I started hitchhiking when I was maybe 13-14 years old. Mostly to get around, and go up and down the Oregon coast (I grew up 2 miles from the beach out there.) when I was a little kid, I read these books called the boxcar children (story of orphans who lived in a boxcar) and ever since I wanted to hop a train and travel. Lol I did that in my early-mid 20s. Retired it all at 28 but stayed with seasonal work in Alaska. I'm now 37, about to graduate trade school, and looking to hit the road again or find a series of seasonal work to do for a while. Ordinary life is really hard after all that. It's difficult to relate to anyone, even more difficult to accept a 9-5 with maybe 2 weeks vacation time a year if you're lucky. Life is short, most everyone i love is dead and gone, and I don't want to waste my life working a thankless job just to barely scrape on by.