Winter, Covid and the Flu. A third wave is coming.


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I cant believe I am interrupting my incredibly peaceful space, sitting in Interbay, researching train movements, to respond to this....but here we go:

panicing over it and shutting down the country is not gonna stop it. and it has not stopped it. wearing masks has not stopped the spread of the disease., social distancing has not stopped the spread. nothing will.

@Eng JR Lupo RV323 hit the nail on the head. The reason these tactics arent working is because Kyles, like you, arent abiding by them. Go get a doctorate in Virology and I might listen to what you have to say.

i understand your emotional reaction if your mom died

Naw. I'm an EMT. And my Brother is a doctor.

i never said anything about a conspiracy, just mass panic over an uncontrollable relatively minor new disease.

240,000 dead. IN THE USA. And it's a strain of the Flu, different strain of a disease that killed millions in the early 1900's. That's how viruses work. They mutate.

i worked at a place were 4 or 5 people tested positive

Congratulations, you're lucky. Another incredibly selfish bullshit comment.

if you are in a finacial position where you can just not work for 6 months then you are lucky.

Blame that one on Micth McConnel. The COVID relief could have kept going, if not for the republican senate denying it, while at the same time giving massive tax breaks to the companies that were making the pandemic. Dont give me that conservative BS.

i disagree with you, and you getting mad about it is not gonna change my mind. and it is probably not gonna change annyone elses mind either.

Good. I hope it doesnt, and that is reflected in this election....ya know, or...people die. 🤷‍♂️

bullshit, if your policy recomondaions are recomended by sciience then show me the study. i believe in the scientific method. show me the study. i have no problem with admiting that i am wrong and that i fucked up prove me wrong

in the end we can all post links supporting our views, but show me hard science that supports present policies. this is a new event there is very little hard science about it.

do not think that stopping economic activity does not have problems. crime & violence are a direct result of having no other options. people will do what they have to do to survivie.

my point has not changed the value of presoent policy is still being scientifically debated. there is no hard science one way or the other.

panic helps no one. and shuting down the economy has consequences and cost to workers and the poor. who do you think are most hurt by an economic downturn. who do you think is most hurt by shuting everything down. it is not the rich, or people in the government, those people get paid no matter what happens. the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.

i respect your right to disagree with me. but if you believe in consent, and not force. then you have to convice me that i am wrong, and find a way that we can work togenther. or you can just be authoritarian and try to use force to make me comply.

Man, if you are completely blind to everything @ali Pointed out earlier...or what EVERY SINGLE HEALTH AUTHORITY ON EARTH has come out with over the past 8 months...there is nothing...Nothing, we can do to help you understand the severity of this situation.

Same thing I say to people on social media.

*I wont do your fact checking for you*

Jump onboard the Trump Derailment Train, bro, cause that's where we are headed, face first into ballast.

Ya. I know. My post sounds angry, it sounds condescending....that is most likely due, in part, to my personal experience with this virus that people of your midset choose not to comprehend.

We (most sane people) have tried to put forth solid, scientific arguements. Yet somehow (Satan save 2020), they have fell upon deaf ears. So this is what you end up with.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Literally none of the links you posted are peer-reviewed scientific studies.
thank you, i opened those links and immediately cringed.

@obey no one: "DO YOUR YOUR OWN RESEARCH!"
(immediately links to two of the trashiest 'medical' websites he could find on google supporting his opinion with unverifiable references)


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
i respect your right to disagree with me. but if you believe in consent, and not force. then you have to convice me that i am wrong, and find a way that we can work togenther. or you can just be authoritarian and try to use force to make me comply.

This is a societal issue, not a political one. This comment continues to show that your attitude toward the safety of other people around you (not to mention other travelers, who are incredibly more at risk than housed up, financially well off people) is alarming.

(immediately links to two of the trashiest 'medical' websites he could find on google supporting his opinion with unverifiable references)

Careful, man. Your computer might get the Corona Virus...🤒


Well-known member
May 30, 2018
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Kansas City
Came here for a traveler's update on virus prevention but I think this thread IS THE hot take. Even my friends who work in health care still have colleagues who don't take it seriously and American exceptionalism has given the Obey No Ones of the country a green light to fuck us all because freedom or whatever.

Maybe it's because I wear a mask for work... no, I don't work any more because people could not be bothered to wear fabric on their face for a month or two like NZ. There are some places in the world that are done with this. I heard about a supervisor-level employee who was banned (unfortunately not fired) from the NIH in DC because they refused to wear a mask. That's the motherfucking NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH.

