The most batshit wingnut I've ever met and he wasn't in the slabs

The Hiker

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2017
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So I'm on a plane from san diego to seattle the day after jambo (which was fucking incredible by the way) and my seat is next to this 6 foot 8, clean cut serious looking guy who says he's a pilot for big cargo planes. 10 minutes into the flight he asks if I'm a christian, and taking Cornelius's advice about messing with people's beliefs, I say yes. What comes out of this guy luke's mouth for the next 2 hours is the biggest collection of crazy I've ever heard from one person, ever. I had to write it all down afterwards, and the list goes like this

-ww3 against israel and america soon
-the end times and book of revelation is at hand
-there will be the mark of the beast, an electronic implant that steals your soul to satan
-A one world religion and dictatorship will be set up, led by the antichrist, and anyone who resists will be beheaded
-obama is the antichrist
-1000s of babies are murdered every day by abortion and a fourth of all humanity has been aborted
-the ruling class is planning on reducing the world population to about 500 million through vaccines and medicine
-there are niflim half demons living in antarctica and the amazon and they're in cahoots with the iluminati
-california will be the next sodom and gamora (the city, not the superhero)
-anybody LGBTQ is a soulless servant of the devil
-there's nothing beyond earth in space except "the firmament" basically flat earth
-and a shit ton more about how wicked the world is nowadays

There were several moments where I got really close to losing my shit and dropping the act but I didn't, just barely.
This was a surreal fucking flight, and the weirdest part is that I would've expected a mofo this crazy at the slabs, not on the way home from them.
I also think I indirectly convinced him that he's the next john the baptist


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 17, 2016
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This long dusty road
Sounds like you bought into it, or at least, made him feel good. Why didn't you bring up some questions to him? I bet you were just beside yourself
I've met many people who in one way or another think this way.
It's nothing new.
So, grow a pair, and next time, state your beliefs, contradict what you will..
Don't just agree and then bring it to "us" we weren't there.
If this guy sees this post, after you kissed his arse, the next time he sees you he'll think what a pussy you are.
Stand up and fight for what you believe in.
Maybe then we'll have some good jargon to choose from....

The Hiker

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2017
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Sounds like you bought into it, or at least, made him feel good. Why didn't you bring up some questions to him? I bet you were just beside yourself
I've met many people who in one way or another think this way.
It's nothing new.
So, grow a pair, and next time, state your beliefs, contradict what you will..
Don't just agree and then bring it to "us" we weren't there.
If this guy sees this post, after you kissed his arse, the next time he sees you he'll think what a pussy you are.
Stand up and fight for what you believe in.
Maybe then we'll have some good jargon to choose from....
Goddamn that was quick to judge, I brought up my own points but a fucker this crazy wouldn't change his mind for anything. There's no fucking way I "bought into it" and I called him out when I could but he just kept reciting the same shit over and over


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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
i knew one guy like this who was essentially going to martyr himself in the name of the unborn / aborted children

yep anytime i tried to challenge this guy holy fuck i have never had someone talk over me so damn fast and loud, what a wreck


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 17, 2016
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This long dusty road
Hey man hold up now, I ain't judged you I just see how you wrote it.
It seems you had your tail tucked.
You obviously wanted us to comment so therefore I commence to give you my view.
In this world nowadays, you'll find people have a variety of viewpoints and different experiences..
For the most part I just accept their angles for . 02 what its worth.
Not much, most of the time.
Shine on, you crazy diamond :)
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The Hiker

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2017
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Hey man hold up now, I ain't judged you I just see how you wrote it.
It seems you had your tail tucked.
You obviously wanted us to comment so therefore I commence to give you my view.
In this world nowadays, you'll find people have a variety of viewpoints and different experiences..
For the most part I just accept their angles for . 02 what its worth.
Not much, most of the time.
Shine on, you crazy diamond :)
OK I got you now, you're partially right because I was thinking about how good a story it would make


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Ya, arguing with people like this has like, 0 potential of either: you winning, him seeing things any differently, or either of you being comfortable for the ride.

Fuck arguing with people like this. I just tell people that, while I respect their opinions, I am a pagan and will never be converted to anything else. If they persist, I'll tell them to fuck right off

Religion is the damn downfall of this world.

Ezra Fyre

Well-known member
Aug 15, 2018
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New Orleans
Multi-String biblical-conspiracy theorist... Met several... Some have points worth thinking over... Like Vaccines to kill us... Cause, How does Avg. Joe "Really" know what's in a Government needle? ... We're just kinda taking docs word for it, ya know.... Combine the knowledge You Don't Know what's in that "Vaccine" with a (paranoid?) massive distrust of Government, add a dash of cutting edge science - Gene Therapy & POOF! Instant Bio-Warfare, our DNA becomes the weapon. Utilizing the mass-marketable guise of
"saving the population from diseases", (vaccines) DNA-triggers could covertly distribute worldwide...
Imagine using the protein receptors in DNA to turn genetic diseases off or On in people. Realize its already being done... Think how easily the wrong protein could slip into an injection.... Or how easy to taint a whole shipment... Crazy dude on plane, or, bio-engineer??

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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 17, 2016
Reaction score
This long dusty road
IDK if you're talking to me but thanks I admire the thought. Cow Wolf. I've never seen you speak of anything worthy of commenting.
And fuck who gives a shit about your paganism.
I don't
I'm not religious.
I'm spiritual.
And if you don't know the difference I pity your stupid ASS soul.
I could care less.
Fuck you.
You're probably the reason or one of the reasons why good people like creature, gets deleted from this site
You all just can't handle outside or objective criticism.
If I ever see you in person, let's have a real talk.
Unless you run away, like the pussy you are

The Hiker

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2017
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IDK if you're talking to me but thanks I admire the thought. Cow Wolf. I've never seen you speak of anything worthy of commenting.
And fuck who gives a shit about your paganism.
I don't
I'm not religious.
I'm spiritual.
And if you don't know the difference I pity your stupid ASS soul.
I could care less.
Fuck you.
You're probably the reason or one of the reasons why good people like creature, gets deleted from this site
You all just can't handle outside or objective criticism.
If I ever see you in person, let's have a real talk.
Unless you run away, like the pussy you are
Man calm the hell down, you just said that people should stand up for what they believe in, and that's what he was doing

Deleted member 125

you're obviously going through some shit rn @Human why don't you take a deep breath? it's not that serious

if hes going through some shit thats understandable, what im having a tiny problem with is how hes handling it. his actions in this thread, and also outside of it today is what im concerned about. if this continues then yea i guess "another one bites the dust".

@Human i dont want to ban you. i really dont. somebody posting a story about a nut job they met and you replying with comments that wernt well received kinda makes you seem like the one who doesnt handle outside criticism well. you mention people not being able to handle objective or outside criticism but yer response to being handed the same criticism is to act like a child? fuck man. and then the "durr say it to my face tough guy" comment at @Coywolf ? where did that come from? and nah, people like coywolf wernt the reason creature was banned, people like creature are the reason creature was banned. feel free to PM me if youd like to talk.

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