when did you realize you weren't normal?


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2021
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idk. sometime in hs i began to feel bored to tears by most everything. started cutting class by myself to go skateboard/wander around/ read at the park. at 19 cut contact w friends and family and went homeless bc i wanted to find people that were interesting/inspiring. homeless youth and old timers alike did that well enough for me for awhile. stimulating conversations.. then got bored again and started riding freight. some years later realized i must have some pretty hardcore adhd. as i get older though it has grown slowly easier to, well, slow down ig.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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For me the realization was about understanding that I'm extremely introverted and a tad bit misanthropic rather than realizing I'm weird or not normal. I like people on an individual basis but prefer to be alone. I've gotten along with all types; squares, weirdos, and everything in between, at an equal rate. But I have felt like people tend to lose their authenticity when part of larger groups.

The easiest way to say it is I'm not lonely when I'm alone. It's easier. A big chunk of the allure of travelling was knowing I could go walk around in wilderness by myself for months and not have the emotional toil of managing relationships.


Banjolele Strummer
Jul 25, 2023
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Half being queer, half having ADD. I was weird af as a little kid. I loved all kinds of grotesque and macabre stuff, super sensitive and cried or raged at the slightest little prodding. Parents tried to medicate me into zombiedom. Teachers hated my guts cus I was so hyperactive / couldn't pay attention or sit still. Born outsider, through and through. Both the queer/ADD has kept me on the margins. I can't sit still in life in general. Can't stand working the same job or living in the same place for too long. Can't stand anything for longer than a few months. Older I get, the worse my outlook is though. This is fine when you're in your 20s but I'm creeping up on 40 and have nothing to save me from dying on the street. No career, no savings, no partners, no stability, I have nothing. If I could have been normal I would have. Being a weirdo freak ain't what it's cracked up to be. Just leaves you with nothing but regrets on the margins with no way back in.


Student of the Dhamma 🧠🧘☸️
Aug 13, 2024
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Normalcy is indeed a myth, but since most people are ok with conforming to whatever someone else says is proper, and what the system conditions them for, they never even discover theres an alternative, or alternatives

I was never such a person, even as a kid before I knew anything about the world, I wanted to understand why something was being done, otherwise I wouldnt want to do it, out of sheer dislike of the disrespect that was given to me to just blindly swallow whatever was put in front of me, because no one wants to explain things to a kid, just do what youre told, unruly child

This curiosity annoys people very much, unless you use great effort to word it how others like, they just want you to shut up and do what the rest are doing, conform, fit in, dont stand out, stop wasting time...

I always knew I was an alien, because my desire and need to come to the bottom of things (the truth) was so important to me

This is also why when I found the Buddhist teachings, I knew I was never the alien, 2600 yeara ago the Buddha already was just as stubborn to discover the truth. Just that the systems now are designed in a way to get us as further away from that as possible, realized people pose a serious risk to established systems and the status quo. No one respects children and no one respects curiosity, the academic system is designed to break all this and make you into a drone, 9-5, profit, repeat

It just shows, how absurd it is, that having this natural curiosity is branded as not normal in todays society and unless you dont conform you are the alien, the weirdo and the problem maker

I envy all the kids born into environments where their natural affinities get explored and not instantly graded and ranked and balooning the ego and cutthroat competitiveness and anti-community in preparation for the capitalist machine
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Aug 12, 2024
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East Tennessee
I was about 17 found out that I like to wander and travel, never really fit into the social normal. did a good job of blending in but never really felt like I fit in to any group.


Dec 17, 2024
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was it a long, painful process of trying to fit in or have you always known?

bonus: do you think anyone really is "normal"? does their inner soul truly resonate with social norms, or have they just conformed?

it depends on what is meant by "normal". If you're talking about fitting into society- well, I haven't been able to do that since I was ten years old, lol. I became a punk at 14 and went on my first hitchhiking trip at the same time. I easily accepted the removal from the norms of society, I always knew that this would happen.
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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2021
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im neurotypical but super introverted as a result of spending most of my childhood pretty much alone, with both parents fairly low intelligence. its a common thing, young people that eventually just needed to get away. and although its a generally good thing to leave toxic situations and a sure sign of strength and good genes to be able to bring themselves to do so, in the long run it only compounds certain problems intrinsic to those circumstances — maladaption, stunted social maturization, trauma that takes years often decades to work through and overcome, newer unforseen issues that have manifested with societal changes in general.. a lot of us learn to pretend to be crazy as a defense mechanism, personas we forget to turn off etc..

not to paint everything with my own brush, wanderlust is by no means necessarily the result of negative events / shit upbringings. its kind of also just something a lot of young people have inherently and many of them leave a perfectly healthy space just bc they decided something different could be cool for a minute too.

where was i going with this. right. yeah i guess i would call myself neurotypical. just another basic white dude that couldve had it worse fs
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Vampire Nomad In Training
Jan 14, 2025
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New Orleans, LA
I was an emotionally disturbed kid. I remember back in elementary school this feeling of being sucked into a cage. Like it was starting come over me. All of my friends controlling my actions and behaviors. It absolutely terrified me to death.

I left and went to another state, then after that point stayed in my head until i finally got out of school. Only much later when I attempted to take on a full time job and rent did I realize it was societal pressures and expectations that made me feel so miserable.
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New member
Jan 23, 2025
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Somewhere in Nevada
was it a long, painful process of trying to fit in or have you always known?

bonus: do you think anyone really is "normal"? does their inner soul truly resonate with social norms, or have they just conformed?

Ever since I could remember. A lot of the kids around me were little twerps and othered me for no reason, even at time time I was pretty ' normal ' for a lil kid. A mix of that, undiagnosed ADHD, and being a victim of unmonitered internet access led me kinda being conditioned to thinking I was normal and trying to remain so even though it hurt. Then the drugs happened and when they helped me realize 99% of my pain was from attempting to conform even though I wasn't normal. Then it wasn't any big surprise when I started being how I wanted to be and found that I was feeling genuinely happy... go figure.

As for the bonus question, I believe that while ' normal ' is a relative term and there are no ' normal ' people I feel like there are people who genuinely enjoy living normally because that's how their brain is wired. However there is also an unhealthy mix of people who simply conform and keep their true selves in the closet.

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