starting a squat


The Necromancer King
Nov 22, 2010
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Brooklyn (but not hipster Brooklyn)
Website can look up adverse possession for whichever state your in, i know each state has different laws on it, most are 10 years and you can wind up getting the title to the land or home.

Yeah, most are 10 years, but some states like PA are douches. 21 years. Others I heard are 7. I think that's California. Its fucked up how diverse the laws are.


Active member
Sep 29, 2011
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here's a link to a great easy to read discussion of the legal terminology involved. its specifically advice for property owners in the state of TN, but i would imagine many of the same concepts (color of title -v- no color of title, etc.) apply everywhere to one degree or another.

the interesting bit is that there are apparently 2 forms of adverse possession. if one possesses what appears to be a lawful title and is paying property tax, maintaining the place, etc., its only 7 years. but if you don't have this it would require 20 years and even then might not result in your favor.

thanks for the heads up on 'adverse possesssion' never woulda thunk to google a phrase i didn't know about before i read it here.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
May 16, 2011
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State of mind
How do you start squatting? You start sleeping and living someplace you're not supposed to. If you need more advice there's this cool website called "squat the planet" where you can look through the "squatting and alternative housing" section for advice and experiences.

I love this notion people have that in every city in america there's Anarchists holding down multiple long term squats just looking for anyone with a black t-shirt and punk rawk hair to move in. Squats tend to be dirty, utility-free places that half the time are more trouble than just crashing out under a bridge. You wanna live this hipster vision of modern squatting, go to europe where there are actually laws protecting squatters.
Wouldn't have said it better myself, Tho it is a fun project to work on and gives more excitment then trollin' the bridges in every city you go to. Try just setting up some really nice Hidden backwoods campsites, Or *cough Cough* FuckN' Treehouse forts shit damn kids, That i think would be the prime setup ya know, FuckN treehouses hidden throughout the states with regular tennants or passerby's so there is no vandalism other then our own. Got a little solar panel and a car battery, Bam Music fuckN' treehouse punk shows foo'

Squatting aint just pissin in your girlfriends sleepingbag after passin out in a dirty room full of rigs that you call home.


Active member
Sep 29, 2011
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Wouldn't have said it better myself, Tho it is a fun project to work on and gives more excitment then trollin' the bridges in every city you go to. Try just setting up some really nice Hidden backwoods campsites, Or *cough Cough* FuckN' Treehouse forts shit damn kids, That i think would be the prime setup ya know, FuckN treehouses hidden throughout the states with regular tennants or passerby's so there is no vandalism other then our own. Got a little solar panel and a car battery, Bam Music fuckN' treehouse punk shows foo'

Squatting aint just pissin in your girlfriends sleepingbag after passin out in a dirty room full of rigs that you call home.

fuk ya! i want a treehouse revolution, now!
Aug 7, 2011
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the mistake by the lake
I just picked up a 'zine at an A-bkfair last weekend called "Survival Without Rent." I'm living in a house right now, and I don't exactly need to know this stuff (although I may someday and, at the very least, it's an interesting read), so I don't really NEED it right now. So I could send it to you if you pm me with a mailing address (p.o. box or whatever). It's 54 pages long, and it seems pretty thorough.
This zine is maaaad helpful, i've somehow collected 4 copies of it over the years, if anybody wants a copy throw me a pm


Active member
Dec 23, 2011
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Charleston, SC
The Color of Title requirement is really odd, though it's cool (and surprising) that ignorance to the legitimacy of a legal document is actually defended by the law, especially for something like eventual ownership of property. On the downside, though, the Continuous Use property really blows, especially since it resets if you break your consecutive stream of time squatting the property you want. It'd still function as a ball-and-chain in that sense, which I think would undermine the point of someone wanting to start a squat in the first place (not the whole point, though, if nothing but a fuck load of your time gets invested into it, but I can't imagine seeing someone spending 10+ years in a row in a place and not investing some decent amount of money into it.) Perpetual debt wouldn't be an issue though until property taxes come into play, so hey there's that.

I dunno. The way I see it you'd want to try to do that either if a.) you are absolutely committed to settling down or b.) you have a twin that you could swap places and identities with so you could fool the city/state into thinking that you actually have been staying put for the required amount of time while still getting your train hopping fun time on behind their backs. Sneaky sneaky!


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2010
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kansas city
easiest place to find answers about this:


One does not simply just walk into Mordor...


Active member
Sep 27, 2019
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Roswell nm
Water is usually as easy as opening the valve usually near the sidewalk infront of the house, but is illegal.
Electricity is a little more difficult and also illegal. I don't know the details on that as I pay for electricity.
for electric you can either het a generator from harbor fre8ght or solar panels. to turn on mains you gotta call the electric co and they run a non intrusive checkup. might be snitches though. the key to a good squat is cool neighbors. if your neighbors are your friends youre good.
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