It's time for a polite piss take
head lowered and back slouched to sneak around bull and/or cops
wears dirty-ass overalls in muted earthy colors
basic bitch camo milsurp bag with straps cut
constantly covered in miscellanious filth due to train debris
dreads and crazy-ass beard, doesn't care
whiskey voice
plays bluegrass with broken banjo, has to put it away when cops come
vocal anarchist
tarp and paracord
perfect hitchhiking posture
wears brightest colors possible in order to attract maximum attention
expensive REI pack (financed entirely with driver kickdowns) covered with straps that dangle to the ground like Spanish moss
showers every day because he's housed up every night
short hair, clean-shaven, wants to look good for the Fotos he's sending to his mother
exotic accent
bumps sickass Dutch techno all hours of the day, cops can do nothing
votes Green
deluxe tent