Here's my roadie - she's seen many a touring mile and has never failed me - had her out a bit this year but not for the near miles I've done in previous years. My business has overcome me

So she is sitting on the trainer to use but I'm thinking of selling this one off and buying new in the Spring --- looking for inspiration I guess. She comes with back rack, trunk, back panniers and full lights front and back. Cool ass bike I've traveled with. Have many miles on her!
These are my other mtb bikes that I have not touched in a year <cry> Blue specialized is my main commuter - I've rebuilt this one several times - snow and water take tolls on the cables, pads and everything else underneath the bike. The Giant is my off road playtoy. It's a dual suspension with disc brakes and those brakes give me issues.
In shop for repairs/upgrades I could not do. And when I had some more spending cash lol. I run maxxis tires now.
Used to have this one - which I WON from a Newport cigarette company of all things - worth then probably $650 plus. It was a folding bike that accompanied the Hummer Sport edition vehicle when they came out. Bike was originally designed for the air force in desert storm. It's a folder bike - pretty cool - but man alive it was HEAVY - it was a tank - but so awesome when I was out at night riding with my wild crew (Tour de Bar - sometimes 30 wild mtb people riding with full lights at 10 at night in the city - down stairs, up parking garages, accidents --- lots) Bike was stolen by gang of bike thieves who were working the area. Eff you who ever got this bike.