,and its pretty enjoyable too. be safe!And get out of Omaha when you can!
  14. oldmanLee

    old timers

    WAIT!30 is an "old timer"?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. oldmanLee

    jesus christ superstar

    Naw,just me,in a few decades you'll hear your own words from some kid somewhere........
  16. oldmanLee

    Cool Story, Bro...

    LO!Whimsey does yet live in these maudlin times!Great intro,and enjoy the ride.
  17. oldmanLee

    jesus christ superstar

    May class as one of the best orchesterial pieces of the 20th century.Saw it live back in the '70s,and as a stage preformance it is LARGE!
  18. oldmanLee

    Bottle Cap Snake

    Now sqabbling!You wrap the long snake 'round your hand once,with the loose end with the edges of the cap pointed back towards your thumb and forefinger.Makes a fair whipping weapon,but it really shines as a knucleduster.On exposed skin its sort of like being hit by a cheesegrater...
  19. oldmanLee

    recommendations, anyone?

    well,three of my favorites are: "Fried Green Tomatoes"(the secret's in the sauce,LOL!) "Threads"(1985,don't watch it if you are depressed,you'll chew thru your own wrists) "Blazing Saddles"(as a friend of mine said,and she happens to be black"They couldn't make that film now,and everybody...
  20. oldmanLee

    Bottle Cap Snake

    Ah,the mispent days of my youth,and figuring out if you made the snake out of about 200 caps,with p-cord running thru the hole,you had one hell of an eqilizer for a streetfight................
  21. oldmanLee

    In SoCal with nothing to do on Valentine's Day?

    goddamnit,sprout!Saw your vid,when are you going to bring the band out here to the east coast and raise some musical bars,eh?Youse is good,lady!
  22. oldmanLee

    What's your favorite piece of gear?

    Might I suggest that you Mencken fans peruse Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary".A bit drier than Mencken,but still worthy. Example: prophesy,n. The art and practice of selling one's credibility for future delivery.
  23. oldmanLee


    Curiously twisted,a bit perverse,..............but DAMN!What an idea!Now how do we go about staging a fake rapture for those folks...........
  24. oldmanLee

    Dragging myself into this century........

    .....gets up,shuffles over to connerR ,and beats connerR silly with cane............ and thank you,adragonfly,will chck skype as well!
  25. oldmanLee

    Dragging myself into this century........

    Let's see......reading glasses,check........Depends,check......Metamucile,check.........shawl,check.......cane,check........hmmmmmmmmm,what was I asking about.....OH YEAH,TEOEPOPHONES!Will check on the jitterbug and the wallyworld phones.Hope that the damned things are simple enough for me to...
  26. oldmanLee

    Dragging myself into this century........

    Okay,I give up.The life I have lead for the last 30 or so years comes to a close,and I realize that it might be a good thing to get a TELEPHONE.No more blissfull night's sleep unintterupted by calls from friends seeking bail money,telemarketers,and people too lazy to actually come over for a...
  27. oldmanLee

    anarchy in america

    Took a look,and it might be interesting to pirate the vids.The structure for the sales pitch is right out of Ayn Rand by way of the folks that are making money off her work,and while I find Objectivism a facinating and possible good basis for a lfe philosophy,far too often leads to out and out...
  28. oldmanLee

    Warm Human Stories

    Every time I start to think that the world is compleatly a load of shit,someone comes along and proves me wrong.One of the most honestly inspiring things I've read in years.
  29. oldmanLee

    Female Bi-Sexuality for Attention

    Agree that it's kind of sad,and really about the attention and not desire.The question I'd like answered is how did it get to be classed as "sexy".I enjoy some privacy when I make out(yes kids,I still do,just don't think about it too long).
  30. oldmanLee

    traveler"ghost stories"

    We've all heard them,the stories about the fabled tough neighborhood/town where no-one has anything but trouble,or the locals will bust your head,or the cops will roll up on you.My fav has always been about Oregon Hill here in RVA.Everything from a Klan outpost to a secret Weatherman cell to the...
  31. oldmanLee


    Oddly,picked up a taste for early NIN and Rammstein..........seems to go with the polka bands.
  32. oldmanLee

    hard times up on big rock candy mountain

    PRICELESS!Think that5 I might have to start singing a more "traditonal " version of one of my favs!
  33. oldmanLee

    What "do you play/would you play" in the bedroom to spice things up?

    Damn! Was typing in my sleep again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. oldmanLee

    Solar Oven?

