Working on Vice Motherboard Article on Travelers


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Apr 6, 2015
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Hi there,

I'm a reporter working on an article for Motherboard, Vice's science and tech section, about modern-day hobos and tramps and how technology--the web, forums like Squat the Planet, tools like cheap GPS units and scanners--are changing the lifestyle.

I'd love to hear from anyone who'd be interested in talking about their experiences on the road and the digital and physical tools you use. Of course, I'm happy to refer to people by their usernames on here or other pseudonyms, if you don't feel comfortable using your real name.

You can reach me on here or at smelendez at gmail.

I don't think I can post links on here as a new user, but you're of course welcome to Google me and find samples of my other work. I'm happy to discuss any concerns anyone might have.

Looking forward to talking,

Steven Melendez
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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
here we go again...was wondering when we were due for another one of these
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Deleted member 20

I think that at one point many years ago (15-20) people would use terms like "technobo" around things like handheld police scanners & or used a computer with an internet connection to access the Bull Sheet & other Railfan resources. With smart phones being so affordable & having a data connection anywhere we have cell service we sure have a lot more public resources like Google Maps, digital compass apps on our phones & the ability to call in trains by dialing up the railiroad company & determining general info about any car & or unit. The use of scanners is less tech & rarely seen though at 1 point was all the rage. These are all cool and make things easier (especially the google maps & RR trace #s) but none of it is needed! Crew change guides have been printed & available in paper form within our community for years & I hear there are certain Facebook groups who will distribute the info in the CCG to anyone who joins there group. I have never owned a CCG or depended on one without being let down. Many new train riders use them & will wait around for days while I am using multiple modes of transportation & traveling hundreds/thousands of miles from there location, while they are still drinking booze & waiting. I dont drink and dont have an infinite amount of time to wait for a ride. I dont participate with any social media websites for networking besides STP & I use instagram to chronicle my life. I dont travel full time but am confident I can not only travel anywhere I want for free & survive but do it efficiently & with much comfort. I usually travel to a time sensitive event that I am volunteering at (usually a concert/festival) & I need to be there on time but also need to keep moving to the next place I am supposed to be on time, sometimes thats another event I had planned on going to; other times I learn & adjust me plans to attend other events & or visit cool places if I dont have to be anywhere specfic.

Portable technology will fail you every time as they all require batteries & to be recharged. None of it can account for the human element & murphys law associated with hopping freights, that can only be anticipated & avoided through first hand experience acquired over many mistakes over many years of close calls. I am constantly improving my travel plans & using my android technology to do it more efficient & with more comfort. I will genuinely start out any trip by searching Craigslist & the STP rideshare section & attempt to secure a free ride part of the way to get moving away from my home base. I will normally then use my couchsurfing app to try to line up a place to crash & clean up while in route towards my eventual destination. Usually from the rideshare & before I arrive at what ever pre determined destination that I am getting a ride I will use google maps to check for railroad yards, check that areas craigslist in hopes of piggy backing rideshares & also check the megabus app to see if that location has any cheap busses to keep heading in that direction. These things are constantly being done over & over again regardless of what mode of travel I am currently on. Riding trains is always a part of my traveling but in no way my sole method of travel. I usually ride megabus,use rideshare, hitchhike & use rideshare all in the same week over hundreds/thousands of miles & have integrated all of these methods of travel into my routine every time I set out. I use satelite overlay onto gps maps to to look at onramp locations & determine the best place to post up hitchhiking to maximize being in view of the most long distance traveling vehicles. I also use simple google searches to figure out where soup kitchens are, social/recreational events,concerts & festivals to attend & to find Catholic Churches to visit (that I do for fun as a pilgrim).

I am constantly charging my android phone that is always needing to be charged. Every time I get dropped off from a rideshare am sitting before/during/after hitchhiking or in the train yard I will be charging my Android device. I have thought of building a portable generator by attaching a solid rubber wheel to a charging bicycle hub & usb port to charge devices by attaching it to a freight train wheel with large magnets. I travel pretty light so for know its just an idea that I want someone else to complete & tel me how it works.

