I first met Dave Wyndorf of Monster Magnet in 1981 when he was in a kind of pre-hardcore/post-Ramones "combat"-themed band called
They used to play a fair amount of shows with a band i roadied for, The Minx, who were two bluegrass gals who discovered the punk rock, and realized that, as blugrassers, they could play
way faster than the Ramones etc. Nice dude, but a total Neanderthal, who hated people that smoked weed (that apparently changed).
But good to see actual senior citizens, Dave being three years older than me, getting respect here.
Meanwhile, i am listening to this: 1973 Aussie tank-top mullet-kings, and MC-5 fanciers, The Coloured Balls, with "G.O.D." ["Guitar O.D."]"
Punk rock the way grandpa used to make, if he was Australian and a "Sharpie" (kind of like a punk a little too early and way too unfashionable).
Heavier than whale-shit, harder than most.