    Another type can be made with a innertube,black pot,a piece of plyboard,and a piece of clear plycarbonat plastic,like lexan.Put the inflated innertube on the piece of plyboard,put the pot in the middle.Put in your food fixins',put the top on the pot,and the plastic on top of the innertube.Takes...
  35. oldmanLee

    What "do you play/would you play" in the bedroom to spice things up? rubber wetsuit,vicks vaporub mixed with surgilube and sand,a flyswatter ,and a dwarf Latvian nun...............
  36. oldmanLee

    What "do you play/would you play" in the bedroom to spice things up?

    Usually some polka tunes,or maybe if my partner is feeling a bit kinky,Slim Whitman.There's something about yodeling that is so..............................
  37. oldmanLee

    making use of roakill -"tanning" hides

    Doesn't offend,it gives me heart that folks still take some thing seriously. In the matter of the woodash version:be carefull.what you are doing with the ash is leaching out lye(the stuff they use in lye soap and other cleaners).it is effective,but can cause chemical burns to your skin,so...
  38. oldmanLee

    Mason Lodges

    I was curious,read his page,good call on the ban.If what he said about himself is true,please tell me if anyone hears he has turned up in the RVA area.Several folks I know and I would enjoy having a "discussion" with the young man.
  39. oldmanLee

    Mason Lodges

    Got to agree with connerR.The Masons I've known over the years are good folks,but do like there privacy.Also,they tend to be a bit nicer to travelin' folk,have caught a lot of rides with them,and sorta surprised them when I gave the greeting that one of my uncles taught me.
  40. oldmanLee


    I can hear the screams from the kinder and gentler folks here,but .........middleweight and lightweight boxing.Did a bit back in the day,and of all the gladiator sports it's the most honest,and between even the fiercest of competitors there is respect and compassion.Just don't get me started on...
  41. oldmanLee

    Anti-Civ discussion

    Well,we do still run into those two sticky little issues with the dropping of civilization: When you pull the plug,how far from current civilization do you want to go? As the earth's current population level is pretty much dependant on the structure now in place,how and who makes...
  42. oldmanLee

    Fire Piston or Flint & Steel ??

    Hey,614,just tried your method with the 9 v battery and steel wool,and the damned thing was hot enough to lite my pipe!Wonder how it would work if the steel wool was oxidized(rusted)beforehand?Iron oxide+powdered aluminum= thermite...............
  43. oldmanLee

    electric boats because tired of fuel costs and maintanance of outboards.

    Send me a few specs on the boat(leaght,draft,current power system,inboard or outboard,type of hull/frame,etc.).been working as a wrench for about 30 years,and have a couple of alternate power systems that I tinkered up that may be applicable.Are you any good with basic tools,and do you know of...
  44. oldmanLee

    Legality of carrying knives (and other weapons?)

    Big fan of a stout walking stick here,and as I can prove that one knee was fractured(still a little gamey),can take it to places that most any other weapon would not pass.
  45. oldmanLee

    Rude Awakenings

    Great dry barn,lots of hay,and ALL THE FLEAS IN THE UNIVERSE WAITED TIL I BEDDED DOWN FOR THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Little bastards were holding a convention or something,and I was the buffet about 3 a.m.!
  46. oldmanLee

    Lessons from 5 years ago.

    Kid,you've got the idea.I took shit(and delt some of it back,too)all the way through school,but stayed long enough to get the paper.It's a tool,just like any other,and as sad as it may seem,a useful one.The one thing to remember is that your real education is what YOU are willing to learn and to...
  47. oldmanLee

    What's your favorite piece of gear?

    "in town",$50 in small bills and 5 silver dollars.In the back country,my Hudson's Bay blanket.Everywhere,a stout single edge knife with about a hundred feet of cord wrapping the grip area.
  48. oldmanLee

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

    Well,welcome to the site,and as you've figured out;READ!Would also suggest you contact Arrow in Oregon,she's probably one of the greatest on being a woman and a traveler,and a wealth of great advice.Have adventures and be safe,little one!
  49. oldmanLee

    White Ghettos

    Neither Limey nor Prod,lad;and my partner in crime that eve has the last name 'o Kielly.No,was too much youth,the Devil herself,and a bit too much of the water of life.Glad to make your aqquantance,and welcome to the site!John Powers and beer on me if ever we meet!
  50. oldmanLee

    White Ghettos

    Bespoke like a true Southie,highwayman!Just curious,did you ever here about two guys that were pub crawling thru Southie about 16 years ago on St. Patrick's Day evening?The ones that as a bunch of the ald boys were singing "Danny Boy"suddenly yelled out"Lie Down Croppies,Lie Down!";and as over...