not sure what the weather & evening skies are at the moment, but this is going to last for a bit..
should be a bit pretty, if you have the time to meditate on it..
the earth is beautifull all the way around..
see if you can feel the trees, or what the ground beneath the snows says..
i have a hard time in the city, but if you're there, definitely head out & about..
i'm not making light of yer SAD, but.. man.. if you can do anything to keep the circulation going, do it..
cabin fever *sucks*.. if there's a farm around, or a 4H, & you're not working, maybe you could help out with the livestock.. or an animal shelter.. be near things that are alive & give you feedback..
maybe even get some flowers for yourself..
but whatever you do, *don't* stare at the fucking walls..
everyone has a right to try & be where they want to be, & if you hate where yer at, for whatever reason, then get somewhere else, if you can..
but if you *have* to be where you are, try to look at it as *waiting*, not as being restrained..
spring isn't very far away, & after the 21st, the days will start getting longer..
but be as active as you can..
anyways.. sorry you feel shitty..
hope you find something that gets you feeling a little better..