Finding places to charge my smartphone is as important & connected to searching for food, public bathrooms to use, places to shower, places to eat & sleep. I am constantly hyper aware of my surroundings & always seeking ways to improve my situation. I locate truck stops with google maps to get free showers from truck drivers who get shower credits for buying fuel regardless if they are a local or long haul driver). Often times in an urban setting I will use google maps to recon a suitable wooded area within walking distance that may be able to support stealth camping & a campfire, yet be close to an electrical outlet, running water & a bathroom. Anyone who has traveled with me will testify that when I camp somewhere that most times atleast 2 out of the 3 (AC power,potable h2o & atleast a portapotty/public bathroom) is within walking distance. I will often use satelite images to find places that store trailers or box trucks to sleep inside if its raining/snowing/windy etc. I often sleep in uhaul trucks & trucking companies & am never bothered; some times I sleep in the cabs of trucks that may not be on the road & or operable yet still have a bed/beds in them. Most times nothing is locked since there is little risk of people stealing a truck that dont run & has 13 speeds. Even those that do run & are just unused rarely get locked. Shelter for that night at times will require walking many miles or if its a clear night just setting up some place that will be near those other things yet still protected in the morning when I wake up. I take advantage of the normal habits of those commuting & driving on road trips & will usually have a cup of coffee in me with a sign & placed in the best place to hitchhike by 6am-7am. If I am spanging money by flying a sign I will be set up at a busy intersection with a sidewalk/median that has ideally has a long light & or foot traffic if in an urban setting.

I still always travel with a set of primitive style tools that never fail me. I have a simple cheap plastic compass for determining basic direction. I also have a railroad atlas that was printed in the 1990s (USA) but is still good enough & a AAA road atlas of the US/CA. I obviouly carry more low tech gear like a water key to fill my canteen from commercial spigots along businesses. I have my gortex bivy sack & a sleeping bag of the appropriate weight for the worst weather in that season possible since traveling usually finds you in many regions & elevations & on a moving train exposed to the elements. Gloves, boots, clothing, toiletries, sharpie, legal length knife, leatherman tool, USGI canteen & cup(that doubles as a bowl/plate), hobotool camping eating utensils) electrical tape, zip ties, sturdy boots(insulated in winter) & at times insulated coveralls & or overalls, and at times a set of military goretex rain gear to round off my kit.

I have traveled many ways on many trips with both having tech & no tech(multiple thousand mile trip with no phone & no more than a cheap plastic survival compass (no atlas, maps or CCG) & bedroll to other times where I am constantly checking & rechecking my phone to trace cars & line up shelter & transportation. I integrate the tech that is available to me via my smartphone if it is charged otherwise I resort to my old trusty compass, maps. At times I can still pop into any public library & get a guest pass to check online resources if I loose my phone & or am in Canada without service.
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Deleted member 20

I had heard from @Matt Derrick that Vice would be asking us about what we do here so I would ask that if possible to show @smelendez some courtesy. I am not a huge fan of all the young hipsters who will see Vices article & think its the next uber cool thing to do (besides grow a beard & get tattoos & ride fixed gear) & come to our online community at STP to strain our patience & drain our resources with giving little back. Maybe they will donate some cash thru paypal to help with the website costs.

They usually lie & say that they have been traveling for awhile & just curious about how we would do it, lol. Then they will hop a single train & be all arrogant saying how they are the true hobos. I think hopping trains as hobo nomads is part of the overall american culture & I for one want it to stay in a positive light. I implore any future train hoppers to read & educate yourselves by reading the content that is here while using the tools I outline in the above post but save us all the redundant oogle posts/threads. Read our Terms & Rules for this website & try to learn from us what type of behavior is expected out of anyone riding trains. We are a small community & by no ways exclusive but we dont want a bunch a joyriders coming to shit in our sandbox to fulfill some lame ass post teenage angst bucket list. We have a depression era hobo code that few people abide by & many due to the erosion of morals/ethics in modern society feel that is antiquated. I think if we want to make criminals out of ourselves for hopping trains than that is very possible. Getting maimed/killed, riding drunk, in large visible packs of kids with multiple pitbulls while getting drunk/high & causing mayhem in every place you roll into will most certainly hurt hopping trains & traveling overall. The image of a dirty traveller kid is unwelcome in many places regardless of how one travels & if they are a shithead or not. We dont need more perceived shitheads ruining shit for everyone, while thinking that they can just catch out & be somewhere else in a few hours. Eventually there will be nowhere left & they will make a felony out of hopping trains that will surely curb the amount of riders. Lets police our own individual behaviors & try to portray all travelers in a good light for the next travelers who comes after you. For me I think I will keep my content on STP & if Vice wants to quote they can PM me & ask, all I will ask for is a plug to encourage Vice readers to help donate to the website costs of STP. Ride Solo, Ride Sober!