I personally think most anti-maskers are afraid of looking weak. That's the only reason not to wear a mask and be a proud asshole about it. I'm not arguing about science with you - I'm calling you a coward.

The only thing we can control is our own behavior and I choose to protect the people who I care about and that includes my neighbors and strangers.

So I finally got to leave Washington DC. As a strategic move, I came to Miami. Yeah it's Florida, but mask fatigue is real and everyone up north is huddled indoors just as summer is ending here. My hope is not that Florida will be safer, but that it will be easier to physically avoid people.

If you are struggling, send me a PM. I'll be an ear to listen... because there ain't anything else going on.

Glass Roads

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2019
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Pullman, WA
All possible health risks aside, if your state has mandated wearing a mask due to a perceived threat, and you walk into a business not doing that, i would say you're being an inconsiderate asshole.

Once again, all health risks aside.
If the state you are in is mandating masks in public spaces, such as in many parts of Washington (or possibly the whole state?), then that means there are fines to not enforcing this, and some government worker is gonna come around and check and give out fines to the businesses that don't comply. A few shops here in eastern Washington have already dealt with this.
When you walk into that store without a mask (right passed the big sign on the door that says they are required), you are making the employee (mostly minimum wage employees) choose between arguing with you and possibly getting shit from their boss, and letting you shop so they can maintain a job and just hope the inspector doesn't walk in. The owner of the business has to chose between possible fines and making their employees feel unsafe, or losing their customers in the midst of shit economy already. Is the supposed hysteria the masks are supporting really so effective that this 'protest' is worth it? I see flags every day, doesn't make me a fan.

Social distancing could lower the amount of customers you could have at one time. Shorter hours and inability to operate under covid guidelines will hurt some. Complain about these all day if you want.

But for the grand majority of the population, a mask is such a minimal thing.

So if you are some perfectly healthy individual who risks the jobs and financial security of small businesses to arrogantly flaunt that you think covid is blown out of proportion, I have to question your true intentions when you bring up concerns about the economy.

Maybe no one in this thread does that, but it's a trend that I notice that I'm growing increasingly frustrated with.
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High mileage, good condition.
Sep 9, 2019
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Hurley, NM 88043
@ali, Thank you for your eloquent and informed response to this issue. You and the others are correct; the real point of all of this is whether or not we care enough about our fellow human being to do the most basic things to protect them. I think everyone here is making it very clear where they stand. Spread the word.

@obey no one, We aren't angry, maybe confused and irritated by your responses since 220,000 dead and climbing should speak for itself. We love you man and we don't want you to get sick and we especially don't want all the grandmas and grandpas and already sick people out there to die because of your ill informed opinion. It really isn't asking much to do some very simple things. We aren't forcing you, we are on our knees begging.

No one is advocating a shutdown or the fall of civilization. We just hope wearing a mask and social distancing and handwashing is something you and the rest of us can put up with until we get better control of this bug. It costs little and there is good evidence that it does help. Folks here have provided a lot of very accurate and useful information. I suggest you read as much of it as you can. We love you. Peace and be safe.

Deleted member 23866

Thanks so much for this post ... Man, it is so disappointing seeing people around my age (20-30yr olds) be so cavalier about this thing. Even people who don't die from COVID (including young people!) are experiencing serious long-term consequences — increased risk of heart failure, permanent lung damage, and the like. Sure this is hard for everyone but it's not like pretending everything is fine will make it go away. Sucks that we live in such an individualistic country.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2018
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There has also been a lot of observance of less detrimental cases because people were exposed to less of a viral load. This has been cited as being due to masks being worn, because while prolonged exposure to infected air in a unfiltered space can go through a mask of lesser quality than an n95. People in masks could still catch it, but a viral load would be lesser than direct contact from someone's sputum like say a cough, sneeze, or spittle coming out in prolonged conversation.

My best guess is anti-maskers take the fact you can still catch a lesser viral load of the infection as meaning the wearing of one is pointless.

This article has the best visual understanding.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2017
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Naples, Fl
Hello everyone, I've been a traveler on this site for a while. I initially didn't believe the covid was real or mostly thought I was immune. Then I got it in July. The initial infection wasn't so bad. I lost my sense of smell and minor upper respiratory issues. The post infection is terrible. I have Brain fog, migraines, and and sore throat. I'm going a bit insane. I'm half what I used to be mentally. I was perfectly healthy 39 year old male who hadn't been to the doctor in 15 years and am currently working my way through this disease. It's bad. It's real. Not fake news. Wear masks, social distance, get vaccinated when possible. I've been brought to my knees crying like a bitch... I am not weak. This thing is real.
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