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
I'm fairly new to traveling (less than 2 years), but I'd be willing to do an interview or something... And I definitely second what @highwayman said about following a code of ethics. Like I said, I'm new-ish and done have a lot of experience yet, but I'm open to learning all I can, and just generally NOT being a dick.

Raging Bird

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Apr 10, 2007
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New Orleans
Eh, I rode with them when they did the American Hobo documentary and the whole thing was so botched and amateur that I don't really have any interest in providing more content. Maybe you'd be less foolish in the way you handle it, but frankly I don't really want to take the chance.

Deleted member 125

Eh, I rode with them when they did the American Hobo documentary and the whole thing was so botched and amateur that I don't really have any interest in providing more content. Maybe you'd be less foolish in the way you handle it, but frankly I don't really want to take the chance.

shit that doc was embaressing. but i do like alot of other videos they have made, i almost wish (and im saying this with a huge fucking grain of salt) "mainstream" media would lose interest in train hopping and folks who do it because save for a small number of shit it always seems to either make us look like idiots or drunks who dont give a shit about anything besides their next 211. i guess thats mostly our fault for not stepping forward and telling our stories instead of leaving it to the dumbass drunks who will do anything on film for a 40oz.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
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I don't like carrying any technology with me, like no stuff that runs on batteries. At home i just find it a distraction from boring shit I have to do. I don't want to be distracted when I'm actually doing what I want. It like takes away the adventure.

By physical tools I guess you mean smart phones and shit not knives and lighters?

I once watched this thing I think it was vice about this awesome Russian lady living up in Siberia some place inaccessible, that was a good video.
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Raging Bird

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
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New Orleans
shit that doc was embaressing. but i do like alot of other videos they have made, i almost wish (and im saying this with a huge fucking grain of salt) "mainstream" media would lose interest in train hopping and folks who do it because save for a small number of shit it always seems to either make us look like idiots or drunks who dont give a shit about anything besides their next 211. i guess thats mostly our fault for not stepping forward and telling our stories instead of leaving it to the dumbass drunks who will do anything on film for a 40oz.

They got us caught twice in a day in very, very preventable ways. Like, doing shit that an absolute bare minimum of common sense would have prevented, like, "Don't openly walk down the tracks in the middle of the yard with a camera in broad daylight," or, "After you get on the train, lay down." I wrote a few articles for vice and I kind of liked writing about the world from the perspective of a trainhopper instead of writing about trainhoppers from the perspective of a New York journalist. That was always my attitude anyway.

Deleted member 125

They got us caught twice in a day in very, very preventable ways. Like, doing shit that an absolute bare minimum of common sense would have prevented, like, "Don't openly walk down the tracks in the middle of the yard with a camera in broad daylight," or, "After you get on the train, lay down." I wrote a few articles for vice and I kind of liked writing about the world from the perspective of a trainhopper instead of writing about trainhoppers from the perspective of a New York journalist. That was always my attitude anyway.

if we dont write it, they are going to do it for us and embaress us more then we do without them. with that being said i dont think ide give permission for any magazine to use any of my stories, but thats just a personal thing.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
if we dont write it, they are going to do it for us

yeah, this has been my policy as well, and why i'm pretty open to talking to the media. i'm not saying everyone has to do it, but i don't mind stepping forward most of the time.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
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VA for now
You should make them give you something in return so atleast you get something for being paraded around as hipster entertainment. Vice does have some good videos, but they are still the media....


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
What I feel I get in return is a chance to potentially change a few people's viewpoints, and teach them to differentiate between travelers/nomads and druggie homebums.

With any luck, at least some of the readers of the article will stop looking at us like we're a week-dead, shit-covered tadpole that the cat brought in.

I gave the interview in a good-faith effort to help show that we're not all crust-fucking oogle-shitheads, and that there is a level of respectability amongst the traveling community, even if we don't always look like it.

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